More* 4han 11 % of Canadians are on the move P=Uay Canadien - mmp tna r4n ama 1. mU i Ic i hm adle dallée note. dos^ 1* sanlaga cati bu 163w or a vil durap:: MeVumu iled yeu wu do b ta - uei aalrasakman a ~ ia urmmu tixa.t &aRU Of du.l 9 16ea aoorl tea a~ mhm ud boabe bpoIdl: ay id dmeut molqb=vm Me . n Labout "ty cociduteil finr Ryder by The Dur, e of nai c eiea m et mutir louer Rlydu'sa .nwy allont dut bord&h ùMW eand ii -eary u-Ummv Wiin h ocal or a.e*way truc" dulmts~oihzu In a sllale atuy, Ryder foid do-bt- novea h. Oux d _________________ C youneii amya vii savse, an avumèe of 54 JaPau en andL amls atudi a 73 par cien by HO ' M 'ft ai oni brger ruwug a brucit vira miumpared ubir tue tiâcâ mey prwlde ee graister sa t mat ai iusng a wummerclial van "Io n. thor supl lisP1 g' Pter aid d i _ _ _ ONCE SCOTT REAL MTATE IFÇC z one beoum tire mation's mnaW céte bowa rirai for saiff omraal JIMMEDIATE POSSESION I - . xaim efecie "1 vr *iai ft any -iow volet o fi kao latidr -." oit: * RtcnmRoas Ilt tehaend Wet bu * Aidas onmb pialr ka Mnyme bamc à tipgadu Thi. w"a pecked hom mini t old' Donmi attia Oi*W enid ui fo Ruburn MUku et 87111711111, E9JO parlydi . tu Mbiia vmr anuntoi b., rtabta fo eS o. .aaa ENJOvli th. me O achysît bWIU Im tih. cot 11-1-osi kt"y rOUM~ opomi Jtt. m trioi 3-4 ai aQahPus JOvoeSCOT 878-1526 m12 valoftiut anod alalicii 1990 W orr vant flnuandiM"d rentai uttpu in nine mapor Canudien c"o ft destn.rsmle averge atas Mor 10 inter- ny man mmgmg ram 600-kld ut tramcondoumetal Vamcaivew-Toromt trip oevering nmmty 5.lW kilamneters The atudy tound do-ot-yourusl truck nrena vira atum a typeral tir,,- bedroono houseirold pay an aerag ai $1,535 for a ome.vay move ai LOdI kiomeMn viril tyôcl uonical van tines wil ckarge aotS3390 or $1.815 mone, (or tire saine trip. If uil-nwmivr airuld show a day Wo pada. j&trime dai" for the 2 0-i etrip, an amoder day ta uwock at dhiu dtinia- Il . isho Savmng gaaud froin do-t-yourueh loA momd (160 kionntters or lest> arm aiwseub- hitdat. Local Ryder deslers cen offer amy roa 1sv a te'red taduunelo- toa.. Destis con alto provide snoving acSs- sort..ll rsngtng front boxes and tape to bandl trucbr for movrng fi appliammos. tr=ui ot àv major tactor in cirooslng renai tuno oervan fineu, tire populartty ai consumer tnok rentai nuy refflent oncress- tmg osturumer prefeuenoe for due addtonal mnoalng servical provided by truck reti cool-. 1'enple avant veiidu witr due igkit capteaty te, harodie thesr householal oids andl otire foaturs nlotr usuchly toumal « thirt bsodi-n- lau', tuk." Mr. Box iad.i EXExcarout OtJMJTy. I8 lW, rm .tmonglp and aaîa iitt to bod ibr i ird timthle in Campbellvillt Emi.. Ffliurtt lot Rutatt10 1,1 tr i end l0 t.o6.1 's«9.900 ot. rsol oviumrt Cal Sbol rm*orJacnîtte toatta lit t daea 049 weaaoa CENTtRY STONE aMUE bain tpots 3 buotem haine tit,% btattoom pioîscrat pîna li r Sriirta ie,@, aktirietiem 011= turfice îtaii LvAplt Mot Foi -om Salattail W J (Jett MtC,rrttan B." ISS h2i4 r l2sO UiOrt lit Le falagertouxir 1 a ai 1t IL loi tani-Mi a biaiSaii If,* W"ti a ler tambtka m aa wSua m Ma tW Ligne 55 tFao mmt ta" a* Stt Sa" 054 ait a vat. ta umm a #W aW k Othylt. &MM@ StUtt Te le »W "MtiiW t a amai OCT RoM THE BUD.a e. iv. troma in Campbt a Pricot t 14%.00 10vWp e ch sx ma#e S V4. M a on tht tiar Sie ,ila limn beuwenw & 'm lm, bàimai "MW on isp. tat 2 ~Me fi rpit. ta" a wa 3cS sae.w nou m" ira ~. ut lae avpîacrist qiVAW TîIor ttofltry 10 inga y" Matelt "Pub"na Cd 70 AFFORDABLE TOWNHOUSE $139.900 Ths 3 bedaý clt. Wood home has a e ayolM Eat-in kilchan, walk-out flrin living roomn to- lully fenced yardw and dock. fjnished bassientl & iO privais drive. Condo rose n-, b. $95 O0month. Contact W.J. silriW ,ack> McCrÙddeon Brojter for "wem more doails about PU ti2 anaclaf ..tu*om-Itmm AT iffllitL lm -s fflmi rOavi taii btta. ujt Iatva am latt, -Mise om0 G a 1AS K-1.1111111 Etrécatha tyle ipacla bona af àwq caM wm lm" 0"st lulma d gab -M ft Ptes t k lnrégle reau eUb à mot ha, U.a T *W jt-m v * m au THE COT1111111i ci. Sa i amvatt la I qta Plima .. oýa flte MMa u etrff 3 »arMn. 3 vtthfflca. àt recetaëi t4at naM. t Mc "ta. 2 -eate à m â- -u Pd LM i tM cma yh u MMi a irukrvtar sattt .=la i 1t, taa, ibhkhat lai ai Wbl ci ha ta nouas Ota~ lrcp te a Si $W saet utNS M MN" -mtbéat 2 toI haSt à a huit aenaisnt t a swe ast aiuate mmi liste ==Pe hergak Ma~amA mi Daeia-t _ I I j - J FINN MADSEN 3*fl5 DENNIlS DLPANTE' 824-5W4 TEFFY FULTON 'ALEX FIE' LINDA MoHUGIF JI ARMSTRONG 741-90 O5TIIIE TAYLOR & NAME MMff an REALTY WORLD W.J. Vic(7rudc4en Real Estate Inc. ,50 Main Stroui East. Miiion &MILTON %IALL KI WE GET RESULTS (416) 876-1133 or Luc P;-, iýffl 1 , ; ;,f -V, , s(,FVýc,