( "Yo)u'II Grow wlth Us!" ,We WiII be cIQsed Waf ch for Our fhIdy 14 - Aug 7 U"*O«ldoeIaIs fr holidays TOP SOI., 9 are sorry for any énuppn SAND, Ii~ vecience thts may cause GRAVEL, J York makes YoQUI' feel goo'd inside.1 SWELLAR 2000" Iîigh efficlency AIM CONDMONING is the hemr of youtr York deales Total Comffort Syngern a Véry quiet operation ENDALE MECRANICAL LmD. IMona - Oeorg.town 873-8884 MbahuIsm'ag - Toronto (418) 897-2555 24 hour emrgoooy m vo maI KETPLACEJ .F.1 uws I"onag fa,' a Cam"S chaneandmrrtwnang 10 Unizwsttui has bren good for nei, n tens of ,.vvating vny knou-k*g and wakang mue more naroeur. Na"r! Smitfrn biesto, Ontaa'o FÀLL SEMEST 1 ER1990 S.ptnib.r 10 - Decefnber 21 Laiu'w ONMf COUrSeSM Od?1 iaoasa<oo." iectus mie al a *ma- ft1v0a Iebecc#ege 'e rere ta 'asip iO.a Cssas are waffladIe loi pan-urne sitass ag Brampa, C-euuna SecOnrý ScNsocw 251 bMMuctly Menue Soiea Braamp2s, Tebscorfsse tr bWiccege oa*se art, Mia Pu ix thes IOcaon h* f.ie Oum unee Lar. eo1 ld classes tha suit loouf nUsua c~~ Juid sctudii »i us Nt 0<.' iinmaa sessca Y'a1piaw on opçorta*iiy 10 gel arfflf 10 quhidcis nd avee staf aïd luIcu par- trff ostut Brng a frui cdedy AUOM 1. lm0 o- mn My (chbg»ouW ârl 150 cor" PIk Orb" ébeaul Raom.S ý Flow 7-:30 -.0 p.m. 1Unierit i toivne 1j, Limousine Service Sfflr Stpvt* d, Formai Làwùs.N-r* N* oiitn tht Towu, *Cn oes~ Iiifl " speialservice for a special occasim- ___ A pca 878-3351 MOLLY MAID lets you be where you waftt to be. If you'd raîlier tue swammàng. soifins, adang or us4 Iying an the warm sua le May1 M4aid do your cleatungor yoa . Mai51, Maa tas are Iudy trumed, bunded and insured proieumadgal who coee tu yOur Swhe n you want them tu brang lher own <leaners Mi4 Mud dors à thorough Pob ci clasw. Thi nduJs the dusing of bae6ards. purtures, Lampshades and furnauu, IY wîil vacuum your ikirsas ve bathroeuns MoIy Muid even s" det ieur wais Maily Muid baives yuur whole houle cal moily Muid am b. aeu wlui Yu _____MMUD wuit go be - - - - -- i LUMERVLLECO. LTD. 0f vism of Ccooevil Lwnbff Lad 318 Bronte St. S., Milton, Ontario 8,76-2525 876-4250 Tor. 858&1231 DRNEWAf F-AER Pressure Tfl.éed SPECIL $9 ~Lumber SPCILlueur' $ 1.45 m 1,0.1' $ 1.75 a Steel 2 rl M' ~<Post 4 SUPERSNKE ICNIC..TABLES (4 It. - 8 ft.) SALE PRICE 11.*. 4x8 Reg.:$ý *". 2x8 Reg. *4.0e.. 1x8 %.g *2.".... MINI TSPoo.ua«n M IM1n CAMH a CMV SPECIAL amieS WHILE Ouut. ILMt ~ ALx I