* lackout stops Héady's in,ýGeýrge town Cimu2uya.ai arum m mtmu r ed inau I* t imme sxyadbx Mil WA oaudtt up te dur it bok ndluh ord Ane20aiuas i,. Mo u heh W h. ffatbUuded ly ieh1. Milo.. e. lo w aloi IOb -A e ing bailii mt-me hgm ~lu 1_0 MUC whuudhlls tom amd faeu ukam amd peu lt away for duha vles t okcl à h à&cxi bth. - th" uCoGisj mmpuaduoiy eP lupim 4)«". Lusmma p#ayod *Iwmd fer eh. fis ehuus w hik ta Oo on amidi h SC a eu" a. Ut iunhatt aludus titis mm &M d a~ fini job, capt iWlHdY's un"bl ta amaym "0 titi= wu. ss i- lu mi. a pus mimd baM ruaa mmm pl aon eh saY. Tl ba " imwij odilL V mamei itl eUlh rduiii w M adimu 0itk egv l.a4 Tbhs .mdi çondmsad emlpiy Isad and Pose muCàWadot aise i n ae J'a «*u»r uJ'a l. ~ n e. pm aid Nap aglIR hammarm bonne as uot m h l im amdlm.u io ba MoM fuemeolrt àksoiss pu f1ma Ap1 i anud -hof de T minueshm KaAptdroe a squéd " dsa" ho ft frevery bai Oidas WM mo marher Fisdys titair burt S"a in tmth lit id I M th éon a 'rwwow " r2shco e t. un i mh kIdci hum KCap hm W.HCh.y wU 40.Iduys eismefimishewl as Mkbie Vus Mea s &wuadi srmmm kick n midw toiso laôwi~ du lU-ywim Cnmmmvm loc md dul oal te nukit 15. , = ina omcp pmumsd dhalbmE, Misa. (amu Doitsme amm b.s Aiv sub- A seul lite, du taent temymi l io5uipeosn lýt It bit a da midradckw hd ved ii mou mu orudoad alr But lose to BraMpton .-. 1 Ufider 13s-shine in 2-0 win pver Clarkso.n la raie ato Uospou into Milon'ty powt uldinl territorial plyand Me/mxwm f ý maeipi Keait opinaidu kepa ~as t aedu ba i n due offeive a 1. ovi u Rep occer ulame uamm'"s dtbas=mulchams oa zaene fo uAm ues. m =auk un'hdo %%M el r serin a mbeh u u m w D M es VM4d om n theïr is played garn but loing 3-2 ai hom Scete smeVa sodmn attadiand teck a"14 li. Fabio aaierapeort dlmt p l ub. loed kmt Mallette alestly Peato cehMW àgoal toe e up for Mlonsummerucrd m stdsbath acial pomns hn Mileon's et- Iumc on à miplaysd bail by the Milton off an indract fre kIi es up at te seins, titis losu and mmm tempe to finise ftxst ottralM. cImeIakSper ad rolbhi amatier by CnesGifh Sateu hallf du.s whldm louves due tm sucx poie Coasdering thu mouegth of their low duo moto due badj of te net. ended ionlke finlis Off ts bockhoI lezgu hasE Irml odur erfoma= e Milton should Although flot tateil uwrely, Mil- phu te put him M la htl ontmtd.close division have hada ahcubs eslly. If not ton kusper Doyd Lampera mode the him could mut hagon ta the 2-1 mconaitmmoey lma prtvanted thse for thma. two gamuu Miltoa. would hi luy sève whaîi iided and goi gre lead. hosever Irmt ecutai t Rmham humm keepig pice selith due o àai of pont behiid the fin suppet fron luillek Kevin Devis,= ith k frontrunnaer. The mm has omae aropît rat f McL&Ügahlir ,,e Dhigon = If, e ch min durà somne excellent maios titis selon. la darkson d. u mi battea and Drmt Lwis t e tebieut. mnaria miW Milton lou 3-2. partmcslarya anm maia thet hrougb 66 minutes oflscorlesplay Lianstra cotna p lay wefl. Ht U*doe '48 Pick t Wn Iu =otmof O lsu. wbea muddtsly eue poals seithin a i. isenhshutout i23 F Thse 3-2 lm itmnsat Bam n and minuête by Winger Shawn Kiki aid lene a i ioratm ilton's Canadien Mmr under 16L an ailet3-1diue yCladaw r milder Keth Mallette put the APnt ÎaFeo et, a tam itosted Dbdéet Thompuoifll -[ lait ek and tainte away seith a Weil *Friendship tourney the blggst 'ver dept iisvw hsa n l Mltone Youtit Socoe Club cosabined wit due Mil- Siiville truckt fsr two quicit goais tu jeak out a win Mi sources. ton Opmiit Club te hast due laigest af the sixtit annul la the titird aie tt alpoti uer! a maofactor At no dame during due cmat dii Friendmketp Tounimnts leut saeeaday Scarborougb h i tZfou bt finaJl mc*g-M .ta Mulee ever look la troubwa Demst- Tourneinmi t ian Ômte Pent otgmnlzed due comn- p à~i pair of pomesbut ould sot tce nid ha- j'14 slbl Ti Deul.Jota. Piamnan. petibn mn four agi divisions involvng 16 teins travail- Scrboroughmn ontani t dis m Streais lie InSmer aid McalCliddon coin- Ci ing humn as far mway as Beleville. Whc mmdun i m eild seodtih Milton third. pleteily ckbu due Dixit foreads and guarantsed titr asi n lahd round robin format lision stamted ai e urigbt mute seith amM vlctary due visitors haIl. ln the under 14 divion MlltDa's Madison Chemnical Oskvllle hat wera hold te a mca drase b Tht teritorial aivantage di flot f«e turn nMmm a Belleville, Niemarkt and Waoolseici. Cambridge and irapptd a 3-0 decis te loo slusej scartimmusi =mdl a Ryan Milmmues gans plan, te mse m trly aid ohmw eseat atoldng 90 par cent of due play ln hoth McLaam ptnlt dufun àu aà tailomti for round robin ply. Mle ispatchrîg Wool- Watwrloaune the divisionsl champéonaiip selth two aI e.ntMitmstMnm du once 64 icta up0 aC I l goalsyin elinlal- i ad atewi Cmrdre fnset th ia eldus scamdae. lga = = 49h ilO goalsllail lwh~esr il Neeaia suein ut i d a t hltabdfini si h goal fl ona ci go 10eeing one. Th bynsCnd ndr1 en ad smmilar ngmidway tlerough th du um ill1a Tifu goalýs s ed du chaminashlp and Bel- probleins ad m a scorelese dr W loa I McL7ja asain mcoeii hum aàa4e levilli. s el ntaica 2e0- mcmd. claimai econd aidai-1. de seiith Woolselch hiloredropping a 10 con shott meai 13-0. place Thty mnanagei a four gSh te acm sprmd. test ta Newmarkt Ntwmarket conma omit on tpadu Sui Faulhmur, Big Gilldes, Suan Tés- Induhmîmmier 12 division Iitnpnlmoseed umele division sella an uabitea recod intiser timite ga sem aid Klan aiigit layetll 2-I wen over Guelph. Mmu uoe aie uas hmding Waterloo marnai second plac honuurs aid N(i Mi cap- la defdmmaegil eSmtMc = touard a 3-3 tieie, w th seli ny minutes mn&m tured thrd. Weho dai bi firet shmaut. * ~ I MORNFINGSPECIAL Cinnahnon Bun & Cottes Si." LUNCH SPECIAL Meat Pie or Ouiche Pop or Coffes, Tari or Cookie 02." Milton Mali 'Lo'wiBiUdO 878-1252 MILTON BUILDERSI HARDWAREj FINAL WEEK 20% OFF PRATG LAMBEFrT PiNTS 15WNOIualqAeadIM10,, 878-8812 Mau";; Molle OM: mM RU un SU10 OMM~