%mlo -Fbw Juin oewp Jartu~a OMMoe amm flnb "MOJ' W Sü~ e -@UMM&uga 8~mm'. &Afb 684 nt M 8 Mwmt JA fire sale ok bk 5 PT. BaraurnwouId have Iaiaughad. Hetacrofditpd wt th t! g b c observation duat there', a suckar born avory miute. lmit altitre aaprlce. Tsbachm l*e wtber91m a midyH ka. toaRon PÀe & It la aUm sto n tn Rain expects to b . - ~ fêtW 3, ar cnt aKr"a tx È~~ Oàs ySr up" tb tqtpoints fromlast yeara10.7 cç ent h**a ir * Oneaafthe uboeuctd for th~~ la la i~n. M =oraaad~~ disposai. The cost o<theaon to ba bâilt M haîtqoegd to $6million. Abndy a round of furlous finger Mùg0rqhs broken Mu rtgaadhag hua for the hu<ty newbrennveplcdo taxpayer hadas. Ghima Pelr PoUMOY hm* cridi ,Milionfor ççt Ërenes urmoemdmg tilt landftflygrngunm utnthcourts, potntlul travnue. ocUmul by the neaidlmp to ha conobiuted in souta rural Milton. What il to ha an unpalatbla ô In the gaçurid could be- comne a monty pit. aibeit taniporatly. Howoew ta Camr throaugh with the scherme rens m!uIstàUlay mnore political * wtt! than, sa, far deroretustal by tUme, contan t just ta bicker over who shouMl ba hlanied fqr hat has already gone wmmag. Put simply, laridfiiis ore a sic o xhty in hgit deruiid at present. Usa of landfWai for those outslda the local tax con- munlty (Haltan) should be prlced accordlngly. At a prçmlum * The fat that Halton chýrges out-of-ragion usars for our dump ahould cot bt based oeî what it cosés us ta disposa of our gaihga, but on what il would cost thern for ailur alarna- tla iardm was ot availahia. Mlw situation won't lest In a decàd%9r in theraa.nll ha mataç than enough ovarninent appol landfWU spaca for evtrybody. so it'r hachp ofirfapir. Audmi f provincial recy- ' cling targets calling fori5 per caent 91 waste to ha ra-used sofnehow aretmat, Iandfills witt ha champer stllL At present there as a gartuga dwap drught. if you will, and Halton la sitting on an oasis. Sa lat's pnica the cornmodaty art fossass accorda gly. Thatis not happening. tnasa u *We have agread in picpet ed A onso u landli spaca with othar Toronto area municipalaties. The tant of the agreamnt as almost-apologtic, iwdicatî"g that non-Mal- ton tisers inust 'as aly only absorb tht costsofnewangineer. *,syoun* tAw fl -ut* i ingand slie changes ta accommiodate their wate r ma lui*Pmu é'. uà uteld ld the agatnnt should maka clear thaàt non-Haiton _________________________ usars, wl! pey a suhatantiall higher fat for usag due Milton "dl>n ilo idHlo Pages of the Past Reillatlally, what alternatives do thest othur centres have an the short ttrm? No coatcreta Cnes. and it la an unhappy itua- Net" VA n uFot". qelmaUw MSat m chvinet tion of theïr own crastion through porpanig It %vas Hal- On'e Year Ag . a oe *0 um w.aénia buWeih le ton that for matae than a dSeai years pneeduh struggla Frac the .'i* 1% lâce W Spa bh.' i Wul Am4o"n atmi lài.Aaqps through due convoluttd pnrowWa landE!!! appraval procesa. bl ut hm a à fer Bahn'é MW 10-yme 2 Y Now ra ahautd rapmpwa hanafit frorn that atrugala. . Ow-i i..e. " waor 2 ears Ag. l could rail! Wak aur tax ivnaem. And due ituation woVt ivi u .' wale~. Maer t.Ih. 6w rmi the UIdy z. AI» iome lmt. Cuarrnt àgrçermanw ciii 4or greeter Toto an cont ii..1t PPWt i El ide HrAli a udtiaê fln aadW une b. s.baau mnunitins to dmardump space, aning Haltai, aili ha enitied N Eha8ti..miit" Vii taA" phai -t 'hi. Md, i to 250»MD tonnes of landflI huma others, prenmumbly when aur béai ~ b"i %imm Ubfl Bdàrd&f d W "m 20.-ym ar sie xhawuted.ý a uý 1~f bu va.. bAfi.. bmu at d av~a ibna But sinca by then appraved landlAb wWl ha plentifuL ara Pot fW1. in NOMh Ami tept vii.uvagâ. will haM a commionplaca coattmodity for ont which w stds ffp ta.trié~ à~iihi M»âe - 1ih~ W Swa ora U Paitte mi e-w NuW C origina y ot and rare. And if wç continue on aur pausant gàwmi % ..d& Mater.a W?meigowt. a» "m l emhf oFrM p Cà nbbkmwaehwmnfà u me ridua wd- bd~ Iev7 en dui 0 1 -Onmta Howans Carpe.adS course wa witl seni dut coetly and rata convnudtty fer toa test. livigmanda, Dam wu ta Ne-tm.dlaad 'al « «U P aa baa itduUg &M 'u bai i. chSaply. -b -a". wuia ua..aia u i.Cnau par -mle frvY Mal a Lauvati. lIti.uéal cla" OamPOti ,m mi maa %b tim R"i Burtaneutbrk'k Pud by strn Nease eauu tr1t imin aù u wWan "Y h mave he tb ~~ ~50 Years Agoania J l b .,.h ba a an m o.I. n » OW @ e la. *m mait k* aimn Wu imm. * Va *lla eealwi.t a bock,~ *Mnd an akou im an& taw rmaa n m uS i wda a cid d,-tsia