RO P1. CU U RL E 1. U JILI ' LAND, BEAUlMFII LANI .il79.00. When tur slmp li op - Prices wilPrlse againt Bun noix ad be rady. Lovoly 2-1/2 acre parcel North Aèst 0f Mohawk Raceway. Everlaslin spring, ma- Ku@etrs. open meadoi & lotis-ot froilae With a substantiel down paynln the Vendor ill hod firta mortgage aiIo-1/2%. H»v cati you go wiongi. STONE REGENCY 148 ACRIES Ballai axUeçIO 0f ki rt idi." deaigad uilien. Compbtely racovali miii s&y llghu in caàhodral coitigadichonum. Cubao coutîi- topa top of th@ lino aWpiexcesanmd atrium breakfast room ciii cattout to dock and sura- room anrd aegant living 10mn, large dinlng rtix famtyl romwlih V~aer cating 810ve aid cahotA Io dee Don aid ofico. 3 addition. ai be&rgua. lauzzi ensuite. Extremoly pri- vite situation @qual distance froi 'ergus a Etora. Evat floming crack. iiardioood à ever eaon ecodi. Mon meadoca - Gr'tcubl STONIE CHYRON/ELORA $220.000. For iomeltartg efrety difterent. Formherfy a Presbyterian Churcu - proeertly a pottery shop. An esciting proiect for a rerpovalor with vision. 350C sq. fi. on main floor lots of usable space on balcony, bal tomer amndlouer level. Fabulou as a single tari. home, a Museum, art galtery or fouls borne. Luge ,iui4bdor ou vies onai a hup lot bcking alto paldad tal WU traies. wafm, onfi«tM l tndy room mviii $bo éreçiace. 3 large bethrvorm. net oc Iaundry hai Walkout. large lamify alzed kitcheni Besi location. Oell Tim Nevns. owrier must seii' Was S329.900 NOW $31 4.9W., * 0ÇWOOOOAR $354.000. Attention hara lors"! Privati & very Scanie 11 acre property complote citftlovoly talons, statefy tra$>Ffraddocks 5 horlfé staff brn, dectisimming pool and magung traits. 1400 sq. h. birch bunga. low, rwydOeralud. hqfrood floors, mi- ni.blin Il, =lg and o6ry v;lth rinishod oiçuer levoI. CENTURY 2 NEPCTIJRESOUE ROCK WOOD $285.000. Truiy a geai Lovoeinl ramovat- ad by ils Priemn ousurs. " t retty bunga- flie bouste irne pins floors - deep cndoc sis, dlam foot tub and marly charmvsg tee- tures. Street levai has 2 bedfooms.bath. roonts Il tibrary. A lovelly livng roon custont deslgned kitchen and lovely bath di am- posed stone palis in gardon level- w/a to noix dockr overaotrlmg N4 lreffd baci yard. GOTHIC STONEJACREAGE $750,000. SaUth Of 401 - near the prelty hamiel 0f Aris, 43 picturesque acres ui pond, Streamt, orcttard & brn. The 3100 sq. Il. fatinhouSse Wel baCk frrnm the road, boasts huge kit chen miih original lin Ceilings, partor, large dining raom, cosy familY roant iili uOodstove - 5 bedrooms, 3 bath ont -WON wortha ook!! - i kxcaàOv, - lage P*frlb bot -*pryvwoedoEokcihdd .3 large. bedrom * garage . buetut * lireaie * dole Ioa dmcis PcS 12.000 That sa 1l resom uriy cetl T- NeviU.TW"ys~ cd aoW Cal -rr, NaWWs YCswd be soe </OdYtaxa bock on, "ls h~o"T ,1 -cd1 Mag O>y45e 1 aecoboRjbAL WANTE I aaaserkous queltdîed purchaser lintoeestad on a doffltOffl location, store wit h apartments above. If you pave Wnoru*ig ai de contact Oui, Gal et 878- 2095, WiIIie or Sabrina Essery (416) 854-9963 or (519) 824-9050 Royal City;, Waterloo Avenue Guelph. Brick rae mi. ca gaage en 3/4 am ki PUîo-doji, ain k5c aU, ifving roal, cin NOPmçîac fflkoîA baemenct cvii fiiu M rOom an" 2nd fireplace anck lwo extra beog'm u. t. VcW the. 5 badroorn ryi*.co Ywonne dama.ti 878-2005. BEAUTtRU. ACRAGE Aurelle you custom astate hOrr. ootý inuxtes 10 tOWfl. ttxa mmCI ofrU thé saclusidn one COuldl 1k for, .ndor fs Wdmd in »en Ut 011 -> «dE Cd Cam Gal et 878-2M5Mr -bills.