League's,Pop, is crackting with snappy enthusiasmR Nsdube ae ane ai rmad" ulis Wwm~ ia a by kcm sa bu oesthe ]'rafo aoi<uiFootball of theI xeh.r u tpp 1wut~a M.deatrige thet aund of Mybafh. rn it a.I4 a. me inaitoth nîgni,.*sjm< V~~,dIj.a' .tf ita te rceptunis lu- i la dietigm ____________________ anade.y ciao onivp. Dui the An score in t1ial Wtho ai M 9 «. bisn 'yth b ~ gga? ouseiold of ht eau' snte a Itundy Wumrba' . u lttMCiu', da ou aba pi~ poittia wloaarg quarter of a otwy = 111y t tare u Chdlà*n. 'blrka ise OMM sea a.a ictIa a k à lut-puy pointts ID ___ = B5btt'hay Lokanto pae fi al to ahpaak opt matu îlym dul taiW Th mindio ma * mpote.'a 4sd e sti. ad Uriii tagaita dduuvd fflp quafte ad a" huas lfouie quanta th enaeiat Ei. mii btaatinid -N Oolwqo Wu Pialaoemash buie à 35. they aivuroeu.e a 22-0 ~a Qu Dmali dive mte dufu dgie ane boar bisey' gwuydigun., coui ded D,=- bkMarna iacla big Nadle Howev«,~~uni noRentteegomt ikyt Loto tàl tiaD mir TDs plac 't 'a Illea brio aad vssan Petesr Valy twloi e la th. - never farge'or wiki away front à ollision Dlickan. a M d t snior sa oa n .1up0é Dm ana Md rL id.it l hurthï Ibn it w. tht tht Liiey Fox"Yet heU h. due liri oneý les ntoi lia dut 1h Pte throws an Inter- W~mvaahdtll fumble ou" a ,Ctr "#dniqanY fatAl.,, Ia pick Yeu up caiton bt ut taayM Sa. Johi. Barry ~nMI elei~dii'iiRken ani dua yau off. Tueaual and« Pera titma 'iU' ercea54jou te' --.n- l nueia a A The trut titra = haple lis ta be.hi, .. ripent aici Kevinff Ptnrra Ptiteelaga thotigliha tdu uen*oeq ly itfRbn hal' ienedri did connact liotever on touchdown Insite, t dldn, t seap thou a. ha aidai a Paul. pwwwrmme oi, sr a nueluiLpmso «vnPxwmQWWtW M ý ti "sd y»notW = plent aMi à"a Ré AS3S aweekly ditry Brtuce McVey Kirk Honty ad Friank Drinkoff. INowN T= '.aPaul Tac two.rdù conuert Muinwhile Diciten' QS Key [higrde hi@ aupplenimu thé! Latter tiIca. MéVéy brailler af local legend and dira PATa te)* iam't émi. hie pluser an flli bisti w»iaxpinaaai Regriea. oneleit t iebayish pin and I lob, altoeg" redit for a two-polii <onvert A *uad fiafwu hna no un'wli akKiu.M tend te 0 fagt dt bath aiy spirit ands body aie ulula Jimmy Simpeo 9plit the uprlgis for Mka1um aMi des I'giases mriy aurkhit Rishop ani Tots lock. ohma weàk. l'en aure 1sI a ie olgue in anotherdauce ni,'leas aiRnd ihlol i 10in that Mike continues ta be an inalira- Munthile due Spande ki, Rob Scott Twa playst, unial h, 'du es*c urne po io Rowanyltuhod a4 tion te a1inl years ta conne. tntchsc is hie In~ 199 liby finding Iefaaya Dayimahamod wlilt poit a cetu0 andai àmlgtefrd letàdMn 2 four lapmatu n athet lia, tnd nmm. Thge 'aqacltiumWwc innaifn baalacé scakmdi 0 £=dade pidmiff ad YOkwOdt0.>a big mal tiket Wa tht Molormn wu due leMm MuoiOw.tQd"ai nlbCranmuU d k funnble rencvery naturn. Bolenix iWuaYAO trick performne by due spady Dale Hl- &Wobse "a a ix pointe da Hoie., * 'h nlhilllu t a w.joarnr Thia la TV themm week forý the MITt rq"rt lingîteorati. Reg Wtoarkin lad antW etay wtt Mialh hoal, bath wsys uluth kay by(neve b~h.afti ettl bahr h and wht bitber place te tune inta fii but the gaine veltdt 12 pointa tti le Tumni&al aid Itha daferulva fl timely tlucwt four convVMt gonidoka = aI .=0a o ILfWe want your businesa M ILTO N" . i? I CAR ANO 'RUCK RENTALS P 45 ONÎTARIO, STRE? N., MLTON, ONT. Da irou and Dunn represent Red, Sox at-ail-st'ar dlassic Ceal nario sud Miltan'a =BUen Wama Park, mita 2 a pneoed u- - \Iyabl. tAt h bverntght raie Alr ta Sumd&t CODA aeniorgan bte u AJRdSox and Si. Catharines. Tua Mtlton p layera. catcher Doug Dunn end pitcher AI Datrou. playai ithe i1au anem for tht Johnson Dvsowic ncludea Durlntn * AI Oinsé anita it jbon vilanioStbath- they,ý,6o Ane a. iii .T5 wihDaincu ttn n pltching the Ainal 4m framnea and The a rp ukm 1.Tt icngp tw lave. play agalntorwTttndy alu gauve up tua hita. a bcop awsy te Se. Caariuesi7.0pm ovraio td à liner off the tila glova.» !C He ailowed no QtUIk 11 fV& Dunnl heu gaine ln du fAi lingt oermS whmi Iatng; catche Miha' Shtr- hlloI Red Sm f woodoflrngoniwqnt nlaplc. ow au , Ob fhlle à rte Dunn 0-2etdthepiste. r ablit¶ad 00 Malton ptyrmno l e~gTmb 0 i 4021CWd, i2 Turffer lielfelJm Ww»rlt du 41 b '2 : Dta eaa\"bd as lmpremea 0uf. d ii~ 1 1O&O 2 wu tdhd cl . Uua iOiie *1 Parknia wauetl~u 4 0 0 0 bI t jit h r0 (ard-uls seondi, G.Tmme 4011 IpmO 0650 b oalunoerwatu"aid ho 410,100-a Si. Catharines' priaary baubail aMmua ehOS-? fécillty teMértton Park hoaaloithe Iw3ý Tn a0. 1 -owa St. Cathadine Nut laya af due New gWàm 10. M - CW Ma oiitiaa Fq 'C1amà 1-6 on du. opoattimiaDm3 mm I~a'Sw* 2%dm hem u.fJneIr blomUse pay- %hi lis O aVl t W4 onitosW heRe Siepo* in 4 7 t 4 2 1 showlng. .ê tb & 1 I 11. 1 1'lTeià n 4un*aright ind the Dos 2000& quiomeya heal 1etom up bb F ILI fl ha Iu nfltd 4a Ciaabaaol en&ii44 Ua . do hed gravil duit aisd Il wua »1 ia. dh iai ite wed élye on IL fA bOahlM Wel uptht dn'tamethtet Slip sliding away 1111111ma VotSu èooa bd t *uil ua" Pdamma* Tatwenua lm thtwaê Am mm bas- Okidar los (*.) apnitaiTObau ada S. dliNiNdmal' 1 i l aieraaeNOapieaha lai 10,W"a»Iaeso (Aidail 11;Uobroug0il M4ar 11,a M lan In TrileA urricaffes ne ed sponsors wutl a" MW maessmiizelaa fam,, eaie * aimniwtrhi« le saidi. Ipcat mus M nu'ja crtm iTtW ak' uianea ok.l Lanc laIlidifinen. nuisfm paente. pairis, pylatu aqulp- osent bls, IifWeer butasses su Lattera hae ben sent 'ad th huai- tn*tnîda> rd" éoaaunitiu cd du ai4tm r ic-ma Be mm 'cwa theum M daeaeahetinga ,entrea ln the, mmn fa raie aidey h#itike du Ryera wiaig ta tny out for tnry fr CipaA hockr WteMm lw flues wRti uN teim. amuet lirst eghbs uith timir ý-î&à ofl e allon Huniewtet.Throrgnizgma oâis tassocations.Té roat of out Hockey Amjadm (OMiHA) aady hat marné mpaaiootupal tq-nu ut be $5 plr pa-aipaaM par rniinorth Hialtan aid aurrownd- lc = Mitt, Pro Sporta and =lat session t ix ai t sessnes a sm a- n:z thlie righi s 'bond taophe Ecagwiihp.n dusmme, aigned tp tai sent. -.ontad ea %tolasm. bantum soi anid Cronpirk uifl on Aug. 18 nd rua until 2.t = mbwtoCaaap- = t~mtu= hae aua., Tua Tht tyouts ulI be hel i P1ai oua, IlHlaburgi Mil AM nOran- adlbsmaa have ailoun a reg Alcai Axma.in Gtegetown. Crlia ieffl m'ai fora a tripla A aMp as Iniaet ttjiaLle lwcar inth iboug'i iam bart tafa the a=l adm ln eitid a- u Amia la 4ibn. lsiitekMent- dinaain AAHockeyAUM»Io data aid tius ire wiqu gaty the highSt level of iephoj iaaat a baciera ouia a tl : cha aiiaie T 'a&"auirY due m'd. aaamungty at u m buslnap Amyt intuuil oin oig à avavei dotthve the, populathin aMd phvate Inividuela iy a muetl t at aouli calon un" chair mu"on maoar~~d e t h aa*e uklw aid. aua Ibn tzr I, (baaa46- liplelà "-ýeZ C hppe o. 'Cots ia ela aq eulp- 1910cor 416473-47411, - I