I - I e... - h 'il I don',t want to com lain., -but a a wu vk'~ew ibis pl vac maile hanrrlhký ýI à unly Ndiiyand nie ReaunMe mutb fun. LIka. Ynm supposeci ta ensataaW t aV e mysa.ienf Imwata dishin' out the dauiltÈ 'saunullke fun compaad tu my weekend. 1MalB D èLII cl-e u usP&l tank, thbm aie a mar aiIII ý1 I es gis :tS éncy mesurant befave oein haine~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~d tlo s*p~Tsr awS ead thed brittie hrlnk of Sosanlty. ee CI. iStI n't =luydn Lisi.. teaagrp of men,. lretsy aff the golf enaugb wark or, lud i b umttUsntnma in c-,e. aid me whai Tag Tarn Spats Cant- my nieraleesusgeI.lap. e-pans ave 'aU about, In ,nany case the guyu .Yeltt~l l tr tlyou what miseriblel aes I the addaiadvantageofairady beitg aIS~~~~~~ bçs.cug p uadadalalai far m.intt maina. Dani. aaba ll, bafry. ' vaadn,.ddu .nd l b mis~'W'l ae yau naie le and thera'. a linuplatgtri Careof everythhng'they , y.em, Lake cote af oemplalnng bad or mpntng prtcpants and le P-aiY. l'li suitea %vers slaw, due drinks ua as of televid lpartm Thra ll>1 wemet sthe ndir du dsA unicamlaet. avai comiplain &bout due annausce% due able. n tha t a theid waser in the omn es camera Waik ad du audio quality. ta warin ta sulim in." Siap. lt wtsn't ha Sang utitil satne snluit lawyer Haw inany tlm., have you beai lama witb reh aagna uehua naptomoa thi ancimn scargof inan? Yes, l'$ Tas Teai aus 4m talka aon tw5l Caiyplahinqg. uoncept 4llaws averyanganiiae ttWr Cpa a ai ai mauat aabaal =mp duey békingplnng It taltord adrilsal of raipa- Yau neead mamone wlth that professlona ling. Nol, aaly do comtplaines aa brathâer bie- venssa af soollnes. ln whinlng. Sainane tusenlm hatsf anger and w iaing, but they wha cat Souk'thm.ting and impirly cat adjusat datr ramplans tp tg ter raslgnad at the min tin. Sansaantwèa cat n-ehburs' baveS. Or dau te dmety ln. won rna,5rrlblyý &M lmpably 4 chta . ga,= ofa climimatan and out- Anythlms ca ti lger Tag Tari Coniplala. canta. ing but ln f11 a ns g oapf peoplith N put' yaur piamta.uI Tag Tarin om slitîar akg auih tbam Anta sliniSar, un- plainer. St aim happent ta ha a fair description oninlacabla ircumatancar. Iie place of busS- af iny nghe i yc-abes i l'lie ~ ~ cocp enrmàwdev1uyofqm -lget to it, I po ieM e oi groul discussions. lina a nuinher ai The otiier dey, 1 wun insu a gais statian n the motbes iaomwha -ib :nptape Stattrandl1pald $15 fraà full tank o ais.ln Tha daY bqitwlthtint8a.n. phon ca5tL ____________ ctalzad aim iTagoun oin t = rr Canada that existe me about US5. Faad lafHMu Onli hele and m aded làr du haartng a TAg Ibtt Nagglng sessian ulidrive Mbaper Spa, and boer, and the standard ai me~. th valu hetwm. dh u ofa aionceptian and living la thmand . a.. Sip l ieB 1 ultibled. ô h Fwcama dheu isamlllar vitue. 'Do >mu ornee Front MMhave du baby swing fai "i? Wa StAnd Io no eFr n Canadiansdon't want GST - poUjti "Yail aI plaisir, I rmtd. Enid ai con- R CALEDWELL Perhape dhoub gaugeo ai w apposi due wrsation. AUS wat Supz d hao caS- Cod and Services Tax Je that thuy ballvteMan ~> 'w Hm feb ypaiiia amniir Ihe t- l reamled lolaliai i5iWit~4ai d te p ta tuait et an. I ratumidI thd spinkler aIuog stmtclog du SgItna~ ta ciack et. Ton 9luch water. Flve bock and Ttam the u te as bou a thanugh th.aa rpes. An aveinat day,îbtsitr inlySte iln .anatan. mn duir variais C a _________«h _______________ Tht nlgb = I'Ld drawn up a lit o a i nlks frain nide the baisse alertai nie ta apçlna and faSth , have ails. bie thing tad.stnttndW.n~ ore unspeakahia calatty I ras ins the vIIWIq hy a pubcdlsguuad mAth suppaitng ln teSnw beS5,. But th fac es, duthe a gaan competidait Mi a living main Oop% S Sud largass ta, dmose due expansive du sefal ýntieUpr0oigtte w Id ein living mant wihdaw, Thti sprtnkler lied duepesie utaaentaly .~rsîv U publi ' usly foul hnibtlw hldde agend suiaucrai ny puai aid upnight piano. tS Houa. ý l Chwinqon àplaceaoeld tamiS wUS, panut Jus vea poil sts, conduewdai ,i ranmaidu th M egislatian tugh de u tsteana aMn up nd dawn due grabbai tawels and htsily dried aif the tapa ar:Z ~ ~ ~ u 6e Crod an dual'o th.y irontsinbl 5tr5athering irty'oh&t âe hythtAns oai theu kibhl lusa ea bli dqmadsu-dtt he id sys. unafule ta catch the drAps thât shwa 6 rcai i epandnts <uaats ion asid &aid on th m--'aitinbl l whits Ino the mâialne. Oupa, thte stithted da>vit baqwar the ivorica. shoed62 ircut o rspoulnt Mdth apecs f te mpx*VWu wter uNo hacn ot.N lad uster. 1 chock- Dsurng due w*WMng epimade an unesupectei Senate Sus a legitinsate "~ to a he duT cgr T palS results bock thts up shoiswng à aidu ahau =2an far the inalfunctian, but vtzitor ainwd. (>tr backdaor neighhaur's dog legislatian. (On»y 29 par cent ai due gayaln mng national ln*elty aiOfpe cent Oi the aid mnacines was broken again. Sud escaped front hier yard. t'< lured bier itt public miste duey de ot bqSe the Se,,te has reapandents aspresslng the ituthat the The four 3war aid and I lait the aider tua ta, aum for iafekorpng until bier aunerr; due rtght ubtia 9 par cent smate o apinian on Senate shuld hold public harngnon Otcon wash Irambenles while we dro e the durea. She raceçi araundltrke a frlaky puppy. th du tais). tentiaus tas. Aco.dlng ta Catherine bwift, laundrmnat. He and I stulffd lAve mtachines. Our thrae black cou came ta tnveatigatt, ot- '~ PavinialJ~ Ispandnts in Mairstais. raid vice-aident a irosrch and chiai enianit Nat watiting ta tiise s kurnitg appetiuty, 1ing nase-to-nase wvith due canine intrudtr. For- Saktche"ni gave dia sttrange, hou ta the < . me a a ieso cdi ~Ideednt showai iny yaunges hmw ta taM't dut tunattly, fur and sk;in rentamai intact. fth 79 cetpotn the righuta Io inwa, duma findinga ave mey sigollIcai. Messn Inta u sis. Tagehr ut pushod ta What butter tln* lar a spring cleang than C.s.S,.g5 lAtanAcprovinces chacisi "fiera la a trong; message hwa" mays, Ms 3:itn m stad bock ta uatcb the acti o n du firsi day iOf summer? nut the car's. iet par cime a te. Drltth Columbila et Swift- "-m anI]Y f-o# Sues but lai due Oope, ut Sud put due mnaney into an Smt uri. My eldest andtippd o d 61 par ceit, aid U= .at 52 pet cent. faederai $avernott Canadiens are tnot anly anime. vacuumad the inside, lie wastc the autside. liver Albiouana, wba have arprasai grat dispbasa with due C11, duy abulauay kWS Rack hoenaeap th four AraMdgaba Thetis rnaatu wmapan ta the laids of dtattaa hd u ofri the~ ai u dt «a&u-oesaiy hasringsan aveu a in nta osltlla e. Oaps, a buge hc-iy smain on =bl hau ~adn base. My son tbvew cau- Senatae aid whse pm-tincal b-annetader ta give du public a chance ta bo huai bi, tiew T-shirt. S aveenacstd. 1 parla aff due tioaid caNýn u ine ta due witid and wam thdu sy Bent dssiAn aidetSih ve aon ibl émua&" Mii and attalas the Ial gusblaot paeiaythli diat maed. mor ipecifical- Îsmtrnge repimetadon trduwn provrem 11 M alt oar nal.rgd bu hmw tle, _epaas aey tinte u woruae ly, dts i S lIts suppateas m. du Suie .ai 65 p~ar i dut h Cartcadians vies due Sm nat ta wi tern, mAenhpt My ptn ccnpaln bout litcvnqiba Seate's r<gb ta kilS Ose GST (veuidts whtdt th'y luSymm aia m tinlny dueSautes rlgbt A W t ai, .y husand bed patcheai Stwark - plai c iatngu lrantlc colis maldual ducte ta Ontaria). 64 diBig aid rajsctdl CST Sagtlation. duy up mm bolid spots an% our lawni but due sd Irai hie s:.A u ect av hn a On a nuatinal b"si, Canadiens aim ballavis aima avuubdmngt support =cou.«ity wae beows, Nos a prtt 1dlégit i Wt.sd ddyMiiokpm by par rauta 26par «S (10 par dstut Suarnga ai geste sud &Md scutrd d Mda ulging P - mcad [knas te bandage msais ta noip tata t hed Sauter Sua due vIgheta Dut bdher na dout U ath t by odlng Mmkamaweaisndenttlin ppaeby exgss fnerp ion lge"t ta dungausCbgeloamn uSti du Saute agaîm thdu CS1, Canadians NulS came due watelg. ThetoWp wu as a c iltai r biccletp tum up, rnaway cals Catadian muet ha viy blssé* indatis ta ha lafinutivu hatumnsr a i s arad tean aie sda ai dubie u we thtaes Iu ta catch,mspllsa p -p... 400l* The Canadian Champion ii atFl assm et. ~~~Mflb ~~~~~Z =.S - Ejiarm safArNm:Rb;.K ~JN Nia mU sltto =au~ . ___w E Doat11111111S - DEMsio Manager JleVtNg ao: lo Ouai. Chiena S uau Caia oa ai! w ewst iaà a là "= TuM ComasIII 0 1CI111 Manage M11S14 al e:IsC>C Dbaud. poli. Unda Nom . Tet SteoW la «Haetâ ~ba ma m ,ua in a u toé lmlil - O#S mI u nu OÇUM&S * k& enSa. J551. . Ct ata à, Ioa Mta. ams tgte aa àI Ieee5P'q.ePII5Ià ierBuWI Si» n o4a n sapaldasU ,j t4ulaiai etf=i~pu &MIu. ier gia aha tab@Kt~gmB TOMM 41111 amutwqtei.at.u1 a