14 t * -j "-i r> MILTON MA OPE-N > SU.NDAY, JULYI15TH 'ý-NOON TO 5:@00 PM 55 Ontario St., Milton 9:30 un - 900 pm 12 Nomt- ôpm. Thirsty Kilbrïde residn mts earn ictor-y at Reg Committee blames aiea deveopes for los of watçr at explense of long-time re~ oy NOUmkuâmO isuEauu.aps b, ayptm n auuotaidlq ah. esdtnui ouk oemtatWafrilh flmapIy ua tii I odini 4 mmaia aa i itp l o le - mitS bla Itihei '6wIICi 1iSc~nhhaLu plup.t u9wna1t Kilb"id Vuita Cntna'Et irli * Empmoa nmttobqg tu ane.r dort isi wâwtd luudltey 1uotl, mh dot ,l n sitoz d lai nmnaaaili. R.. Cardhai powls lith mti..,e -adal hava liiaUm a aucen.tidu b, iha Kk~lmd Initier ubat u puli crt cmmta.Wdady a lln aU ia la $rund ýwn bilgatin tYeua lRaghita mtfa 0ia i ritlde ta uihk i mu tti ilt = ,Cltal apdbu hiolbitai. Mid oia lnib u The Kg afnffl ahtaoettatd cf Ohwt qmna vaif e i 11alti have piimath ltaois wui uam aaihng Iola M a th 1hm have acceptabl e am titay usf ,p*in of. iic haine me. Mm taata htaamu h tItribuéed la neu dodpam 1 ati, u ato. mvl bth«* i* ioe duoemutly' ppuad. y lnal 0 urCUlqIidloCeh lot MWla la rwdvfgifuie *74t meigahuo due', go loi -M expeierSuod some mao lote f wa ou=0 5aaitpi. Of duet we lui am. à mui ofLh dvlopntent litn,~ m.. a., bom bm"mnw mmlglathaliiooiral(agnbeuu MWrompond lie -Sm Wtu Whoe pig nae on worm g a $ 000 WWo ntndo o tn 4hal oi at milio dm .. h M Oj(W h1ly alhgl mm-w14o o t fkd 'clothesRoea.h but just doti, the rona, hea mi ogt A 55W,000 lteIt of childrs dotldn&b bemrclothing us e mmve tough due -ef taluppi ben iýoog1a n ito-dorofthe mtmt Ordy uan brani suc F ii ug on, éclk of upts . w irm. ian IOI a Soeni ovemiht on lune 19, an iuipty as Osit ICcai Ra] Laumen (Polo> ai tIae l a tst I t ri boau ottid t tlt. majurtty of the as- aufngo O-tIIll-M M~ tubeattalyjicfi bynmhnhundseis of e Rond us etii by Larin5 thiec its l auk !r athl taiga iUpc L d .o itoumni41. ohdlaci ult hile 'lca on the iront dcor. Ifyow hav oeaiUl kat l , go a. a,- oetmdllo Wohmn o us u iealiutts uta. ~~~~~ Once !m;id@ý à houe tas punchel in tht essaA5a2.Asoa>o a .e5 saiu h ymgo reket wend sfl ga niae la pos Iiti nie, w.all (hich allouai entry into ibir o t diOgiyO Hieth dtn ha og uMibywtrt Gatèâ m oauuliM..il bd itrhea a. MM OR bt pmtab reeIads lu ms a th Aipl larg quniyo natcidrns n lâ yi Caf 1-6 551.th epn ti oat __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ the jriétoen ofthe *dents Man. Wei wo%â.M tay 098c tat le u. yhmg dmia tan Lu ada t bieuctuo of hng dut.,a .1 -SeHE-