re you ready --for the higli efficiebcy furnace?'> a l9Uoi nmtl parcuthl. cela ma#hbftymIvaria4 M*po. I ~ ~ ~ ~ j 2aad gyl btuwi. a Ofenld W».da ta alv fAJi dlbcyaI4bêamÉ as ttcnl graobe et Funamd«mi0omatmmý qfý SACRIFICE- IlaWeh mfmeaai= p=oint a a Cliraitin t. ai uw1w hemdd u la tu" sua - « o't magt hats oq Thktg A~J ~ fl *qai it c M ots~ .0noshgabai hto thetmatte, ma -One yeav' n"w. Save Up tb thtcèc fiice inie gOm« you bagin, dm litme. If yo 250/ott fftdasrt o Cg 60 per cmof theb haihiig powe hms to W -oi ft'f coum A mhi.dfldai- on500m t bff tnwcln. rateofor compmntea alffr a" ai tbre. ei htg#lldnc wtIl c ore yase't'.' 17 POSSUM rW» 9atTt4rldardrâa hupuot hie Loo-ialy y-u have to baaq.->-a daciion CamCft É UiS-740-871 a 1 alfidenqt, ratitt of 60 pa cet; te buy on fuel savtngs - ats ai g r . ate of . 51iaLb 7 '1 OPEN HOU '-'yemile rWmuy btu. VmNUi'i MA arl- " ________ a ~IUUIy~ESTATE IID. &&. (418) 85&14i4 emPaer 24Hom S499.2M. buys 5 @ctue lu 3500 aq . f Mi1*g apc. 4 ba*oom, 4 balt. 3 *oeçaoa.mnd Muah Mm Ci or a hte t4iwrq. 2 01010 BUDNG LOT si mm". 2baJlbU a loeb in fflilon C;ouit or mnie 1c frn iton. Qer hoe in vu. excaint location. Buf mond ad forit y our maabft gW .a. cd tirdetma. BUILDIN LOT IMS. P"ti 8»r Plus loin bui* 0 argoa in MOFAT Goo d oatntqeý TNs o oownt t m a prnmac of ra.f eme et a Meaonatie MOFFAT - NEW HOM1E *308,900. N-= Mim ~b.tOn dic aCe pha lot. Luge priia odme, 4 bedroanafr~e= W=ITIy N)u c=licome v decor aid mCokWbMCoIII~L~Iot Plmeco bo dot"e ' ri"% im lit. 1-4 Px DaWis Capo Ci, align and bait oit iM of Eecaîpment. 5 bdrme., 4 bathe., new fléalhen. mIta. Mis mm am trir mm. Fuiti., " !1$37,eWtt tebat enS$#@@ te ttamtttg tlègi. north on For fi~ udetes cd ASJOAN 0=02"G mime e WELCOME NOMEI Don t misi this ane-amner home taitiitg yaur imagmalive flair ta croate a StiomplaCe Detichad "acl Split .ltuiad on. C00 lot - New ait,. cfency furnace - wood-burning stove on roc. fr Varal uas'on CLIFFORO OEAflI $44-2950. RAL#H F. MÇCOR#MICK MW.SO LTO., REALT01t FM~ Miltowne Reafty Corp. Ca!npbeUville Tr. une 858-1059 8$4-0777 Re&.: 854-983 nnT Pag.r~ 826-1030 Amm lown and CountrAsylt Bae Il- fdgî Eacarrmant pfrOpr jua OutSida Losel 11Acu on li I~ just nrlh of otg .2ponds, onuI bÉit.. ,rnhcUat CmibleU a F tr wfh 1,0 ti. C ~ mEWJACHARMER*2~5,S0. l5I~a plan horne. VeKrdo vA puy dame, hodftO~.A~i mplein Vndsr *0 hod SMEUVM4CHKXMER tma dor pattratif. 0 2 atore 4 bedtk. 2 in batte, frled tIffont. repho. quwSre et. cile 10 ad id amrttsa c for 13rrvete troig9 CAME COD Five meuddec closa tai Brure Trait and Lqwoa.f pi Mb&a.Olgd - à 4n@r.s1 to naturel 'a or ortlaVs pvi»~l.f"tflh W% wWWt* low feri. 2 acrée pot p ort GOLDEN REAL ESTAXE' 9D Î* AC-pnd *rES11Mfgtfl 42( Mail St. E. 3» Mt~n REULCINT -NDW ACS 8-Oe 8-8495ý thlt~m ?~ gase Adjonng pecel of vcant [and i .atpmntpoinla. ith poaperty Ci.. Pft Wth aisonteCoe aN hlgti aindârdl horie barn. Future norng thraugh. Idei hotiby/estate farm and and Lorain ther ry tieIo* BURMDNG LOT Bre rs/9&ners of Centur 42 ACRES ..FOL "21. àon Real E.state P" %mu <e exa~flh -79,000. - fio. Lirfi tidd, are pleased ta IO t- ighwa. Good iang-t.rrn~ Ce uti*fw WoU.aod. cata foine kylwut or hlobby inn Wb..Pubis. aid 401. ann nce the appointment of PAULA RASMUSSEN ta ac*id. l DETACNED AT SEMI PAICU theyr sales staff. Pailla invltes ai of her papt clients, her 1II CN S 1sSoO. rie and anyone lnterested in reai estate lnformptilon ,W t . 3,W 110 q.f. n rle #wbaa..bclun 2 aton kim 9, Iitnrao~leat(1~7-4 17 YEARS AS A LEADER IN TH1E FIELD k ~ jt I..' i. L_ 1