The Canadian Cham son Olir*- Pufflhef t Jne ullr -EmIr NEDITORAL: Nw:Ri NailOlivr -A&verlsln Manage Sport@: Brad Aeme i MmT @" Coin - oçoa Manage *DVUM1UIo: Soti: C D"oga Wome -Obsttlbugo Manager Jéil Vourg. kisute: J Tot MIL C»uS - Cilice Manager 1111,1311R : qhhlayOyc.I PhorI9870-2341 WS11USImO#4:C Karin M ToIroM Lino U14S37V UOPOIO: Mark t uo nu o %onsm No. tit Bd'le. LUI"a LaMoMaKa JThe empire grows In today's issue we arm greeted by'three developinents on tht public education front. Ont la welcome. We are am- bivalent abotit the second and deplore the third. The welcome change is a bruadening of' early mornlng routines dealgned to.encourage a positive ouilook on the day The Lord'& Prayer wlD stili probe Iy lie used, pericidlcally, as f n opening achool rite. But it avili be sùpplemented with tht* expressions of religions outslde Christianitý and with th.L thoughts of more secular studentg of fife. We applaud that thteWs enough rote work In mostt schoois already. Second, in the bloated bureaucracy that is today's educa- tionat systenu, we are neîther uplifted or dismayed ai the prospect of teachers earning approximately $60.00 under the terms off a new agreement with the Haiton Board off Educa- lion. We do, however, note wlth disquiet the fact that luachers have negotiated 10 aoften the impact of the Incomlng GST in their latest avage package. Others wiIl the same. Who exactly it I0 barthe brunit off the new tax? Lastly. we deplore the prospect off throwing away, because that's what it is. hardf-earned tax mony Yo ail the bells and -whistles some want to *company thel'rovince's new junior kindergarten program. Do we need 118 teachers earning on average $40,01)0 *babysttting three and four year olds? No. Do we 'need to spend $4.3 million on classrooms for these children? No. "How much money can the taxpayer takev" asked Milton trustee Bob Clarke, who apparently along wýith a handful of his colleagues atieast hadi the graceto be Wat Pas wjth the prspect. Mr. Clarkce alan suggested lIC le held in. church baeents rather than lin new clasrm, the revolutiortay concept being.n doui, that tlaree-year-olds won't m.c% notice the dif Feree. *We don't avant to downpLay the importance of what amounts 10 a bridge day-care systenu. It's an absolute neces- *slty, given that both parents (if there are two parents) work in so many familles today. It'$ just too bad it musi absorbed into the glant, lumbering, ever-expandlng educàtionai empire. Because ail the power blocs in that empire wtil, rest as- sured, have thtir expensive say as to facilities, manpower and programs. lis starting already. Do any of us really believe highly paid, unlonlzed teachers avili malce do in churh bisse- ments white their peers have aill tht accoutrements off a stand- ard Halton board clasarom»o any of us reafly believe those teachtrs avili permit many less qualifled (leu expensive) babysitters to usurp their newfound turf? Afready the prince of ont Haiton boas I"ctucliy - Cary Crossaman, tht superintendent off instructional services, bas boldy stated the ntw prograin "should be wel dont or ave should not do it at ail." How dots that fit in wlth church base- ments? Ret asaured, when tht Halton Boald off Education, in al] lits glonous components, La finished wlth J< it avilI be a thlng of beauty.Tings of beauty can lie w expensive, Il h to huMl and malntain. We taxpayers should know that by » Please be careful We add this short note to urge extra caution on ares road. thro, the suner months. Two automnobile-related trageles are recounted in this issue. The sumrmer months are the moët 4angerous on our roads. Police bave statlstics bear- lng this judgapent out Messe, be careful. Pud Lookig.bac' Làkw k' Pages ot the fast One Year Ago Proxa t1h. Jl7 I U Milton Council ha, appri Canada Brick that wiIl ,nov, new $4)-million facify ai the they have aloo nmrnul the brb rx0n er opom mjning dipios are making vtibnmenpsliy coasious soid 1W0 per cent cetion diaot iaepofotess. Tha l.e M 6cot3.95 per dom bout coous and prnts. 11w an tht baby will une then. J Ont ld shat le Il titat Lucklt and finit placeaut the b &, leu loua voic cooatmuction plans b the onpanXt IL to a foo f theewocrpm.ent.oBu mk.akens à step clon to à ao.ebïk in todaysen- Prou the Jul1iygl. 170laeu >Mue Mes has inioducod à UrIlas thetOnaio govemment mots thoir de- swîth colourful moinds on taxation refonn, Ontario Federation ot Agri- do-made, ont-size 'tgl culture Mnbers will withold education taxes tis year. nand amt avallable in dif- Thft 's the message OFA prsesidcnt Gordon Hill gave raie sebl k> last longer MPPJthtSnow of FaltonEatand GeorgeKerr of Hajo West Minister of EneWp and Rexources, at a teoting a> stood bttween craig f e Dtertnet of Agicultureofice in MAitomn nAugralMopon te 1M amer at polathe ec fo thte ommunity maugural~~~~~ F 00 onttIU sîm olin Roaary ParI.following preltntation y p oa7Club of $2,492 for the limaitlation of pool by Steve Nease botea. so tc begin as waon as posaible. The unir, ame dteFr1 ta hold the wate, tempearurret ai) degmes UH fl fteoutolde taertx hould dm to 55. UNMilon ion Batan scred back tu back ties Inaà POD. - 4-4 contes> apnst Gorgetown and then tied Brampton 3-3 That tic marted! the tSim's 1lth consecutve un- defe"td asbal gain. NO 50 Years Ago ~~WMT ~ ~ ~ P Pron 11. mly Il . 19l a im t c Cl JUIYu>Ttt t bnOw Of saturaî iwotoure tnena ai the aVillage Dan the careful Ittabattding of tdm laéit ton of CUiL 0 Up untfl July lot tIserat wsr na prostrations foin - the h-i reporte. Tlurs ta ohl jly and Augustof suni. mer yeW. Acctiform Golf Tour at Southerrn Pinte Golf arol Country Club in Burlington. McLuckie, a nmehber of the , I dewood Golf and Country Club in Milton, muise the, =o wlth hie tuesheot on the par-thous 17th hole and treL-puted for a double bogey fiw. pion ~u' s a Lb.I"0 .. mar 0w MO.. mW ë"i Pm., Anwdrsun ed Laidsa, àN4 tu o. N DY G6ef. CqsI!: SIuen C&Mero Pair.5 as~ 'A MM ont% 40 - -M umn euet a ~ie@08M comlio N a v f't N -a du... sau Jose C0ourft Kcaren ors tata arum uiln oms fp .b. N tui of unl 0 ~.s ~warus.w tu &M fwn se Now u