ESTERLV SOUND Give your budget a break wîtb moia effordable bous- Iing, $1 53,900.00 gels you a four biedironm bungalow in a popia 4IfuIyneighbo?-s"i hood. Extis like the cbrner Sfireptace, conital'ait &. new washroom 4eicone tI» new hoMeOIWfe'r to moÇeYrIiht SPECTAC OO1NM Th 5he^humcb u.iouu runutt tpoe f ucetuc niew front eller o .A utudIolguel home 8sud lat Qa ~OffèeaSwodl$M 0.Tbvnie. 1Can 0f* JPo eits. M7-lIN 241v BUILDERS HOM.r Totally renovated withiJ- marous upgrades. Jacuzi tub, top q4giity broadloom, new,$itch5tm, original bard- , odils plus K .rtC more . A orne t0o e Listed ai $249,900.00. Cai Eva Gooding. -'MOEG IN fi - UDT u- HallI ocra 51. indIra loi on Mpi RI Unlio. Optim aao sq ft.fully sernieal. CdaD i t> Fda o hilerdaoN SS-1N aWHAT this bu lte additlonal office or doerni two umuitruomu. .Localo icoua teu onety fatet g141.11109400. su e wlb porecio jatflsftg. .. atuîtcredl d upnho hod- lu pager. .M 12 Worm ail mkaluming reoi osu5.- aI in ai wu wenf e en hum re t pr" ai oeasrudp. Amoqu =oot tAtn~~ urnnihingu. eut-it bathoom. Cbere:1@"-étoI a tlig.C.0O. Cad Eva GSinq 510 Dor set Perh hol 10 y ait$h Ena*or neàlau itoh4famll suae bedruomu. Specisi touches lit se, broallosai. ititen ltar iledco- rating et@ a1401 bdnuoaa. Suitain & 0011m i en 16-924- abow5raud poo rd mm up on tu ec si nnsh hm air tigit eiostune.=O Coi Pom "a huma "@dau lai ituatfl ltel et tl51000. Cao Ena Oi ug kIO0 147. An -oaf i About 114 mi = r pgom rd MOTIVATIE50 VEN000 Tite origlinm oui OoIs minutes Wrm~tn 7, actes So mlibO enieffet on tiis 3 budroom Pan uie theAp MM1 lied. Lii momt gal 17 0 1 end unit townhiuse viett4.2 "0ec Ilh iigt aijio aaihn. For m o ti 5 bus.fnuhd eeiem.uigo --arge foraioni dol i bnouloM. Cui iMO-î2 Shryl O5~ l, futitre 878. 1 FRE ASIT AUAMI Dinar s 0" trio h em s as ai ml- 1 #Wintasse upuci i lulon0" bild. ing. Deuignel te1 protesulonai a busi- neu Mdue o n cifu am service orieflel business un main 1100f. Cuti,1 Leerie Gitan fur mura hlurntauoei. M124 Go ÀIELA! MAICE Y"IJ DAY maia aI youn den MO mueinoyabl weae livng ai eautivm comtit. lTae 2 srterahome express t hé qusity ett saiilsteMasl ducnminatnig hsyef. Cao Leerte Givn noie for tout pansI mUecA. Auuig S3X9,e.110. 053 rawla aI Uaougiout A se> groca. 2 betitrocis fidrsarme refsctaiit Io 110050 Cd. b@fL*it lute ts yaiit appurho4t 10 tbon lIa- ige f ute ffetl if on tiis st17001 Cal Lainni Giaer "W er ymu peintu- MInaomnUairet 505 For ritoreut raau uumedoý . hurqi iimon Qui de sac 1Vs onf 1.« e yeur apont~ Me qooihJ.uto li 0. 47 FoAOPI e~sse are site privately hemmed 1. OT TO UOAST WIM AD AP MOIioautat, Une.n R»- 1 'FIMCIG StdMffl Ar in mature trees and Mani- But Whos 0"ui t es u m tre Ai h at ai -.-*.& aialerbae ate ul Loch f inis home. Foef specouu itodOOMS, eten ,. liai ~i aduutg h agj~liditrathu ilbio cured to perfection. Cali- i brhbWltchen. direvrali fnoV 01h home. $154.000. T rraé 81111>01101111111111finiite baeOmnt & aie WOuffd Aut end unit toaitiouse Stetien J. Porter frdtis ria buarae oylmi and a dm ipy e a« aiyw neid. 'Ir tignlg. Anlateac* buy. jusi aiti nige uloca @"iiet abuig g 1i mmMO5 ruuitiroplaca. Commeniift Main Cuasoi miphourds anIa solaiigS $409,900.00. Cti Dave Adison arenupa". Clou mI@l amntiouî Lidt pricS .w.o 15 lmuad mcm'Wr lfand millet. Iuor lheu malie eoé iaabioeae. Toronlm LlitSem 0, (34 Or ï gdS 7 eff Cali ley. Coaie0. UydUOI1 mure I 137.000. For a WOe»I Dmn Additu MO0,108 115 87811..____________, atpi ue .Fi 1. jIOSEPIRI bSj LAWEJE WVONN STEWMR LES amY KATUINA au. rsuc MANoeÎ101 aEVaI CAWUJ HADOON" niioeuNP CASfl IJIIEALI$l WMXf 034mW s?.i ugx SUCl NS 85.8554e540 MIU,