Phyllùs Diller çoiming té Norval cil à MW 0. 1 of h lM a omq i bb mDO W ~ 1 w ow unemt dm b e»ma uni bu hWi. -W m wy dut î A Mh 5ev .. ba ba 1.plà odu y bau o&1.m puat 15e. i ci av u.h The pUdMuM kl pkd te mi1. IAOM Ala h ama. Iwos "a Mae bu M" uan pull" m on L shor e aa oea, won pomii a dmaui Imbu a M h msmu Mo;;; e oeâhJvea.W - -TRAFALqAR CASTLIE CHOOL <Pounded 1874) WHERE EACH GIRL 19 AN INIVIDUAL Trafalgar Cail le Sohool la ommittd to the idea of the ail lentile sçf.ool ina predomninantiy co-oducational world. Girl thrive in such an nvlronmont. -- Currently undergoing an expansion programmne, Trafalgar Casile limita da enrol- ment ta 200 In order Io meet more satiafacorlly the lndMd ned of eaoh &tu- dent. Clauses are kepi amat. Miging traditional values wlth u 1to-date programi- mes and facililies, Trafalgar Catis offers dets tudenisvgry academic courses aý wide ranging extra-curricular activities in anhistoc atmosphere. For mrrs %han ontury our school ham ben sending forth young women ta take thair places il rdios Inthe work place and in socIety. We intend to maintain that record in the century ellea". * BECOME A PART 0F THIS TRADITION Tralgar Coatis la in a unique position ta serve aur residentia students. Situ.tsd outoldo ths congsstorfnd turmail of To.ont, ws can rach the cultural attac- dmio f thai greait city qulckyb publie and privais transportation., In this sens. we hav dus bout af bath od. We am now aopling àppllcalona for both dey and rooslntiai studonts for Sepobsr. 199, gades7-13. ~TflASLE 8CitOOL 401 . STRIE WIUTY, ONTAUO UiN 3W1 (41 a. s OITY 0F BURLINGTON' POIX8 et 1* APPLUYLI AMID 1.1 m MR1 lm 1U OF 11 1 MIDINATHALON AUOUTI 6. lm u I Mi a' wMw lMATIaa.c AUGUT 2% iNq il*d te, loam Tm Gu lll . M . Ppb Lb. of" cuari d fieey LM@o &Wd Gu* Lhw lion 7.00 a.. %o 10:0<.... srnday. %1 CuMMOlin vudemg b. hui et 7:50 pn n du ow um Change. Car Hat . b5 k*K AI M mis e~ cae un hea m nen, or Yhil umi mON po id. dWM hW "dd .5 ba p 1 idy 9Wd- ad by ftww i Ê,Iw mima& Ioe id 1w CbCIh" Depemgu et 335-774S. arbuor . .M010011MIa lir. 15%OFF On Cluiar Carpets ioM lsa àpo lim. ta Cao Staamth» mm warld nMcm prOmal iWnù demiS ete l n amYoM caapms-.Ma à15% savingu i chand by Sleane t mc oil, "oc daaef, lhey alal, dmwe boeaus. ty are dain.. ISteamatlc't pulenl.d conlrolled hein cloaning system cl.ens daep do.. wiheut brualw or Imarmfui cheumlciàa. %Ng in ycmr home. i ~CALL mO "mB "mm S1'-mf îST.5190853-4451 "w? 416-873-3469 LooiIy ownhd à opoews byTw Tom Miose i ibis ad muet bu poaene # Urne ofeetinue 1 LIMITED TIMEOFFER L---------------------------------- I .< e