ic4m"% The Cal osat dm ma Ra - abmMiq dinChmion* UnumL qat %b Ksar. ffl &WA N" web 11110 m WA in. ~Méte MM. Tmi »de &i M. n mo àbm Dois à~èm cosm~ KafmmOM Mas Ee6L, MiaM --- io n @wu* m. a w - mu am .rn4 en- a. au l mno Umm 0u am vul~ a me a M Wp IGive usfree trade Mth li lienie bun.k*ng outi oei tii. Ontario Soue amin him optut ink abanidon the "Morwity 10 SIPovd broad ur acu à ane of Cosdmi bynrklui coornertre witi1 lia Sudy shoappng Iab lni the nain off local à tonont di.w P hmic Inat ptud to Pm. the. rempoibtl for Suay shiopping ou oni the upper tier imuilli.m the court"u enid regians. TIikLfuly tliaît tpt hm. lalie ma far Counti.. and relonu art ui' ut up to demi wth floodà of applications fcr Suiday opeiig permits. or protesta agahlu smn. auiyway. Tii.y ame bsy mucugli. auid * &. the. moet off 10 armateur paliticlnm ère chafl«dengioiugli dmuig wfth the. administlrationi off utilitiqs. soali merviceand laid ue. Thi. Iialtion whlch conte out of Queti's Pa&k end which la ,iow at leuni toempouarty <hopefuiiy p.rmu.utly) uncor- stitutional wua tubuck passiui.Qu.ei Park mliauld have d.cmd Onitauio à wlde-opei Sunday shiopping juiedictioi and tien let thie maorutplmce dictI the agenda: Mine mand conveuilrie are r colis. co aitut li modern uiban and muburtuan liII. l"eovrunn mucod u uplioldîng il$ cuitent leglalatlon aitheii Su, Cawi off Canada, w. wvll have b.ein pmrtliy W "reh coin- madi.e. VW wlll b. fored la miioehorn ever maie transacions - chores - inio lum lime. Swiday shoppng wii b. eltiier goad .uiough for the. .couiouy that i tH tue profitable for people 10 openi Suuidays or off mc litle mgnificance nicuchanta wili close wlthout much Co """unc. The. govenimeut miiculd lut the. people - the. marketplace - decie. But the-ire net doing that. arm tiiey Sum "mer of reflecti If the. hundreds off MîltonLan who cei.brmt.d Canada Dey la Rotg Park on Sunday are auiy Indiation off the. mteugtli af our countrl4 we can be raured off a united nation.___________________________________________ Whlle the. wounda luit by the. slilig off the. Meuch cord continue te bieud, especly li Qu.boe, the. hmLit t~m~y us s iè procema lias bqun. Tiiere wam litie for Quuti.er- te tuaurt *0eflss wmtOib auI m IuIy 1 as the. outcmat off Conadams Constitution. A mae 3.00 t W"P mm b"M* Me Niwu talitl M ma i Pro iama . iwued the. annual Canada Deypaade lin %onuil. gétheingeHu htndie uiIus e nnrt Pages of the Past reflert on uecent evert Thtis tîne off reflaction miiauld lad ao à ________________________ puattur tolerauioe ad peuhap everé solutions duât %vil ovur- Roy %sit à " à 10-9 wdn agaui the cone the. current constîtutionai deadliock. Onle TOS! Ago 9,ldam %yimg &" ham iPmk 11w -mwu -e Ii.e Quem kuiow hie Caadian subjects weil. Juiy and Po tail lm W» t~heRy rwÇN ai UrkhmO 1-O on duw moo Ayam mereut aUni. of rejuvenation, vacation. Mi. mellow a2 h ham ibm dwvmna u" cbib %miumA a "" r g U11F E .M :ýprepai. for aubimn. Thar$ what Our wkpAkd ti -ru §d têe $mm Ou 2 eas apalr cmaum liuha ddem a. a àu, PMlU til* a*.1 lm We Canadians aien't kuiowu to b. (hag waver wewing our la-e b Wmui~ adw t à mêu. @M UJ 11M ciuuwyad *auw-mMuw bwd on du cSmn patriotiain on our aimes. Tiiere in oui. day oant yemi iowever, nci iub>d almt honi ij ud CIIa. S~ t W4M "idiati by Mile Cu"l MM.~o Promaiy leê w m à. bàahauda wii.n w. give the flag a iti.e wavie, sing thie national auitii.m Z" =uwmadtz --' ba poea.h ciuam na Ma uk and lut off marne fluework. W.eve don. it for 123 yiu and a~ Pata F" wu h qI a b on Cano" Dey WMt à Ihal .baq1 Ld fw..i- a thmmob ~ raia iybucid of h CguaiI l we M hchaik do" » mm m whenu the. 124th biuhiiday roile &round thieeD b. 10 provlinces F-0014 ma - m" Upa wilU9iK niamtm* pafkipiting li dut celebration., u lpi ho.- summccWdu é-îý country duat hmn takun tii long to builti caui't b. crumbled Soeacgutc du Ch uwir edu àM ait buInhd Mud with~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ the pmuuhcu o.f aeua dedie The mub wduolteWýcaa mmiabt »i6 W meparai Ora . Canaea la atrouiger wlth Queli.c and Qu.bec la mb m § ait Tbi@ Gcim ui ScumIi mfoi hav f wbktâdi ya 19N. M mm u.Wob*â nutiiwi *» dey e da Il =ZÉ, .ttk.aJla ummn. to ax: thidi concliufon. U Doui Amiu - a ai ea -- r a.hap du by Steve Mntis h M cdin biuté,u Pt hW m , u.immd Mr i du &»Me pMaum. Her "b MWa. MW pbymi a Yeu in St Caêbub in luar a hcbmy au dpM Mnta.I A bccbp lin duw ur céry ulu, lm Ru * pAft . yno éw du hm dont '0 lint oe a.hipoa.. McdufI filuItoda pd mciS *»ba d Cuum" pro jim i bu doolmd dur du NH. iii mfl hm Io be a mlghty gcd -m if bu.i la abe ioppui. 50 Vears Ago VvM la Jil 4. leu la.. g ist bu àa a" d rai. dot haua. a uaboe- ' ff aihiOmvis -an hmwb- iiimai aa fer *a Femieatot d 10 m» 4 uev Wi Pud à 1