Digital phone' owners will pay for upidated phone lines digitaL am ~i fshu <u oa a rin ctai hofm la- wsi~bsislag ul i* 11 hvepaeil by thkfa, filusa MM et ""Mis - . for bass las -evuslu fa Sautpaopl. liwevar have ai Replaçsi the i mistsUu "!!dy Intaad e ot writh the sta"ea43.4tn That', be0u o n to sain MimMi,. %fi eIaiUi phs= hava basein~r MM itisct by Wutnesei BelTeehn Ie- notice Sia the dtatsgtewfl - trmnusiaon ls naw have Io payý .#,u dere d the for tItis service. conntsscla le Pet Wlnserbunt faster Io the nuom- tvld 11. Càwwios ber dhaied,- séid sitdldn tlbitethe Mr. 5have at s Io" af tise hmu onférencemin sht roccivodi on Tilde. whi. tht con- At ol's Mai weyed. siated that strect office, thes am uin he m Uyoreei whlch hni (touchione service) @» wk Upr m@ 7 nd16« anid nut pai'tnW lrro« amial agatglea plissa chmpy aou s i. twillMb ébé darai ave., dMI*- & .5 Ph Il , ý wtal. o augats ove -o diu rm qure f teehaeoi..! u. spcto hol Shgernied tht, »extaftion. switching elluipnent amd lia the Bll Businesa Office Manepi But cebillty af handllng a loS mmt disagrad. The situation, he thotte limes. "id affectat &bout 1»20 seadetWe conversion accurredi on lune custonitt and 120 businges eus- 16, witki mat custMers unawass wnisrs. * oely sot tea comnplaite' sid They have be able wo tep into the Bell Opitration Manager Magg Bar- toiichtosie Unes8 wtthout psyitig for ha aild. becitus cg a unique situation Camp4islWWls 554' exchaq@. thte whent Milton lied the "oldest bled of aiïd. l nie sleted tu b. switckiad avec *wllch" whesuby dr rutinner clith until next er. And wkian it data, a louciilone phone could accesa det stet sad, tt would be handind berile. tiirough the Milton building. Wlth the n.w digital technao4y ha Mlltosts new 'S' exchanga ste soid. Ilell can now emnsure that anly added, e already an etrSnc tht ltot wha have petd foi tnt wuch- exchange Is kiandled out af Misdis tom Uines canaccesatheisevice. ause le aider ta give commais awle- Thtnew 16 million tssent In Mil- quate warnig hegid they do nat ton ta patof à $2 blionieodern- plan ta bi'ing tits lt a~ec unti lâte Umalon plan Bell à liplermenting sumr or early lait over the nut fiv ynr. Ail nias Hs coneced ths custamers twill urben arme &te slmsdy an the iia elther have wc pay the extra file 1155 systee séid Mi Bariet, and Ma i pe mntii mesidential or 1310 busi- now tn the pracms of hking Up the neLM w uale à wuchtone pkidne or outlyhlg anges THIS WEEK'S INSERTS- 1 Wed, ufr4190 * Shoppers Drug Marti " Little Caesarvtzza " Loblaws *Canadian Tire * Hornetown Decorating * , ..l- IIC L l" *Zellers eSems by Ridley Duiding to put in à patio diorf wat the lt<ud part The cMY Part 15 dc iding wkio Io call. Tbouseidi of cuaooer have corne to trait Ridley foi ail their window a1.nd dour mords. Oui cîde arecctiosi of paio dm.i% raingc Iront quality aisminure or wond in elegant Frcncii and (ordcn door% Wc have Rilq~ ci replace " ltad patio door or creale a Mteuud new uçtning loi your sec selecion. EgWhr way tg wtll bc expersly nstalîctl and backcd hy a rive Yeur cuouty. Fvnst simple rcplâcemetstuw clegant Bacy% -ouiui am customcrs&uifacooei. - lItSTALLATION'S - REPIAtEMKNTS - NE.W CO)NSTRUCTION Milton, CompbivIIO ores 884-2228 Nertl' of arma NO Charge 1.8004-6&10 Vîlt (ui Appicatios howroom end plainent Centre at 35 Crawford Ci., Camphelile7k I bIebSamoof401off Gueit Line Mon,Tues.. Wd- 9- 6. Se.--95 Tiiurs. Fi. - 8 .M. tu ipt. Serving Souten Onitrs Affordahe Erlagano WINDOWS & DOORS