__________________________________________________________________ I cassifait dW mm oay $dmSpi 1b.aday 11 mn Cai DIpIby. Wed S pu EITors end OmIssIons rhep*b!fw aasatua hoNc ouierBêI Iii ç'fsa eimorm~ ntmilisby S sevispaper ottur chf iC te oeif space *by ti ftuOrla i erentina nuatas meft ut' b. mode prier 10 Est M."e dis fti Mmti GRANT- Hassler Aoley la pleamtI ta an- ouls, d m aio I" bromte Jet- a. ohed boi âmes 28 et 12:38 pet. WOWgNn Md soit. Prquàd parents are Bannie and Brmd. Proud grandipmrntl ore Mr. end Mr&. John Grant of Marnby and Mn. Elva Campbell et Westoc. M" anks fich Dr. Jacksson mcd du great staff ai 01B Ia m oqilut MADOON -Jan à Gécrnt. JSiu à J-la c pbated in airutaneS hait cg Sisa daigdte end mei &s KatànJenm I tnDelo Moopia on =un 26.10 jed ain~ uMat Jean à Siove Matdeon of C= pefif n George 08Mio af Seuboeeugh «V Th si Dr Jadoo., or Chuan Mid dmi geais OS stf MORRIS-Mile end Karen (ne. Btlck>k of obitn are plumked 10 arnicvs Su biri ogfis son Bradey Wayne Morris. ce.ight 8i lta1 z .a ilion Distict Hospital on Mendmy. Juffl 251h. ¶990O Proud grandpareflts Laverc à Lacla BiacleJoc6& Mileon and Vie and Joan Moris 0f Actin are irffl eti9taml Of thai §rt grised cflrd Fèrît grent-grantisoi for Ray Blmefilocit ot tmlon. S Moitnt of KiIciIB nBrd ancier peu grandson for Edîi and t4mrry Davis of Milion spqcaalSut&alis b r Robinîson and 009 staf RIJIGROOC-41t ( KMV*sy AMMsailliai. sy GEMAN. Mm. Audrati Elmca - As hr en pr t et ae JeUf end Pt, Bcm oum.v Ontalerio on iiJiylL¶0 c MIwclcm baons on Jura 2f¶00=lgt A&aeyommit l ie 55ymr l W li a icg~~ ~~ nmoitelUzf ae 03 on dmi Hio 0 t1 m(Ry~mUtre mc(n cmiamfrMO dK8ahy Rulgrek. Mom MW efpWtDoeda Richmiond, S C. and DadUink cRoIeon end "U. OS SUaR of iyf cgt.Deratout ce àry Mefou- uWba Ous ooi sol of Bacroft. Elhel Waccasmaker et PRYOR-Jim and Hacha (cee rIt> Ane proUCI aihgo . Maid We. sai osi v idy Sun si amoma suhite anf flai soc Jaeus " *AU . Lm oiWudEiptE Josephl. 8 lba. llounce oc Jus. 24 et Milton Lovmod bit fuir 9 GridAn. Wb. Germen Disticot Mospital. Proud gracdiprmcté été EL. S W..s Pki Suna SoesFariew Moin M Pryor. Froits end Coiy TeuWI * mcyed Pd PtYar Ftsmsri onlo W heM u M Ment ri - Carieury a Io d On- ducondikii HaMut a Saisies FaisidiNi or tu Beulevi ,M.HnifA i VON eouid b. appreoits by du ftw*. Hosplui, Moffrten on Fndiy Jue 2M, 1990 Mfosserd Esse. « :C -ss ymms.s Wm wcf m.ily Mitan Mowmrd la auvnt »d wyX oily el ean (Andirmoc, hi&. icoqhr Venas Eves McKersie A Lmlcg of Milton. Mia tour ofhidren. Amber ( Ilfilifl 0 sae Los.aC.K&MUn Funeral liome Kirstmn et Walrtn Dei brother Tedt 09 Batavia, MNY. Walt end Roc of Missiasmu@a. Doria Uncion ot Scmnborough. Barrir- jEul 01Epein Toronto. Mllyffn VAgoci of Mitan. Donne Buck et Mussisosam Litda Motlti of OaJwII o 1 WC Dtgrlîty Also taed fil mny cimnes and nephiewi end cour"' tuopaSsnsEvi cdKyf WUacs Fwwi Cut9 sîvîe a hfdonBnday July lt. 1»0 , Cofflrabof f clament Evergreec CmiterYt, ilton. Hm, 21 aoie St. ~Ou COOPER, Lena Lois -At th@e Milton District L gKocher Bob Benton Mosptal on Fniday Juce 2»., 1990 Lenm coe Ca.e) of Milon. buloved wite of Su Wui Jon 114 Main St, Milton 878-4452 Gordon Cooper. Lowlcg mothar of Arthur Cooper anipn cami c n Mainad John Cooper 80 of Mito em itr of Roy Cancon et Milton Predmceedt by brothers ClUtord. John, Sic, I énédm (Verdun) and salr Olive Funerel Service cawi 1 OflrI.l helti on Mocday. July ?id, 1990 Inforcmnt REMEMBRANCES ai M fomc 0 donationi ta Evergiien Colietery, Milon. Arrangementîs Th@ Milltan District Mospitl Foundalîon ae tfirough the J Scott Early Funerai Monte. 21 apgrecad. Jaties St. Millon, your clafflibd Hotirie s slef leCLASSWEDHOUAS: J. Scott Early Funeral Homie Personal and Carlcg Service * rief Cousoeling Pm--arraged aand Pro.paîd Funerals * remato Monmenft Seledtion 21 rjames St.. Maitn 87 10file 55. Mouants Muter. Bronzai unltas. BAILL Dorreen-In taalng memory 0t à dem81 Vide, matuhr "i grandiodisW Pa u e d mVIYa Ji 1, ¶906 Thougtt fer irisés a gene *oret Andi he hord i cmai - tàcf Si ae have so maiy memmcc. 04ft one oai loveti so muchi Mer mammy la Our heepske. Goi thm fier in Mia keepwin W. have flir -n air hu Lovingly remembrt by if. Margaret and Roas. Vlins and Maio. iAn 4y, Knsbn ard Nonnun. PIM YQUR OWN- AT THE CIJRRrS CALL FOR AVAI..AILIIY ore ré nis oaf T~aOal %, on 1dS Sad Feut drýv@swi Woulf rem"s vea" cati ais-un" £IgIn A Rieemei eCurty DY pfGCEOAT BrocSk * Caulhoue - Cabitee - Pes Mef 40 limiTiO~a9P.i,2 nésIest mi S l4aa Fintll it ria lai ai* tati a?? 7075.tn32M1 q _ * I PICK YOUR OWN Chas Grieg Faim NJi BobS MUal Devobn 15 Sidoooad. 1 millest of Tralalpa Rd. 2nd driveway West of R.R. as<U 877-7484 .openl 8 @sm- 8 pin DAILV FREE RECIPES bimeaUw od coni poemtf Springrufge Farm Strawberry Festival fote united Wes , ..M OMMp.. LOeMtis * Dumefeatiof HaV-alitSJutttait Str»MurV-eotmI Contea ', asrm.pt-ahItil Couse: - flmuma fmfort Of fnuSds SPAWOSReW .Çzrinâ2rditq FTarnme MA sdift Utiun. UNiwm * SS-ilst Lrw__1M7ý