fiction had been bverlooked but novels lare notforgotten *Ms ftomark mentioaed that we hadn't lookad at many navets lately: 515e waurg ahegs you cor cteie cne Bookmark mysteile ESHE SueLDraELL and C as for Corp se. 1 dan't m myseli as à méder of dtcive ovel - l'ms isoe inta OMMet Asy Wo. le ly omxe-but a couple ai the high?TemalWnch4at LeilaSe If rocmemended bu a ar tie nd worlddas. last time 1 med any ceebt 51w se addicted ta a seriles wben I wu à youngster. ie~c erslmageu .AI Each chapier introduop dlus that baeli on a dstructive path ta al- eventuaily canruci ta tsilve the rid- caboisn Lot au know how it ends. .4die 1 fsd that iascinating. Aime 1 dired rot delve ia And E5a'uuy. readimg only two mysteries. 9 lok at Plut Anthon l.cocuding seventis ever,,day bappsung with a keener book in his r.ssios Cf lmmro- eye M&ybe li eiseuth when 1 la&itysels. It Efilbe b.ttonstien growt ath1e dire u a sPaitlier"e, to Thues minimral action in these make messi of Ibis sciencea4cti oar short naves, but plenty of mental ex- is it iastasy?) merles. In And £éarnU>. emise. Kinsey l4 a tbovougb. Vite, a moteal, là ýoîned by Orkene sisehadial detective who wite. u and jolie (les Mo suie wham ttsey as> mach detail af ier case on Ut inde tà asarch Wa the mfnting of gond. cards, Mly ktssd of uaman evil and divirsity. Accordiog Io the 1 chuckie a k love Kinutsa obier- book ice,'Ansd Ettrsuty i. du valions af peaiple, placeand.avant$ book lt hbd tu be wtlttn. Heras a partial description cd Rosie, We ad todmyes calum. as we Who t55aien POf usastn bagan tt - wltb si mystany. Michael iser Ki etinuent. SM le "à od thse authai af the chidrus's crituris of mutansus antd beetteai Paddlssgon Bm? startes bat aima haIr= I gwin ow uns ber lrebd. written Nie gSbtianasnic mysterles Sbem llputlck tn a brnt- orange sarrina Moieu Pamplemousse shade that usully exéveda the atuai send lée esmine frisssd. Pomm.a shape of bur masatb. . htp ad har Frites In Memsdam pamnkomug d note coa close ta mislng bhW Akft, this gourmet end food crttc d uppetllp." o ba m Itmsrqueee ta «sua a dlntsg ~umar ba k ht rionigin uÎaa for the mien voyaged toWrlteaàmyeer(Of 0" keten a ofaà ltuumy din1gible. the alphabet. And atu that élsa le Inte Soeef theat",%hWacarilas gaing to satt on the nunbert. She. run on thenmadlbyaàvon ofuns, ho h emt n tbe puttn irtnt aut at tWhitch ca r1de wth Yaaminarpa à rate af on@ à ynr anI ams sp Io F. arnie who %rift later suifer a etil Grifton', navolse m ilt amntI accdeint ha hma an unanunttatean. aumpentefu caunter wieb a «voccdite and hao irtcaan= Fui I yq'a MMld1O tamples taspal&table kWo et à .11scpe. IIM Jn' t cu tinn, non appett Çs ~ 1~~ ii l~1 4r! 4ç DatOM al oonotdm l s yItln hWr row aa l hsim yUelaor durkq à mm* ilbealir et Wine Ue~e au *rei MM. ît. John Ambulance Cadets ready- if hurricane hits A hurla.a carrla euay mrat lete andI lsu and anIad Se. Catharines ta await à hurricane end respatsd bout 40 camer on Kls Conservations Arn on Mote tlu auaon. &y bouteur rust Inoe tisas 100 Peple as am i tWisa a ofrsa theelt uslthmis wemils isstad lisser. aiJuallseuM, sl Slhs tîains officer Kefth It was an imaginai hurricane that vus part ai a mach Law of Muti k1r. Lau dkplarmad that ta weekad tesaer esercis lo whiqh 120 Se. Johs Ambtsanos camp giu tis oae a chémcata practice the Ai &id adie épent the long wasland trainlnj The 'vlctasn endI hanm 1.h am they lait througbout the yur. mai docieWe up ultis bloody mis.ui smrd«o Whlle commin et Keléo. tis cadas cambined toma 'nuiés and fake @yM=t . liha cadete jebe. prmia ta. ulhrlgpollnybde a ei iht dl rot enda hirpbsesettmttb~. I atthtoMS, naturel îistory, radio comtmunlcatlona trechntsid amble.i mothiimosthmuueit.d propane fer durat oant. and t at u dis lt @Mt cardlopulmuonay re.uakie. Tl. cadama, . astruso untih thtna s Place lur tht. Mon- ween the age. ai 11-16, camat fron t fe la way ae Wl. day. ýÉ Jeanette's1 Men'.s and Women's Shoes and Accemsoe~,s. 'SUMMER STOCK CLEAMt4E IAil Spring & Summrer Shoos Hats -Jewollery - Beits etc... AM Eva iton@<s Shoee 4oo .or lieeu Bado ie .30 - 50% me Lavaleso Blas w % 2.0 Main St., Downtown 875-1 627~ Get Ail Washed Up - An-Wàiedl tse t1rnel 4Ibatle rlght, It'a Urne to get à g.od --SW wehed wux for y@ur car bfors Wlnter hoale thia wey. And Mliton Auto Oroomers 1a the place for ail your car cleanIng ne"@a. fDELNERYj~n See Us For Your Cellular needs Also brQad seecetTmof pre-owned phonos from $3à.00 Àmt llqlIRSi PHILUPS ILloig ftoolns3U2 M 1OTE amEE LO~ I AS LTON -.e M G 01 878-1113 L. 220 Main St., Downtown