FREDA LAWRENCE 878-2365 4 boclîooml sidOsplit on quiet c unt. est I kenl 0Onkglio tunrI rOf Ms o.alout f0 lonced Yard tJaOd t2 à Mal, an ofter 1lu UNITANNIADs 3 pladomn ait0 brick .w o 1 1150 lot n country close o 10 l Oar'0. M, uga and 401 floatures incirrde co.uni , n on, 4 2 t,alms main fl001 tanily oc' wi t beamed c.'ng & 'ep4ace Aclxng$2791 nuli1 taire 0400, cago ex<1eçr000 on the0 reai g'aes thf home a ncge tam y kitche batliioom s been Eil w th i ceiglasa tuib 3 beol . Oe ,ncsniewic fiee eleior Cali Fieda rance, Ohlv $194>s0 Super finance9 O8ns tI4 beroorn. 2 tathooehom ires lid on a ooQy Irai boîdeîedJ 'E RA LARCIV yard Falros tioetaate In living r0Cm, spaclous eat in kitCher main foi0 Iaundry/mudh '0cm vlth a 2 cr gai AI $235 000 . ihis oppOilcnîty is wrtil yo carei corideatCii KEEP YOIM COOL. In dus2torey 3 4dobCmlDehoT. thr contral air Upgraded carpeting. eat in kitciw cbnrogtig roi, c bnoiaf th walkout f0 patio. Priced aet a mo st Sf52.000. te Worth pour tinta to inv ,sa HON MacNEIL SALtS REP Wh.m 675.365 Ilas: #?&eu RAISIED ÇUNOALOW 1 3 ACRES (I BIf X 398') irreg.jtar lot backing onto conservation land. Milton Hospital is appYox. 10 mlinutes away, The homne lis a raised bounga- low. approx. 3000 sq. Iee of firished liming area (Up & clown). EiCARPMENT <MIlton) kMI LAND POINT IN MILTON YOU CAN SEE TORONTO. LAKE ONTARI &S THE AIFtPORT H ýse. hre barn 2 e es of paddocks> ýe.Toronto& LakeOntario l'or lutine Inomt n propert9piease cal R n Mxailo WANTED IN OLD MILTON BUNGALOW ON LARGE LOT 1have a buyei Whto w'ii pay CASHL >AiyIinie belore the 2hd areeoi0f Sept 1990 Please cail pon Macel 878 2365. 878 0198 CUTE & CS4ARMING- MILTON Thk I. i nn a h@~.0 nin heg. M0 Ir- c -i bxr*, f 16 Md. Cx.6 i WOn, arnd i..idWWd Io rde a tPIxs, oil iOPO conept lhe x*tctx. hm. il, n.rçrlor.. Ir. & ceîa î,.d .pil, adI 014l kyi.,)hl*. plu. o FIb. i oef lih .afn *îitghl .10e $168 900 CixfLang~ toeixo Mo. MIAP. 816 2365 C-1 FUTURE COMMERCIAL M.5rrrh..n th-. 0t0 o. o. ~S 500 s~ o.xhrad Po..9-6 ÀPeeexo.50f 34= w Il et fiaganilkf $pli- rteh ~Y11 Oeceesqra falétu, ca W" b u ifala goo 'uo. lits 23111 FOR LEASE: Miltowne Realty Corp. .22 Ontario St. South 878-2365I Gary Thomas Broker/Owner FREDA LAWRENCE 878-4860 MAURICE MILJOUR 876-4577 AUDREY NEWELL 878-5339 LORRAINE RANDALL 828-SOLD WAYNE WARNER 878-1084 LINA WARNER 878-1084 DOUG BUTSON 878-2054 RON FURIK 878-3337 SHARON KERLEY 854-0474 STELLA HALL 878-4339 CLAYTON HACKENBROOK 875-0771 BETTY INGLE -* 827-4286 MIKE MORGAN ký 878-8093 PAUL PAGE 878-2995 WILLOW AE 3. B~0n <1cOen Oae Oix tert Il' Lots of allias $216.5001 GAIL PULLEN 878-0110 PHtL PRESTIOGE -1878-6924 'BETTY BRADtNG 878-6716 SANDRA BAILEY (519) 658-9040 RICHARD HtERMAN 878-5806 CAROL M. BROOKS 875-0067 CAROLE STONHtLL 876-4913 LINDSAY McLAREN 854-2451 KEN NEWELL - 878-5339 JEAN SNOWDEN 878-3155 ALAN BROOKS 875-0067 RON MACNEIL 878-0198 ANNE TAYLOR 854-9833 JEFF WRIGHT 878-5110 BETTY INGLE Satles Rap 878-2365 Ros. 827-4286 pnone flolly log 'e nfmllror ai appocImeI FLAMBOROUGH Bunrgalow & bain Tres acres of land $289.000 ~ P SAVE OVER 98000 INTEREST £ 100.000 0 Il 75% uni',Oci AUDREY KEN, 94 4 dinis . large krtcien 2 NEWELL , full batti> lacuzzî. new broad Associate Brokers dom $1999gS Sarving Miltont & Disfrc Since f974 SAVE OVER t0000 NTIERIEST $105000 0 1f.25% ani, sept 92 contes complote cîi 3 bedini homo onr a f150 x 160 ln rriated garage with 2201, forcer, large pr1040 ciel. Sale, le ofil $239.00 WME WPROX "M0 INW $113.000 0 10 5% .,l Jne 91 and aise gel Ihs 3e Dé'il llocse hfla 1y piet4 pair ,O Selllirg. famly iooii we? a etc . etc, $289.900 3 BEDROON BWGCALOW Lirge ea1 ýn KIcr*en !.05000 Ro Rlocn ex l lxr COUNTRY 2 ACRES 1-1, 0001 Z e 0 .LOCATICON14 c-S YhI foi the Young tamil1 Nea' scidoiS, pairs, tenils co is, GO l'ansd, Store and AFFOROABLE COUNTRY <i Pi de c1aje home mih 3'4 bel, n a- ,,Ilchen. tmhiigl Ilnýng '001' paîty 1-iiSlied bisement Recent 'y clecoiated anl -pg'adoi sihows beaIý BUILDINjG LOT ttEOOCEO AGAN - F08 A~ be.rl'40.09 $297.000. FOR SLE Be 2bc).i s'h noue Irackl'r 1 4 acres MottaI to gîeenpe I paix os ciculai 51 i s159gS. casiSip ptu) ari sopraie ashow 1/2 acre401 or in ensu i. large kiîChen crIt Trafalgar 100. dte, etc etc, uclopied bessOiroit, Sf54,000 centrai air. shows banlîtuly. East F1NAJ40E AVAJAEIEk FOR A NO-OBLIGATION MARKET EVALUATION ON YOUR PROPERTY PLEASE CALL KEN à AUDREY AT 878-5339