A Dotounmtn Wedy Papei On C«emnu'ulty Nomi, Vesw & HaMpeug SUMMR HINTS FROMTE VILLGE CONSTABLE '*have à unique dowlilown area in Milton with nariow abreets and wide sidewalks. This encourages cychsts and skatebordr to use sadewalks which coeatea a dangeus and ilqal situation. Ail Milton officers wilJ b. paymng more attention, to sdewalk rid- ers now that achool ia out. .Riders, plecase help malte the sidewalks a saler place for pedestul. ans and duivers, piease te caubous and help malte the ateesa aasfe for cycliats. Cydoasts. b. advised that you lhust folloiw the rules of the roàd just as cars muat. Lmis have a sae & pleasant summer downtown. LAny Maso Village Constabde NIVE SAR SALE~ June 27th to July 7th ' a T am U.. 0.vq1~ ' upro 2500OFF 246 Main Stm aEa, Mklon (4 876-4244 IS A GOODj Ni Be a Good Neighbour, take time to reach out and help each other. ~tA0MENSEARLTO SAYS GOODBYE Altef mone 50 years in tNs location we mslai bave. An Meianson and Chai. Vazzjn ave aaying thanbu oS adl of the wondeiliif y«eav. We clos our dloor forve on Suurday, June 30Mh. We isay thenli to our clients. fridsa. mipoeters and 4111ow vetales lor theor loyalty over the Yeats. To thekMitonChampson boru aprbng many events aponsored by the D.BlIA. Ke.p -the messqea flong. As a final expressin of thanks w. are offenng wondedful laM mutde bargains on our entie Sutdc & fixtures. Even if you donl buy. pleas drop in and say hello, and in the interest of ke.ping Mee@& LM@c ahe. w. amy Meu'c and Au Revoir Ar bà Sbe You ait the Fam Maflt ,;; V"d à&Canadla.1 rM<UA IG 2M0 MAIN ST E MILTO#4 LOT imb emtm20 MP- - -t-irrai - C&- .F:WDee l -M Y«r BJt Sde 'D. - IF -p** el _-,O w THERAPY CLINIC &.T. MRENTON 153 MAIN ST. E. ffumai. te @* cd 8762000