i2 O)tarlo t.Sbutli 878-23«5 JEFF WRIGH4T ~ I ornos: 878-2365 TOAONTo, 82&-1030 RE:878-5110 ~LAWRU CE FF# %UWO OPNOMMW no 706mOU eu6 NIPI8SI RD.I I yw a, U xkWa i b. ont 1 w. 00 rat. R. cSstasd no 3 itNs. :Oned M-I1. k" "olta cICêS ta 401 & FWY. 25. PTirdB ta o1>1 W799,000. For MM O Whotrlc i ten pU = PM cO JOS VWQt. gg&ut*. 235 eme Mpr.y icialasdo itheF PàdMj 0". u* lise aclc ta te a. Alo Mia q~a s ti lurnalied Doa &ficie rtuànsd ta peileloi. PtaPsly MO nduls a ~uetraai à te original bol houas. L.acated Oe4y 3 tours Sut roe.Ilto.* Cali nas, fair wtfter inîowrmç. Ast ai orl Wnght :î V your. thling of 7ing your home and wod fIke a pro feaslonaland haaael frilf Mark#( EValUatlo ca# todaymand a&M for .Jeff Wtlght- If you*re thinking of buying a home, NMQ il the time. Cai today and tek* advantage of Wy persoflal and Mrep off anW make an app&i - ~saii Os qug al s-tliu 3 beocfi la bicki bisias air t5oI5 ici in SurWiV. dose %a051. Lawf. a 401 mmmu. incfudea cuti Watut 4.2. taINé. tmm filoOt = VUi* malt o sgtdenu à *replace. 455*19 a2790 wu W retow boc. ntment tadayl iary Thomas 878-2365 l0affy tirom w een sENLAPGE RPm: 335-08 ~ ~dLma Tor: 826-1030 4rN00SusfU0' ie aIw- - -= U7w 1Tor.UéI,2S-103 Rau: 878-2054 CaiN for noauOffi Soms Oi U~MUU.a- Sîss,ôoo. NZC. ILXRTOMJ.LOT 1160. Old. Permt, VÜUMLLU- 1037 sq. lt. with 2 W~me alme ua id " tin Phfoc bulk. Uietas L1L.UÀM 7700 ait t.i dor 1a Io M ý - 9M0 8% IL quw pws OÏM ONUM .Jone 24 . "ia tua IldO lt.n m. Accont firsce, 4ttt ýb.iiaom. 2 PC. show. à "une. A/G pool, dochk. brick pua t fins YadO ta ts sm%oelU wUsA t 010.000. - Gall S"n pop 820-103 ib u Bs" Rqeumia OmS:8 34 PAL 871~SS 2M MQ FIL W<OK" faf ne-io NM NUE10.0% E-a claai dis ava" or Fà If d@WredO 4 large battu mOtIf ntII 8110wer Curved Oak sialoaBe in ouatM bdM ta W grison hmus » kt. batti daim ln 109110101,d COINi Us A toi Lllmtp. dw nm9 u. n tar areds. &Mn LAM&U& F-el,. *111M- ln 0*g hume meml 4iAsBS1 0'rn. - ast-fn 0" taiA MW a "MMo hhtUJd la0 md 2 our 9"e At KaoCom. o n Ap* LaiMs .' ý L.r* pýdo"Ai oqul *th -- amia . IMîtit rut. Cd~ 0W78.0110. %«M Noml a "MN- S eOINS -.fWSui@wa - MW inOft- 100*1 h Wm 4 F*uoe twlI *1. * I I i I n Iau*1Oou N t-fn kitohen. I UtUSI ~sI I t. - - aseU~ >a