f 4, 9 4 Uied ChUch, Guelph Une betwea No. 20 and 25 sideroads.td bilhld a ouiabaiu éc- tie dm11,0 5 to 8pm. Tickets for the. pona, îmad by thei Unlited 4 ffor à- 08 25 % OFFU E EAGLE GA BLACI(WALL "MA/R SPED RATED) PM/nR7o14 M $497 97 $16592 P215C7R15 M 584907 1 9499 P205101p15 M 57597 19199- P19eis V M3397 177 99 PZOSM015 M 491ý97 163,99 BLACK SERRATED LETTERS &* liPbo si" 8.1.4 Bala Pl9Si70Rl4 $443.97 $14799 P?15'6S<14 47997 159 P21SIOSR15 5M697 16899 P215/6e16. 5M997 16999 P 3 6t »9 16 5 99 19 899 4 for 3 OR 25% Off PUtTR PREMILM ALL-SEASON RADIAL VECTOR WHITEWALL PlS551»13 $29997 $ 9999 P 165I9M 13 35097 116,99 P175ý9ff13* 37497 12499 pI175I713 401 V. 133,99 PlSWMRfi3 41397ý y179 P185/75AI14 40497 134.9« P185,7mi14 455 97 15199 P196/71R14 4 1197 13799 P205 75R 14 437 917 1.5 99 P205/7W614 47997 159.99 P205175R 15 46 797 155ý99 P215/75915 485.97 16199 P225/791,5 51297 1 70.99 P235,7M 15 5360' 17W99 I -I. Churkh I4w>mai can be punk"asmi en àm asal.eU cigii.d books, cuallaw tii.dcor hboell7 A.drsyKiacipu gus ,bbWpod -ý lsh, l ln" m (Sle 824P3770, Maion Ud ip i ulq povlde Ose Dimh ( 519) 856-960 or Juy .nu.,ammr V.,du, os s duo.8 i a 4-26111. talhha kWa M"ra donaion. BMIE"Y it 23 me Milac ami Dlalvr Haduti tunsi Sociey Win holu, amua The. Mbim Ditric Hospital flaeais mi, ai Miltan Mail hum i Auxlliay telI pueant S6uabwiy tu4 p.m. Hundreds Of amual and Fait 396 et VIciarla Put~ hrO 10 persuailhouss wlil beo -*dhy Omin te 3 Pitt. The M la td i.ti . 2 sIrawboel éoaei by Anmncs byJM 4 Scomi Acres. U.4nhmem avislhld. Thie &MM amd lJlai, Houiâcul GRAND SLAM TIREgAL for the of 3'. Itîr a lImittd4iffne 0<11> %eoe offering ir hest deal etvr an ournec Lmxry Per*wmance Radial EW (;ý. fi)ur kir the price 6f tiree. Plus the High Performance Eagk 6t. the Prenlum AI Véae cloe and the pripular U-Season Arriva AU Imr kr the prce of thoee Plus many odlir gwat values. Sale endijune 23rd. Wa for prkes oni size Mn shown. *, ceanm wa - u us mi - - Prlhb site mm M 14 fl 67 ALL4EASON RADIAL ARRIVA "'WHlT EWALL P 1561U13 $215.97 il 71.9 Ple5me3 251.97 83-U hîli-eoe3 27597 91.90 P18i79A1â .296 97 96.9 P19L751114 302.97 100.99 P20679RI4 320.97 106.99 P2m51 s11 344.97 1 14.99 Pl5f75815 3%607 11999 P225f17915 371.97 123.19 P235175A15 389.97 129.99 ~4 for J OR 25 % OFF PEITIRE PREhUUM H PERORMNCE RADLAL * AC Mg{ETTEiS E CDNAED 8" Pila un la w 4 Uim P185,Ooe14H 1461.97 $153.99 P 19561514H 47397 157.99 P22517OR16H 551.97 183.99- OUTLINE WHITE LETTERS 8* piêt. lb 99.64 8a.la P206,7oe14 $473.97 $157.99 P215/6061 ',473.97 157.99 520Uf 9iW.97 16.99 P255/6oe1 659S7 219.99 BLACK SERRATED LETTERS lb Pib un sa o.f.4 saviait P215169A15 $470.97 $158.9~ E41MAY LW mICoED GOGO>? I rA 4 N£4"àm SON IAL No CASH Dow% 0 O lS88w3589 T ARKE MEf HO0M E P11067mî: M'a$ ona$6mciii W ilru Q lUkbCdorAuqicuiE.Pmuad P20W711111 a." 1 2291715 woACEVACUATE AND RECHARGE-û- [ -- - - - - - - - - -- - - s ~ 4541tai un am Maps daM th] 4381014» at Toi. Th ii, la lavlasu la& w h imatude eitntainand &bout aMW .= p. wol tae pli Otuidi wth a fro the ( or mvWun a iam & iHOL For IMcm Fd ,aten lO 1= thg Cao W tGrc oupake.Nr *iI * a ThemultnWi Iiiu/HJ.o. vaima miu Aiter C.sam» (MUC) 81011 W]! bt mii paaa mone in~ Cai 4w64 or gt 825- Fiaids "S&UOi les Win ines gAt ul.aaophai's urrh. 6 Gulph. Là i a D.. for a fun neht feat ngteTogun Fout Cioup. e 51015 npam u &Ibam . a167- 43 for mom in lcrntaio g le t an Jile27a irampion Panai Wwbisma 2982i for le nim a nonhai TheailSen~ior6 4Coll6eai lion Centre W Il ta ke t hm the. ventr. 21 ChMrleatg a.M. Cal Cindy A il. 875- 1681 for mom inlornation. '> 1-ge Uvlqg t Caucr -a-W telllmatid. Milion5 frh oitd Canaiean Red Croi.saceu 731 Main Si. E., hmn 7J0lÔ pn croup dlacumomnwid Zion- mi support ami! pand ca SU!dance tu hiepii Cai ~5 or881876 frm~ehlr The. Mild Clure ai The Centre, 181 Main S6.. t 7 pi. The. guest speaker ted! Brns Fuudil Ltý Gowernor la 1ata Ontario District Opilmisi lntrmi- tIaa. Cali 876-1244 for more laho- A canfidettial ou port1l las ia Uufimgion. An arintla I. mo meuasy. Cali =yorctg93#5m4. FrId.y Juine 2 PrayafWIbo 6.. ih Wan or. ~Yo8aitil hyu Uha'i u a pt b ho0 beilarmeni inmdi pnoa by due Milo ua emm l llatrnain.Cai 1 3Um Sundey July 1 Milton's Canad caj ma$,io ~ .heldgfet ,Y Iukl ~mde Pondfront 1:30 tg 101. pi- in âas tissonsa W for fh our rmaiitlan -Al 1cr mihus Thp day wll uo vleamemil .atemarna laA dyflt' playpaumi. ha The MM UnIt ci duw lau gl aa y " hm u bà dmIa cd uaU à Me lW ~CoulS44S or 6 for tIiwm~ymvi lits Wa i WHali"n A" 7M P idM. J a cal, A - m. anu.i .9 =kaal.Cge ub l 8 ;= t il a k mb Km Pm*ybaMChd 176 huil et 011, Fliter & Chassis Lubrication , tp IncIu sUptIo 5 Urof aumt 1WMi m» i JrhCIAL $1.95D oSLNW ________ b~d~ Il 019-10uz