Milton air cadet receives .Legion medal of excel1ence~ Ah.airiab~u~lmi..UWObu Ihs1I uSnelaaim- Us ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M WtU b iI7U~ iS . - aiS Wiy. 1111 theII Viell bigla im hU hi.90 adie C»M"a P-- hiei r -à fr iftternational 75th anniversary LtT. uil lmt SIs un~m b bes et %, &uS"a Lai (umupi To lulp due Erflh and Wela Wr tuameàai hma %qll. L sa- Hamiat Stny Cm*. àaaiae a up of Onitarto Wl bis ~ brna.' . To li u the duiýth Eegls ,ubau " by FWlQPaid ii nm,~ bontea h whii hm bai $ WaiInstituéa ment ta hmudu P,7r L,¶1 v inind in hs mA êha heart cé aMy or&gehda hwraof the duua Lle4 u IP J z a uPade iMp- h hrehaL8 bagout. Wa the a ue MW ai eai wifomat don et ont rio HoMe Int a m si ua aoaaud thi w=oàd L abai*Stonay Cria e. caebrme 75 y"r of Wl -wark in theheut f ées upbMminla oin & ths o b4ifofFWIO Brbain. aitario lahe Fwi" iElin ie (uwn> Ke Hoimen ci teA ,tu part aiipnts etl Ota umi'i ribais . am aeCroit ObrdClae a adaol run by due Enghthl h he u e- di.asa l whaai tub-division due Wl ta, provide a verlaty af coues aitutgn tatinsi Jueit Lai hbd- Lai home h MhtWie and wrkhtps for Wl menher. pesx due lIam onstigln a due As part of due re rited Mm. Alfrad Watts, Ereni and wmCo"ia ' l Eiutuitué. SboneyCrack Wl brand ulil bu rPu*. Janit Liee nad evm E.T. would be Ayouu Ca*ian ldo. M. lg d Intltte Ma d Colat, no =ha n au me n Wl menmner AMi at, u hua a oua inaiby% duhglhsn-rl ornte tis yair. However hn En t ai th ducetia ba. Crai in zrIE #:orgvtub 1997, dhur Wi Wl adrtu it mn- 73~~~~ niaiesu mu for Mm. Veamt psin oi due imm, due phones ta Staey Cuiek Mam Mmi itomen li Englan h.. bNFW fuli ho ln O-- :Zp. .ad W'a nittuae hCea. Me iermIn bus laide a( Englith end Kali, drhran of the Eriud Lee Englh&W uWailuWoxm'o Instituts W"lh Wl mtamIer, makil à (Museun) Home, et (705) 456-5705, iaiaae.Mma Wat wui elalaI- "pibrmge toaua due home wlure Jane Croit: et (416) 54-2789, or Garai- ,tinuta h aihng due A&. it uV bqge mors, thn 90 yeuse àgo. dîne Campfll nt (519) 674oe42. indtq Cauaary ln in du r orm the arts this summer 19U3. For aIII bu efforts, dut irai nemai ln lIra praldit. Arhy"u aailuug amiimg and iduatratail for peur ies iis summer? Tlu yar u Eigist and Welah SM.igt'9 f. ail Hasatudmasé tram Kisudugertu ta Grade 13 due Waoun' frMZat 'ltt e ir dlbFtt opportunliy laa exlore due Prfutn aite. Slnglng, dang artlag and dui7ith, &nnlvtmryM AsPart Of bichtamtadmi rawrk ara ii lnit du tbrn-mk r dul therlln du hguul Appraimately 150 atsiron mamai due rmg"a wlil th espar Women's Institutes bave moelvii à -eri bmclril laectivitis daignai ta expanid thoir lrellvéltal tahaut. rampllmentary oeil liatai! N=i This ur Sptdiui '90 hia Re distinct pragrea Io chom from. An hi- air Se ~~~ wainady',t 2 P.m.,egoio atisna Mabo aiW. bnThor ,,a " ria M. &X2 et LiaI BIn eirry krg ~ US - Rimai E~~~' snttt ubr lj roll urlga. Par mar oanua oeiU caei Rabaets, presti Catibt Lgu Cai i laiaui. W id i UdVa.wliâ tlk ta %Wn' Insitts -.R supiraice, ut 632-6131 or due ilton Boei of Eduatlonai et41 DELI SPECIALS VIRGINIA HAM p*,$3.W Ib- or -8801100Og BRMA PASTRAMI amm $3.99 lb -or -880 /100g At Whi Oaks Plaza DAILYVIENNA'SALAMI MS3.99 lb - or- 88lon 327 Bronte St., Milton i FRUN F-. - - . .W, .--0on MUFIS MARBLED CHEESE DRA E2770U'1 3.Slb.orîOçllOOgCUNK 200 S BEALS M-Spec In ~io UnIl hume 20t%1,lm Oft weeIuiBy 327 Bree Stytp luve" A ~ BRONIE CLEANERS 875-0303êé6 WRIT OAKS PLAA 327-ISIOMMT ST. S. rmm"e* OMN MM DA AWUÉ I.U'MN MiSlle Corne In And See Us! -7 t Qarderi season is here and weve .got everytjing I0~ a yý 'l need. Visit our Garden Centre for yaur lou"qtv Up mv aazn values taday.FaAiVu FUi& UÉITY ILD e ta renovations to aur current produce Pralaqianol UNDER NMW #MNAEMENT dprtent. w have a quiantity of spAce ta 011 Hk Cote Noes SiOS, Mmes CMdàs, CeuDk. .êw1iI BwidC YSiletyo(produce toa Serve 1O mxx NOW OPEN ON'SIJNDAYSI r fSfllilT. mammewm -878-i9300 ( MILToN 80A, Mâý%M -9.-uê501,G e- 4 , -- J. àý - moný