Key to stopping MUDS is discouragig gay sx:P SCho&"i %0Î - VUM Am - uow r» ii iii M të d e à"f %g Ù.oe. *w~l w q ývw M MW làba 0= M *» ..idp q%..bhPm.Ib.u proudb' announces the NATIONAL TABLE SALE SAVE UP &".TO Featuri,,g over 100 fine £rdional tables, end 15 différent cml..e i.a wide va1rie<y of etyIei. During the mntuh of June aill oui aRt- reoypices are being reduacd by M.Choome from a large oecicedon of lampe. cuamlom floral an'angc.menb. & framedi mineus. I I. h. h. , mb. u - CM b avuâM tu mm am d ff sua"- Ei V d u ý p enma nm"uwqb ma ) -. =.w bu h ~ -W oedmh a" M" @~Leh bMi iM - im "e leh MW& - h emli ao 7*p*Ic W bu dm, bdi 13 Mad 14 "w e- MoàM àfl vb -à* NWW -gw b MW d.»Mg db- -m M hb M 1 of -agF 4 lIý mmw u .u 9L Juv ûrOM U D a à-