jNew growth study examines S40,000 population-increase B y EdORMAN NELSON of the plan te senvce tire wafer- pHallon planning commisstoncr starved municpality by p pipin iRashr Mohrarmmed vnil1 adviw. tr syater front Lake Ontario. lire =eon SRegion next week on hoss tes te is tire pos5rbility of incmeasng f-pronetii4 tire secnd stage nif à Mion'% current well-based supply maloi pnnatinitiative rirai <IteM prier toe pieie bngeom Morse than delible Miltue', popula. plcred. And the timr is te elop tien nr rsso dck4e% detaileti land use concepts tc, doer- STire tiri parr or tire planning minie vs here mc'identiut andi connr- [f~oce9s - knnvn a%. tire f-alion cul facilifles %houle! ire locaiedi , Srbra Sr ucrurvRe'se. -'WdteNIL Mr Mohammed irru.,het off a plereti la veir, and rt concludeti recent edutirrial irn The Chavpuvv ~ iai tire iresr location rer nein gr'Ôwri pondering whe.tlrer orner grwth op- n i Halrov stouli ire Milton porunir,,,.sin Haîron mav b hoiihrng SPhae two - which Isas stuck on empirasis awav from rire Milton ex- r he irack urner until laie Apffl vishev pansion rire prsnilgserermn lied 'lire prime locus oi attention will up hall or an anticipated S, million he ontirose plans,- ire %aiti bill i. vpectedti 1 idenritv more However. irc cautioneti tirai 'tire tpeîihuallv tsiich aicav in Milton %storldi doesn't stop there" coulti ho developesi te pinvtide hou%- For jnvlarice, wîth tire pm"vncial ng for tire etpected influxt or per- gosernmtmni s ecent commîtmenl lii haps 4lufX people complere Higirway 4103 tirrougir Hal- Ar net hostinesia% % plavinîn arrd ton csiihin ergiri vears. ire sai lire puilic wtorkt 5omrtwe M ing. des'elopmet.n of tire adjaçentl ands 1M r Molrmeri sîid ie will oullirre -i% ove of tire lhings tte uniti have te tire truti cnileria, whici counsîil espiie, muvrapr eotre a consutant , tfire Hîghwav 4011 corrdor is * slecieuole another arej to ho looketi ai, ire saaad Among lire aeas ire stanîs lool.nl He added tit durivg thre course ni at ire contirrned, arm thrvee aspects ni tire %lud.. etpedied te laIte thre Milton espansion %ears. tirer suill ho ample oppor- Tire tîrur ia thoruugh vvannation tunits tr puic input THE A ANNE .O AN EXCELLENT SELECTION OF NEW LIMITED EDITION PRINTS NOW AVAILABLE AT HARRQP RESTAURANT ~and GALLERY "'~ 345 Stees Avenue L'~~0ui iiton878-8161 f. P10a Dy Jfl WARP£N Granted... Local non-profIt agencles recontly reaelved grant. freen th. U.nied Wey. In bock (front WhfIo rigIrîl are: Bon Gros@ and Mark Slsaddodh eft h. Untted Wsy wjth Fr&*l Auhi, Carman Bian. Helen Mitler fod Elesn Martindale. I front are Shsaron Grois, Marlon Wagner, Kelly Long Cathy Mierln, Lois Wiens fod Jan"c Hayhurei. Holding the fbtg la Lynda Johnoton of th. United Wsy. 4 878-2076 761 MAIN ST. E. j. aciofrnm GO Sltatuovl.tq COMPI.ETE COOLING 0 j SVSTEM MAINTENANCE I FREE INSPECTION R&D ET W A TAN S UAS FTE WA TAN S gNrINÇE WOR< - AIR CONETtOf4NG CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMEN WASTEWATER TREATMENT OP71ONS FOR URBAN Public Information Centre Date; June 27,1990 . Response Deadline: July 13, 1990 Th. Raglortal Munlcipalityrf Hation sa planning the above*mentioned Project ln accordance wtth th. Curw Envtronrnental Asssmnt pro. hn for Municipal Sevrage and Watât ProI.cta. Thre purpo.. of ire pro(ect te t0 peovide thre capacity for thre treatrnent et pooct.d &&viage volumes formi the development ptopos.tt for Utrbia Phlas. 2 anc the Shell Raf inery Lande in the Town of Oukvulie' Thre Oakvmile ~ra Phas. 2 lands ame bounded by Hwy.5 te Ile nort Upper Middle Road te, the south Hwy. 403 t0 the fiasf, and lironit. Crfe to the ie wa. A Ciao. Envirormental Studly Report (ESR) wlll be prepered.t As pari of thîs procsaif, alternatives Ihe undeetaking have beren idenN"le. You are lnvited te attend à public information centre teadn h above mentionscd proieci on Wednesday, June 27, 190from 5:00 p.m. Io 9:00 p.m. et Ab.y Leant Public lichool, 1160 OUd Abbey Lâhe. located nortIr of the OEW @st of Nottingilt Gate. Reprosentathivas of tie Reglon and thirer coensultant twill b. preffnt Io ansar your and re- 'oisiv your commenta. You are invitait tiliprovide written commients t0 the. Reglonai Munlclpaiiy of Haltoip( thre addrest below bli Friday, July 13,1900 To vlew à copy. of thi Municipal Engineers Association Clia Environmental Aauemnt document, or for furtirer information. contact; Mr. iV A. Suftoletta. P Eng Mr Pot L.aughton., R Erig Manager. Errnnng Studios & Resaacti Propact Manager Rogional Municiparty of Haillon P V Anderson Associales LI. 2316 Saufth Service Road Wast 1210 Sheoppard Avenue East P.D. Boa 7000 Suite 401 Osatvlle, Ontario. 16J 6El Willowdais, Ontait, M4P 1M9 Tel. (,l6>827.2151 (16) 497-8600 ' Thed Envirom<n.tal Study Report Io expted to be complotad ln op. prlxately 8 Inalisa. fruer notiftbglli wltt b. géven wharf the ESR tecomploe ad d iade availteta thre Municipal Off"c for 30 deys lor publia revi. Thre C"as Bîwfonmental Aaae.mmnt proaae la designed f0 nesolive Syconfliats, prlo f0i construction. Wh.n signîfîcant conflicts have bt ben reooved, finir persontparty May mokae a requeat te tha losar et thre Erwlrom.nt ti the project b. "bump.d up" t0 an indIidue ElanenIl Aaae-aannt. If Shore sa no objectons I te ESA. tir profect will proceied. - t à' 'Y.", . '. . "