Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Jun 1990, p. 39

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Somei g.T Otisw refreslumenls wifil lie avaitahie and a sole wW inolude £ hocha, croit' . gamue and haked Daelne Winprovlde =nati ottabl fixo a âmm donaotion. OmNim is a bo i, l em .s r* re**» lali~s.s.s WdyJfOS ffff i~ 0" assa plue MM Hélion Cý.ienil Mnriv MonsC* ' 'ai - ou-pictire sasMnirivie auto ltileMWo, ". .. -~ anyone interoid ta patticipalée tra aà am' orty ...m m m os e o ta t spport pouv' fer ""leb cauiq for S bomS fa the, dm of ft Occurre-nce u $ relativea fronm 7 te 9 p.m. Thea lhougl mm meau ie -ob tf Nohea fua D@atalul d bu ta ioï Pion 19.%lats i v - u e 4 fo r 3 box 2411, t, 01 Teioi R25 % O*ff P EU a NO a S pm on ao wxum Sp m Fb Pompaodéon No mai b PERFORMANCE RADIAL DW ANia. yNpbbit, n EAGLE GA Wsdnmbdy June 13 BLACKWALL Matis ialerrest0d tn information "HN S P lieEORT &bout breatit feeding arc wolcane tau ia a sf4 Bmhp attend à metingq ofi tie Milton La 120570014 H $49197 $16599 Lerne League Te meeting wiII be 1215,70MI5 H 58497 19499 bldan o 1 Siersadi..;heMui 120"-51115 H 57597 19199 fat are ai P. p _o einor- 15 397 177 99 ma 8 For mre inform- P." "MA 9197 10399 tion and direcions, cati p71-4183. BLACK SERRATEO LETlERS 854-2623Sar877,«422. BasPf tilo 5tý S., i59 ho.tian op i boue Pl95 70014 $44397 $14799 fmam 2 tu4 pm and 6_110 t pmin 1215 6m 14 47997 15999 lton ofa Senior Cit!7.vnn' MIonth P215 65R 15 506 97 16899 R.frehments wîll ho served and 1215 6S 16 50997 16999 *evoryone lctmwe 1235 sffl16 59697 19899 A morin5 discusnion forum callod > tise Vision .4 Womdu lit open ta everytt ink'rested in expioning. 4 fo 3 lotissessc spâe asn OR 2 5 .*OF PE-R IRF. self- reliant citdren and sirenglisets PREMNJM ing iamili. TIse guost speaker will AL SE ONRD L hc Non Hienderson whio will disiusa L-SAO RDA heïtlih 'and healing. Sponsored by thse VECTOR Mîlton Bai cammunity. the m'ent WHITEWALL wîllrun Imm Q.Sfto 11a m Calil878- Som B¶Frèc Seniçorieoaim P155 8ffl3 $29997 I $9999 SeirCitizens Clah M wîil isold P165800R13 35097 11699 ils annuil dinnicr ai the Royal P1 75"013 374 97 12499 Canadian Legitun hall on Chiarles P1 75 70013 401 97 13399 Sircs'i ai 12.3il pIns Ail seniors ame P 185 70R13 413 97 137 99 sîIcorme The cos i <9< P185 191114 404 97 134 99 11)5 ;O0014 45515 1 99 ThUrsday JÔné14 'l5 5R14 4 39 1379 r,1S75 4 437 97 14599 The Living with Cancer Croup 11205 7-0 479 97 15891 -l mecs ai thc Milton Branch ol tise P1205 1 461 7 1ý55 99 C.niadian Cancer Socicty, 751 Main P215 758 15 4859 161 99 St E, troa 7 0 tuo9p m C.rup dîs- 1225 755 5128 9 170 99 cusions prosade emotional support P1235 75RU1 5369 178 99 and practîcal guidance tu patientis. famîiy and frifflds Cali 878-5221 or 17e,1876 for mots' informationI A axception and dinner wil b iseld in honour oi Tom Houldrzrofi, / head ai stiadent services ai M ilton D3,trçrt High S5h,isri who is rtn'trng ifier '0 yrs Everyone i% weksrmo.& lu attend lthe 4 p.m. avent ai lbe Muddv Duck banquet hall Caii Bevley ai 978-2&39 for nesorviiions. The ilton Regianal lcaiîh i Ospariment teili hoid a public .ittiitn on ils hIlton Heti ruis Progam. an eigisi w=11 cur'for peuple obsessed with thir weight Th vn ilb edai Milton Public Library fronm 7 lu 8 P.m Cali 6-19-5141, est 764, for mots'e infsirrnation. Tuffey Jurw 19 .The Alzhseimert Fanant Suapport Croup s.iii me"t ai Hlion Cente.- tu M p m For more inforanîtion. con- Boston Presbytein Churcis on Third Lino will isold lié annual en- O niversary dirani fram S ta 7pm feaiurîng black foreat bin, salads ; 0 and sirawboi-ry shoricame. Dtnner cois $8 for adults and SÇ fo NO CASH OOWN a NO ciildrn aged 6ioî12years. Cisildren INsSIO LM kIOM under 6 years ai aSe are irau. Enter'- vn tainaenn will be proavtdud by tise Milton Optimisi Ir. pipe Band and o Highland daneors A show a ale ono of wateroilours will a ho held Frldoy Jun. 22r---- Ehonioer Unaited. Cisureis. Guelphs Lino betwSrn No. 20 and 25 e f ntderoads, will isold à awbr so-V cil infini S ia 8 p.m. Tc o h i ret, sponsored hy the United L -- -- - - - - --- Churci. %men, can lie purchased ai tedcror by oeUîing Audre'y Kitcis- 011. in ai (519) $247-3770, Marion Ii Dmond ai (519) 856-950)7 or Jtady m Kitching ai 8154-2698. Satuday June 23 45 Ontano St N, Thse Milton ONtnct HospilM lo Auxilur irt iU presen StrawherryMito F'air 1990 ai Viatoaa iri, iro Il0 arm. ta 3 p.o The fir ill friature OPEN straws-N__sdinte ba Arins o/ aToup fricuses an thse nSds of the aregvu7 Fo mnéite iniormation. cati auraine Andrewsi, 879-4141 est. 167. Tubudr Juin@ 28 Tise Hamiltoti.Whwoeih/Halitm rueiug ait Sp.n, rive anganloation mma ta proivide inforaewton and appiont ta lite m paroets. Far nore infornmationsai conene ai 637- 6843o ae by id 825-I.20 Tliuredoy .hm S rWs Milton senior Ciant' Récrée- lion Centre wili taitue a tripta Spdrng. Cai Cindy Andenon ait 87!5-168l for more information. Tise Uving waith Canter Crop wl me ai thse Milton Bancs of lise GRAND SLAM T1RE SALE - 4dre for the pri30 For a ~ ~ 101 liic itifn niu re ..ffunng (lut N-% deail ( et s ti( lu t lurs Performwance RtilLagke (;%. tttur foîr thr prim lit thret Plu% the Iligh I'trtrtiianct- Iagle 6~1« '1 theremîium %lI Scaiiuî %t"4ir aind flic xipuIar U1I 'Sreavi lrrita. U1 foiur it. the prîoe if ting' Plus niani% oiher grrai saluc% Sale endsJune 23rd. Cali for prcim on sizes not showi. Caisadian RPoi Caosa Suclety. 751 MainSiE., foin730-9pm. Cai i7S' 5226 or V&91876 for information FrêdmyJt Il puy.. féeis à* a8d t an occaqoýn qufei hy lise Milton Baisa'i com- munity ta galber iît lisase ai alther failis and sjoarepraetit rlieiete ment of mankind. Zis <'venZt llb hodai Hugi Frzter Hall ai 8 p m Cati V11-1362 Wo more information 4 for 3 OR 25 % OFF PER 11RE ALL-SEASOE RADIAL ARRIVA WHITEWALL 111558l01113 #21597 S 7199 P116519OR13 251 97 8399 P175iW013 275 97 9199 P185,75014 29697 9899 1119575914 30297 10099 Pff2l 75914 32097 10699 1120575815 34497 11499 1121575915 35697 11899 P22517SR15 371 97 12399 11235 75R 15 38997 12999 4 for 3 OR 2 5% OFF PER TIRE PflUM HM PERFORMANCE RADIAL EAGLE GT BLACK< SÈRRATED LETTERS IHR SPEED RATEOI mms Pime Bs Smo .14 Ba. P 1 856M14 H $48197 S 1ý3 99 P 15,0M15 M 47397 179 P1225 7001514 55197 18399 OIJTLINE WHITE LETTERS "BPhu Si&m Bto84 Savinio P205,700 14 $473 97 115799 P1215,60014 473 97 15799 1215658 15 60097 16699 P255 W0015 65997 21999 BLACK SERRATED LETTERS BS price site Set of4 Saa*. 1121565R15 $476 97 S$158 99 10. PWS SI4OP AND COMPARE EVERYDAY LOW PRICED 'Dft A RALL-SEASON R;A S4SI Ensaydes, T l( P1855901 459 T ~ ~ ~ ~ P 4hI I IfO 'i 19575A 14 5999 irres ar4 .nechw,,l -erces eceeding Si 5000 Paym Ierr s ciCsIld P 205,7S84 68899 46 vontl, delerred plan using V4154 MasterCard or Arrncar , . scr 11205 75M 15 6 99 r?~~~ ~~ ea.IcPGodc' ~ ~ ~ 1225,758 15 81 99 /CEVACUATE AND RECHARGE$5 9- Includes Froon ExpireS June 30, 1990D Filter St Chassis Lubrication ludOS Up ta 5 Litres of Quaker State 1 0W30 Oil SPECIAL $21 .95 ~D cTFED875-1502 7:00 A.M to6:00 PM. MONto FRI -SAT7:00 AM. to5:00 P.M

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