Realty office closes Lots of roadblocks fram MALLAUEU on pai i craimts taiâ as hi. pnimary iniemtit. Mr Mcrude'nacunci i bssrf UP tiri Ales strating walk in seniors' shoes drus cter n thlie do BrOn OS y JANE MULILER diliruli The giKgli'sftc woIre retsrted hs, v,,n tth, p,,mti The rive full finir NRS agents sill movcIe ttc One mater wing. M min wî im gccggies licnid ys llccm. one cacit tic m hcgh otn the ft %iivt-s cc ul no ax N di-ni f 51 itcaliy Wurid ansd am expm i ,cdl taclrt o. if rvifA and ank, sneigit car plugç. surgirai gtoctne cane and %hotp- h cr l'ai ofîi ccact rcr tht, la lit d mot ail ccl ilser liings with titcmý "To date pcng t iti standard uipmt-ni for waling a mile in lthe shoec' 4-ntiunîtiring mail sittppc'rc wth b It mati I ia c T livikc rat t'cr ltin s" Mr Me' of an eldc'rly p'rcn. rass ng wCrudd n %aed Vrdm hast Zt toptiocn iof C<ingithaî mile mas an experccnc- 9illeci ssith irutratcn and stc Tht cnm-nfitas arnong 'bm -ist i an drccprtng ihiter ititngs ci agenis switt h ltt'ttt, humiliatcon for particpanin a mtcrksitccp dc'stgne ttc gtne the and audict. mpacnm ntc d.u'Pd tht li, Vîr'lp bct sutit m usoally nmg lthe case 1'tplearac able'itodted a iasie urtihe iystcal dgen'rîccn they cari cpx as urdnatIr Wendy[avr a dvcttivv -cgan it h thc I'.t iý R.- cucittme fi) dealing wcith ilier agent% and lîcey age lThe Thmtgh Odfe, lyes ss'ssctcr ai 1ulcc 'pIaiccý chat thc Ilnot iis tend IccacS cp trîit m ontih mten .Itd Mcilton MaIl ctn Mccnday tpencs tht t'yc' c rt i -,ti nSirt i ,s -~ti, ., Mnr MtCruddtn sacd "no mcy s% ls'ng parlcts c itechallcngc. it lclnly Ian e intcattcl a.Ji ait] cuC in the arrange'ment. witi r Try tncgas' cibb i"p'snttI i chat1itit ttiin.n f Vt', hit .r ti y ser alty Wccrldassumcngtc NRSccpet~ ngit scewiten yccur¶cacrcd Mac - tttcn ccf Pcnday', parctccpanc Mr MecCmntddeiacknccwledgcd vs a ixticer suime mcncsct'accc. mas Io (titi a 12 mccnth ste Mkdfrhl ici ccléices "My cclccc's ame ncl cte mccct stPrir 1i couldn'i ,s'ad lthe labels stc 1 ccci grabtcd Nayptph,ýr,ýjtijgf, 1ic' bel nc' ocne chat lociccd icg 1 i gucs' lthe kl' otir .dMnyart pnsdnîîlcia. lie ittce ite mccve .,Il bump ht i, t fl ali~- ,,cip in intn, tt 1,Mlcai i cc h tanacccnstrc tS 111, itthn grotecnc Imm siteb said alter titi exers stci , titis wa nocrmal bc baci .~ f . rý to6 ,ndl itî arke m t2Ics199 .i ended \ ' ~ su lca lu.c , o.l c . market sine rmI Tny balanc-tng a full sthccpcng itaskc'l and a Sbhlc' nilm athir, Ai, ,ii', cran "tcelctn'.1Mn Mc(< rucien . Thec 'ttdeal , cane wite lccating lite igcalefham ',. Want, fontion isicbîicc it p ip? n- Jnt acfhi tc clc-s jury I Wtit lthe %tait ac c1cttcttn Mn Irct, si cc iescn" ac ssml acev' neven csIicd baic ncf,r ctti' Mc( rtcddcn itore, Iti, "Prscýnally fi-su mccrt- a npbut in r'alcty tite cane wcculd bu' IN, j ame fraîl c5 rcjjntng ttc' office titan sc'iung" nes'dî'dý ftr suppt Thats the ,'alcatcn ' Ellsearriccn. macigu nf ic c -, tr <r, tc Fccr Mr iMailaictu ut c5 "ccmplecstcnomccc 1leleni Mccn,/, marketincg mancager lcr it., ai cthe (anadin lmc ril Itanit cci (î'r-c r Tht' marka s cccgtoh .it'h ie protvtnce, 1,sa Icame lu as %ie laicturrs thrcugit ber jtooci ackcng fcr thc p nu' %c p ircic r 'dct c r atrcs cectn~ laletaesae a'dcccn Il t anuarscmt sci ai licscd thte bc p ofi FSA( 1fap'si lt, ln-X ift'cdd per cent, I tik 11 s% R'al esite tnccclct- ccc c'l n caryt' vscu,'rcl dcccn. Yccu cannca c'ntinue' tcc Gained emputhy 'Tic m c cry i ht'vv h,,,,, cf sou dtn'î Icani tscccme"baskc't arrund hbipcr rcgFatc ' cpc'nac i o onthv'icm Phd Adams, pIx.a1 acimccn lu lt, Office lccr Batc<anIankt ,ncc'dtvgr ,c lThe adcied staff gves, Rc'alcy Wccnld "abctuc Seniocr Ctt,' Aliatrs, gauia nî'cctcpatity t.c store wiccl and itacing chbc'q îg iccce 1 t, 20-" agents, Mn Mcrruddc'n sacc Tht' adiîion- fir thccce htc im'rca o'mc dey'ct- lit il staff plus chiter lcclcngs vitrantd Ieaic Wttfld me'nt serves h l e a c tn c cfttly tThat ccuid bh,tce h'sn the tack cc l ia!t n ccc'titndor ttutits s/e"loclî eia'tcso Awsacs's'c. W-sk in Flaictîn and ttc Nocrth MiIPP WaIci~,i as - I~iMt hc' JA th.,i That dcx's nca muas asy radical sit sn laite part rn the sumuIàtccn exienws Pttets5nJOMWARAF N chcippcng fîtr himsc'If and aiJ chat as a mialcc'ucng focr Mn MKinuddtes "Ont' mer' ai a Fie commendei lte ltegcs for ttc sntia- Geg Th mpe n m R s on l4 yco une cddt. rmro , -dýl turne" -le dcccv plan, ittcincver, ttc targel "a ltcl ttnes r'latil tnservce, fccr sentors :t ugg1e troughit r 11 a atnse and dîdl tht came icrbio 'i, i Mrnce commc'rcial" sale'sm hsit mit (urnnsny "Eveey rock tsi' mm over cl s'ers I ialcui Il pairicipanis Il B iuiloneerie uday's ecc'rc ce n infini s] the stgnciccacsce Rvalty Wurld's busin's s, apprcctimac'y III) itas becs chers' and gone dccsn cthe moad ccith ihati thel iit. i e hrough lthe oyet of tcf chat hi, rc'laicstsitî,h hc' cor- me ce'nt m'sdenttal, tc sacd i," satd Mr Adams the elderiy. tînues tt perîuirr ttcdiv 'l'Il end u orkisg wtith jack (Mn Mc- Kudos mere altoc titncmsis tht' Ri'gccn's dinection focr tcs cm sn acdîccit t.c fîndîsg ail the' crcm an c. îîpn iîstP'm th1ol partît' Ccudcicnl," Mn Mailaîttu said lit' effocrt% wili piemestaccos of tite Ccccd Necghcccrs pmognam 'loinicticatve cý upants w-n inccructc'd t, fîid ascd use a public til occc tca pncicabln [ce des'oced pncmaiy tic prccperty acmed ai escccuragcsg rtetgitbunly atictudes, and decsis toteard lthe noitcd chat stg;ns are- needed tu indîcate cthe ltcatrc.n cf tel4e, s masagemi'cc, wici ite cocscdes monre (rail andl disabl'd. Eacit wccrksitop partcipant wocn' a (cicil Necgit' titSmalisd tat 1il Canada shccuid enlarge cte pnînt in tht' dirsir' rccarding Mn Mc'Çrudden pracivd tiat as "a u hir st. promot lthe mccci recent pntirlt tcf the Regton's tuccu ittîl of a strsgtit" wichit itsn qucte wii EIdel'ly ervces Adviccry Comri t ('IESAC M ?i"attt 'aian Nl[kualaditotema]cudd cs ch Reaity Wcrid e'fforts totc rif Amo thewaigtethrswrg(nladlclcucl Nýttr)ý Oakc'ik'., Miltons andl DiniRa tt o Br Clmn6 anPilchn rCýýt n oa an h fiei no far h h Botardi prescilent Anéil Frani hrce/- mangerPu Spi/l eea grae i vntgth m% o fe fte ywrc o logwt Ca parto Haliný th' inaso aket thei wkhop cuiepar. a tanu ,-o SenoAaec tIvatitt, Milo Zla Ltir S sn thcite ocfsornesmaier sem, towta Bu even o the seascrwd hKpr ic e ps ao Iegia Poie M Dru gMa wec ýcçadE pea %ti .meth arc mrgcsga, n,' Ic, tima brkemâe dp he Bob Midd ghte trpigo l ag mad ta% m.t lttclcîng at cscscs Noc ose n'l li h mare istulcj ccmc' ic surit a slccwdw i br HELP US CEL!EBRATE THE OFFICIAL OPENING of the SATURDAY, Juu'i l6th at 8:30 A.M. Join local & provincial. dignitaries Vis'it us EveryiSatlurday Morning Downtown - between James & Martin until October 27th More Vendors - More Choice! A Project of the Mlton Okamber of Commerce U in Co.opeiaton with the D.9. I..& Foodland Ontario