Guiding on the move Several local Gli Guides roesntly emed 1990 Chturchill, Usa Crosby, Rhbeccat Glkme. ChrIs- Ail Rourd Coulda iks Barrot, Cwolyfi Grlsold, Arfofnse "ont end Bronte Masdoc» District Guides (above bit te, Stacy Blai Iroiti Tlrobrle Diutrict. rIOhi> Vansa Anthony, Karen Colgan. Melanis At night àrs: Robin ShIrt, short sinus, Meredith Dicks. Olnny Dyrneni end Erln Wrlgglowonh kkcbsnghsn, Jesle Simples, Mele Preston recelveti their corde et Olhop Reding Secondiery andi Suzle Wlllaon, ase fronti Tkmberlea DW. School. trlct, wfth Miltion Mayor Gord Krsntz. Other reclpients srs: (trihtj htlUrlfl *KE&WUUEEIUS PICK VOUA OWN 11STRAWBERRIES" at CHAS, GREIG FARM Bob &Mabel Devolin " 131h Sideroati. 1 lMlle welt of Trafalgaf Rd.. 2nd drlvewey wrest of R.R. tracIs. Suiperberries i PicI-rOW yu0wlOr R.adY-PId 0*flt GinCPW C. Puni àin fall opinS 8.8 liy - Fmb tr s ams le MTl UN111111-1 7256Bf Roei bjUne. MILTON - 7 4918 w H 877-7484 (CaiI ahead for Picking Conditions) OPEN 8 a.mi. - 8 p.m. Oeil$ WEATHER à CoNDm1rONSPEMTNG DiRECTIONS TO FARM ti,145rfl1r"f4' '*y Z5 10a , on a.. 2*SdI W.k *01 Large PI groufld à smndbox Redi flagpbo"ioOk S rie à Stock Cuffnnhan aJury! I a p I VTRAWBEMRES PICKED or PICK VOUR OWN lIUT('IISON FARIt 6202 Walker's Line (Il km south oÇ Derty Rd.> 335-2515 CALI AHEAD FOR PICKING CONDITIOIS Mody F,ýday> 8 a ", 8 p r" Salurdiy il SundayhI a m" 5 p.m. skr d 0 .... oi ..... 0 ......... 0.4-.0 ... 0