Oc L A s 1 F i IMOOMD.N '0 i- M. ais, MEN b . - ma a- $M tN Note. ta."* ci-ç., '0t V- 3. E Nb.. ce.Lt m pa2 IA0 - O.saisis ot oo et.9 tuN ue I RFt>O - -AtttN .tpo' n",u-taot., b OMSaA4 r"0 -.hol as J.. i1 1.,O. MI l'.,to ,t.,~ t7~.,t r Na C.1 NI Vn Pt'AI.i r.a .4 oit.14 ny.,'. -'. 1. 2 N5 h -r Acomo4io ttI'tarnttc l .ooop M OC' No.»1 in Milton! No. 1 inî Canada! Wins Award of Excellence PAGE-PAL COMMUNICATIONS INC. -e.o aisme FWeAt.ED i- ba ff P.ula. -- la .eo 5 tuWi. N' ust .-M - Pb"' - il MA Oi 312 Lts àN AcIIIIIN IIISLoN uý tMe . C es kil r- Il e ;bd 0 & M OIN usine sCRE rA î,FNT O_ .. là. aI_ P- 0t' 41*,F -- Na -', -., t ' ...S Aa.t.otSA SfCft, ... -Mrg. 1-1-.', '.,1-- et sOto el .. TELEPHONE ANSWERING AND PAGING SERVICE T,'@~p<~ nwrng (24 <tout!) To,.oean A<phanumert; pagets Elec[tronic Voce Ma> Box -Wide alta coverage .Watt, ,p service (416) 878-8163 (416) 827-6699 166 tUa 51v...l Es%[. Aiglon dMIFIot.gTîN7 2345 Wy.oi Rd., S,.ii 20. 1Onkvîi.W. Ont 1_61. OLS c ' "9n t' -.. Phto <rom ILe» tu rIght Lrida Stadek, Betty Msho, "s c'a Flemba<>. Iat>,y Steadman. lPau> Hannon, John HannI,n. Lit, Hlannotn Abr..nt front prhto t. ami).' Momv'..au, Shirley (.rint, I.ia Applton,Jam.t King, Kathy MuIvunna. Trav %la,, C'athv l'aikcr, Ut-m.ie WAhitlam, At l'ACFrAL t.,, hast. wotrlaud bard o,5r th, pa,t veat. lt, expand atur erte htle matntatntng ont 'tint! k-c tn image (or bard wurk ha' pat.> off. W, hast gone tnon a t. il ANSWERINC AND PAC.IN(. NE1<(TRK f.r .ut', O)ntarho, An> aur suce' hta% A4t gttne tnn.ticed PAGE -P'AL r' pnnad te .tnnotrncv'it > the 19IRt rI tet I th, C(ANALSIAN MESSAGE EXCiIAN(r S',(X 1 <AI o'.'. <t. M XI AWARD Or LV 5<>>> F('SV "WE'RE PROUD 0F ALL 0F YOU- THANKS FOR MAKING THE AWARQ POSSIBLE." -OurSuccess i8 Your 'Message Received'l Milton swim frot MLTON on "Pa Ils Trevoç [tuglte (45) Gide. 1l artd 12 50 Metri, Frcetyle Kreii Rlie (4), Carol"y Cra.g (12), Mary Anne I 150i mt Fre.,tye Kr,tt l,..I (3.(a tIynCrag(l2< :I elle Bkt.KelrE Ntr,' W9,Mr Arn,' Ne,. (13), (airIlyn 1l Muet' Biik.trt,k, Krt'tr Rote»e (t), Mary Anne Nu.n (11), Car,,!,. Craig <<t>. >.att.', I <t.vd <21) 23 Motrc' lIV K-rtî "I (4<. Can,n C raa.g lIt, Mari Aýn.' Nea. (0), ilutte-r LIv> '22<. Krr'tel krr.t Rea'<a 4<Iaarv Ant 'S 1, t'., Il 1<,lv,., ir . ,n, Na I3 c i >avvt('rarg (M< The, 11'lay tr-ant< Ir'.Ie N-',. Cr3ig an> Llo t,d plat.'$.> r t.<e 2<54 mt,'te ff'tN e 1,'<, 1 , t>I Rt'.«,Newc.' ra'e; an.> siett.>i plâce. thtrd II th,' 2,0 mille ttaed<ey r.,lay A projeteil. 100 mtmhtr. ttuI join sigh the. reid.n of 01 Il F PRIN( lS F *Il % tFN il)l formi chu Fi<> 1» B' l1. a Ne It.ti roupenhitled lo 4 numhtr tulprmtolvgt and %pe.tml strtices. t.dan..-holoked îtt-olf timv.'. unrt.stricited usn bf pracfiçt. eluhhu.. and %ioragt. ÇaciIiir% pIIJ %irtuaI * irnfinaled pla ont the. i RTI.IL L:iAF and 1RII.1.I cl ou rws art juNi a fe'. <f tht man% ht.nt.fli% fier a imiltiercfue. intiatin ls lesti chair 510,1il.< - lauuh nie annuadC dut.i n,, 1995!' % limied numbt.r of ( orporater %tt.mht.rthip.. arc aI.o aabit. 1 o rectut. '.our imitaion T he. HIA F. SI'RI%(.s (.01 1 i à irul. unique. facîilit deielopTd b « tht. principail of tht. tilde fliale IlouNe. %t.con i%, localid 15 kifo north of tht. .401 ut high'oat. and !5;jii.i MI minute% from lPearon airptori. Lie'r inJormiun on the' suit HI Il I RI N<,. LI ILS. de4alpmini - unudiat, flnenzt Xvilj ,tiiurt coleunin- BLUE SPRIN1GS GODLF CLUB3 Nom*. of the Canadien PO^ club resuitsel 50 %4«me Fmr'ayleý Str (ourley léJ (27), Andre. Sik.ok c<31<I [Il., Taylor <1W> 50 Mettre ilarksiro,e S. ley (21), Andn-sn S.Ik.k 411)> [X1119 1(x1 MI-re Ba, Wsr,,kSi9--n <*ur. Iey 419> 23 Mutile Fly .iv' auk 51) Mtte 14y 'tev... G.ouriev f< ci IiO Mille.t 1isatt.k («t), Andreut S.t k <(!.MI), 4%tIn( .k 2(N) Moe ratrtr eg< 2<1> tn finsda d, Girl. 13 aind o. 2< 4l r S . I v ,l' 11% Metel, i .tk t' PXI Klvtrt , kR,,k 7Â1 MetI,rq 1,at.nk (e't fr tu <l St'<t lthn.tn 2<) 2lX< Merle. Indý,dttl ,de Lese Blow,, il Boy. 1 3 and ov.r il)MetteIrr..esvle crais BuIn,<fl), Andre. flit.t<,tt (i2) 100 Mtte Fncr.yle.>¶raig Burns 50 Metrte B"chttmke C44l<n (1), And rew Boltwi (11) [III Motre Bodratmkc Ces g Burn'. (Il 50 Mette Fly crat; Burn, (le. Andre'. Boiton. (6) 100 Mtter Ely Andleil &,liotn (2) 50 Mette, Bnrîukcý Crai Bun.. (1). Allaite- Bc>to.. <9> , 01> Mette Boea'timk Crig Bur. (1) 200 Mette, Indisidtul Moilev Craig Bon.. (Il The, ivlay tiam o> Burt,%, Boton, Gourlry and Taylor plae'd icond in mc'dlcy relay and third it firv'ctyle