HALTON WOM MU I 6 0 la0i- m O @J. us h.M ii ih No hone WunsFiai unO nom a lIt. Tieeo Pluget Csaion Age ony Ta MMone yerigonai pcuuoualaI AuIo le Sainli applicacout bu O. N m Iciol O Mae. Ria erc Etg8. S t gwteng on e rCoguaue wwu&.atyTI IN HOM, Be aBTnta pot 8alauy 1 6ed comenuura mIiC quEoaie poom a Subr2292 siu6Ppbooi my Flu m9 1000 MTEof3wup. ae Io balait mhrc IcG9Le artoRmmFo loute r é ito -" uutflge LP 0102 NRMR MOU ABSTIN toB moni «1.. Caegr~nie ahn paai Foelr mr or KI4 dmglmhip Rel:anaheq= z MOIMnER Cali m olv ay4i o PRIMARY COI.OURS PESCHOL Sptamel Pailrn W@ ram oa" trour achl lan e ouir Kuludag plet ProgiNra or au1agon Cano Pfoa7iam Fou July end Auguai Cal 078 5%92 RELIABLE non imoking motier mîlI proveda daica la, rixe cNi Nutitotj Eluntii and sriacks Pronuid Lao of aulckou plapll Cal Yvonnte 078-8257 TEACMER leturrli eapiiuoeid love aur nuirry loi 3 iddiitee ai 7 5 and i Nonauiiclua lubadatevili ua ai tem&f CIot. 10 GO bus 23n Septemiber 418421 3W4 SUMMiER TUTORING Elipirrncedl Spic-al Educauoui Toachar IIIpI boi $22 0/bour pour ABLJSED al aoW Fou lp cal $78 II56 or i 400-387 4027 a 24 ho ea. bute lot abucai wonuin Motion Wauituu a Plac '0 oneaigoc itulta aailable lo. ab"ma mornd alouir obidran .n Halon Reglon AIl colla are conbdena PREOJuANT à Mied à bWeu' Frai pragndirci, toi ut n cwwnliene 8*/m. ml bmuunmm 875 "24 r if5 ARE YOU LOOKINO FOR A CAMER W TRAVELI? Datîme mnd Evenéng DOlonu o Super&o Oua Ey Eduoo e Jo Sairpch Assàsslaoe MAIlKE AN IPFORMED MgCf M1N - TALK 70 us8F1R81 IM 0 M C TUiCICER, 6 apsa 4 X4, AUAFU. Caum, 3 BSn pdag. dto ulaa & il 0110 878 2M3 leu8 CMIV Piclp BI a00tu ion 9880 10.0 kàYAL VAN, glood conition 1020.aiikm kb$NuSoQOtenit 8704088 190 01.08 ROYIALIE BROUGHAM. 4 dDe;t h*O Icaded lar kml i, local I ocru. Elaen cou1- bon CWoe lÀe 1.000 Cali I mIer S. 335-3918. la"6 PLYMOUTH RELIANT. 2 cotir coupe, 111800 km Eocellmnt conditon Co.I'led $5000 ou bot oh.i 075-029 19015 PONTIAC PARISIENNE SAFARI STATION WAGON 9 Faaoige. vaa 8 cyb4a u *, aS eQuippid. &il original Exc.lo.t conitioii Coi/mmd 883 28 ou (418) 779 talli 0000E IN) ouunaac. ai aue. - uluid 876 174@fW55Pm 1984 NISSAN IWICRA 40 MMg fmdlwiialy ewcollant. standard treoitefon ceifiait $2500 876-.7129 1%04 TRAVELAIRE Treuil Trou. 20 lait Wqn aa4y taed 2 yeta Excellent ouon Phione ber~o6 & 9p m 4 10-91163573 or 178f"_8 ¶983 CHEV puduup 4.4. bte016 excellent bp ceruifiait 877 1810 1981 CAPRI. 6 cylidr standiard suriroot S1500 o b I 876- 2714 1981 HONDA SI1,200 certifiedl 1977 VOLVO $1,.600 ceiiflC 87&-3375 1978 D0D0IE /2%n Pecu u vaV 318 auto- diao Rluna, but body id laug $250 00 PIO» 1980 FORD FAIRMONT 4 cytaiar starndard Oranammaioit GoccO contion Baouti As e ii" O7IPALA GocSd*ufion lia oui arnd unicuOncU Aabang S6US For deluis cad 853 3139 1978 BIJICI LaSébal. iragcutlnre T/mO 1983 CI4EV 2500 cuite cab 8 2 &@WM good pma el1fi ion Hmueuai rabil JSL puomiaor ta O my biècli. iydlaubc badabai rie. Roue. 416 Q 1-706 USE ARS -AND TRUCIîCS Cdi- Ga owla F,---1W(EISTER NOW FO SePTM a ILO A a LESAL à MEDICAL OFFICE ASSISTANT a DENTAL RECEPTIOMIST e OFFICE 1ONIISTRATION a WORD PROCESSINO a LOTUS 1.2-S - aDO aiDIntlttq637-3415 r.mnrioi AM Av&uWal Placemnt "»anace tltdmduatigid lilatru il' RICHARDON 0MEV -OLDS For Yoiw Truc* Pwcuro le" MONDA0 tNTEACEPTOR soc Loo titsog Eacola. -eio 864808 _n 1804 MONDA INTERCEPTER NO CCdem loir g, 3.0 hm loa4i -aOa Shoto Mait $2.300oaIe 878-7401 1802 SIJZuiJC gi tom. tMy tlm%.4ue -eu---m--co fatiuel iteraite Ad9. U.00 11t7111,302,111lap Aaai Io0 LIONEL MAROTOP TRAILER. sIelles 6 «Ilox and asi eeda candnSt Aa&aig $2.500 878-2427 ou m1- 3217 ROXULo lat lm. la - àbt Mr el"e Wy but aa la WOi e t l W m1 I. 87" à Tret"u 45 10 2. $744 Tralmobala dm 450!o 4.#M7318.00 45 Z0 IL 02" lCamée, T aw 8iLId 45 vZ S»Wakdedinu murke enda RonU Umn lire oift idit 500 Pm FuMap. June 29 1 M AItenudent 10e buocnpauae by à cor bétail chaqa mi Oe amotili WI 10% 01 the Undir tAInies iii e u.8,me sho.Md IN taidau Moi le -ccpta ou ail bu beled a damages abouid IulSulm dm e aoeepd and Ie "alea e fot =o~ae The hghesi or *Miy tende, .ay ruaI 6. acceptait Apportnu t bu va.i muar bu made by Saiiwung Mr Gmmo. CIari ai Ille Roxul mnc. 551 Harrop DrIve (416)0878-8474 FUx (416)0878-80771 AHALTON HOUSING At AUTHORITY O On bottaif of OtroMousfa corporation 5 oc of Ontario) IN VITATION TO TENDER Seatai Tendem, for IIII prcb t.S11d blt mil 6e (a@Oum"d urbti 11 anà local lUt June 20. ¶90, by the Housing tuisiger Mahoul M i.gutuI 00Ora tt Suite 205uîlano L8lt 3V3 - Tmdt ounn con bue aan ou abtanai hra. Oie Ma.ntanou Soebon nt Oie OMMic adduaaae m noWa belote PROJECTS THE La/mEST OR ANY TENDER NO! NECESSARILYACCEPTED *RESPO14SILE. quelt ymig marnai caille (non-unouersf -00*1 bu lobulorable opduiien in kéno à Cal Donnui 875-3612 oih. Cp0m Exceto a Buins Oport t Jo.n a winning gîoup 0f prolSsslonaloswilh Cane qaonty patented drly cfeaning syatemn of carpet cleantng Reliait ln fMe Wp fwSUf tee @08f08fI lm0. THE LOW COlT OF S27.&w NoWEStIM ENT ANOFULL. FRANCHISE SUPMOT. Ettun *oceptînnal hîgh neot profil& white warlwing for youutoif Phone Franchise otener al 827-9511 weekdays 1f0 à ri Itif 4 p in MOI1 TO UTOU élt ll som1 Nou Iily hoBt cine. lmt W 1h. eri $of el 196. loi IIII National ofumç aan. Gamina MAu m fflén N" écln uile lo b §w alamu i e ile oala. Wm Sil av q My 0. mm m S iam o6 mIaSm bu ~Oitudw hévoq mga it 10 S Muet Am hmv ton bonl te-ai ROM" mma @&"à Iaoowhae. à ON FML of om. Ibviu n talesuen c Ma poOaOassl llo 6 0I in Mu .WANTED TO RENT, 3 b.440cim houa. 2 batwOOnim for cul couple Au"ut 1I (416) 881-2201 FOR REN? Tinualeà 3 tdrn 1 f2bath On tached home.4 apoamStoe, lare lpcdypad trh ch.ddî.Il play W*& acrost Iro, Parti praa.lp b"n Mr Oemaied Ourenl lu@"ai loi à yod, I sabbalîCal Si t 1O'monih CarIl 078 5453 2 BEDROCIU bungalow m iton SePalame IIM nde AvWabe. o..ma44amly 3 BE DROCM BUNGALOW mia Ooo. central ai ouble. cm outage il 200 Plus uiiai tril ma44l pmaaaOn coq Shuy Gray Royal car, Rudiy Lm.îbdi876*11 3 BEDROOM NOUSE anautabla Augusl iI $1 125 pir menta Plus u flno PiM Phuona 0788700 11711-51156 $1000 3B@c Ga4o nob m i a.li ho ground pool large lo, éiaai Si 2m0 For biai, p.opauilla contact Josephi iSci ai Conluuy 21 Golden Ra Estab bmSUn 078 0486 3 13DRO BUN 5W in a cult aiea doml lon Mb.ail apa pbwicoî lcad bacuyard $1.2S0 pa, mora, Plus nihte Avélé abie J.Iy 1 AppIy to Bc. 1763 c o Th@ Canadfan Champion 19I Mam Si Milton Ont LOIT 4NO 3 BEDOWC TOWNMOIJE caed baclyw cloua le amnuonuha tnclodia tricge & isoe $0M' inoS plus liéa Avaliable Jurly lIs 87850SM 4 BE DROOM tomt deiachiId miS' IIIaçLace amd gaage E.Mean tocaaau Auble July lIS Phone 877 2429 atm. p niý 4 BEDROOM Totnuhoua., Chdi. D-n iv-. Anulabla Auguti lit Si 0 Pau Monet Cal 878 129 4 BEOROOM TOWNHOUSE, 4 apluance AaulabIa JuIy 1 $1 lOOrmonti, F.,stiIl last ReUe@no e aqard Cal 078 4111 CAMBRIDGE *u.ccuee type homue AnalaSe MUy Finit la and melienoea $1 2Wniolh bath home. barne. 44nehd 82 agi04 Ava.lable Mmned.81elp ai SI 3z0rhf 'plus Ul.iu Cal amb Larahiie et Royal Lpg 4784101 bur nilcuma8n MORSE STABLE cloue Io tAIb 15 oM tachîoom. Paddocks Ideul tor Bîod a Pwit$ 780M8 P___ MOUlE Io loit on ooui*y Sl.»oCa ut ulaoea Phoune Wburaa 18111 4M or 4.14-486 4»0 RMdph Bradl____ NEWLY RENOVATED 3 Bedrogai 11rick Bungalow Aêiply V MULe 878 3M0 TMRE REDPIOOM BUNGALCW oeor kalan. central Mir dhii .appdinces, aipUa enrage. jiy ipl. a1 816- lm-18 TOWP4MOUSE W reom, air cotitied avamlSe uime44aby $@Umca plust aboui Cal Le. rainle lKerr Caituuy 21 goldenl Reat Eaate Lai , 878848 I SEOROCU lutîF tariîald bataillent fflmaluai bred noi, UMMsa ineua. ai eludea utttstte litie, love aml moolay $O^à*Od khta Lawey. mas auW. cantall vec. câle tv Ymarer ad gige PUkn'u C40nr ual& éomilla bur i p~ NOFnwbwea ulirnce mqtaud 862&/Monl 878-9247 i1OR 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT Phione alfeu 4 p in $77 4443