los Go Puc aodei2m TOP S011, sund and gravai Lendacape 4 sus CdT r Nou. 876-4 1 W 13 et stoc I FREE ideenb-'»32M. 140-HanrvMan jPLUMBING. complet* home rerrovalrofl., Additions. repe No job 10 unes!' cas Sandroi *DelRoas 176-16631. 15G ntea HâI n NTIC TO ADVUEUS T.s Ornais I4~ra a .4 e & psd 4erns aieara ci ses. seu, lsarii SUt rac criai. nallriailly. sa or m of M r In wrrywrC dr ip carte vur mesuts raras tie NMr ID Mme nucehsa disaI 0 oudar e m Exprsnced Drivers Muet have sradump experrirne. 3 years' hughway, clean abstract Good incomg. Bereft is Steady iwork. Cati 8M&9740 or 878-4193 OUALITY CONTROI. ANALYST Standard Producta (Canrada) Limitea Il manufacturer of parts for the aufomotiv ýnduslry vi. ara prissert, acoeptng applicationis for th position of Ouaht Cor"i Anulyst' Ouelifleatlo 8: kiMr ofa Gfade 12 SuccasstJi cotuploit 0f a minimrum 01 3 recograzai Ouaktji Assurance courses Pravous experairce in Oulty Assurancli, Jobe Descriptietn: (minimum) t - recorîrng. in-proels and finae rspec cf . moodorr'ng of SiC ctat ho ut rnruifturrg a rapedir Tha is an Hory ratai posttori and the suc- ceissui appircant vlb xeidto aroit shits on a rotation base Plaha. subirait trour application lmr consédoirabiors f0: Hume" Resosce Detit. Standard Ptoducla (caeiada) LWi. 344 Guelh St. Georgetown, Ont. L7G 48S (416) 742 Waitress/Waiter raquired Ae i n Persan Ici Richard tIwaen 2 & 4 p.m. ai FaniY Rostaura111nt 324 Smifalas Ave. E. 878-1110 %THE YMCA BXTOtNGEOrGOWMILTON MOITIONS AVALAÔLE MPFEOUARDOSI: Bronza Crofa la, -e N L S. be h pronuded Irhrumli agi requarai 1 7 paon traspOflsiaf providei *CAMP UECRETARY: Gooi comniillouan "~ Oeuzaboni euh reie Soins ppal siperienciau arr listaMue provide tien Srapraion. Appty bamadtaetyl COUi 8711111-". B AKIW$ r DONUTS COIINTE- PE ENS P!ENCMED Fui im midi palinime Posiions endable for expsenaard courrier persant Same supemmsoy opparuasie duoc Days and alternerons Weebiaps and *@$ken*e APMI in Wp orio eu 878477. 285 m Ommit i Caitai Uquoro Mica Scotiabank is a leader within the financil servic es soctor and vir are currently seeking a Temporary Part Time Consumer Credit Interview Clerk for our Laurier Centre Milton Branch. Duration of the assignment is six- months with possible extension of a further six months to coller a maternity leave. Candidate wiII be responsible for a full range of -dulieý, including marketing, processing and book loans. Relevant experience would be an asset but not mandatory. Scotiabank otfers a competitive salary coupled with a pleasant work environment. Scotiabank is an equal opportunityAlfployer. For furt er info rmation please natM. Jack Lance 876112. cotiabcn k- PERMANENT FULL TIME SALES CLERK requ ire Harris Stationery Ltd. i82 Main Streff, Mlaon 878-69621 PART TIME CASHIERS required for eveflings anid SaturdayS. Experened no necessary. We ail train. Appil I pussse Io: Outlfty GraisA, 228 Main Street Su mmer Fun Working at McDonald's is fast pacéd & f un. Our employees learn valuable work skills working alongside their friends and having fun. In addition our employees have great benefits: - Flexible Hours - 1/2 Priced Food - gegular Wage Reviews - Company Outings Corne On In and Check Us Out! 59 0 Muti St. A Milton, Ont. 878-3303 ti you rire ernu 01 N ahane «oilirri and are etereuli in ifrervinng reierralséci pnaSule aarl, trm Main Hetprng Handucut lar mores ItiormellOn i1 pmis of service proviiei for seniors and physcaly isbisi aduirs WAREHOUSE PERSON For pnclrmg and paclaging of generai tiousewares. 7:30 a.m. ta 4:00 p.M' Staris ait $5.75/hour. PrOvrous ap- PliCants need flot re-aPPlY. 878-328g THE DICKENS requres FURIà PuTnCookl Fi Tinta NiotDutwau Apply In Poo 11a is seeting the services of a RESIÉARCHIR/ASSISTANT TIro Toirvn of Milin a oniucling à tunu ras- Cg campaign go support Nm conrstructionr cas of Na n». Larssas centre Tirs dW- lenging prqfect a a edireclaid by an escep- <roali noiunteer committeas trom <ha Comnitr Tiro cmrmals, and Nw Cami- patin Diredaor reqine Nm stesf ci a Re- searcher/Asstait for touaien montr Tire succmssii candudats as arori drrocdy wrth Nh Campaign Di"uc o1 prolonde arlirir utrabve assistance, andi support Nh actrorse ai a large number of vcdaluiea Computer anci offrce reiai eopeane as arel as pasr espererioe arîti voluner cgarizaons au1 ha consideri atss Applécations for dira poaston ara errcouraged Irom rrturastei individuait, no later tirai Frrdayp June 15. 1900 WeilJ sary Up b0 4800, pltese, PyhtIn hiqVI Canipaln OWffectoi< Tomu of Milon LWOlu SerVic DOPUIltWtl Mitan, Ontario L9T 46 S uccess On Their First Job Begins At Home Working at McDonald's is the first job for thousands of young men and women. And our franchiseles provide an environ-, ment that encourages the use of values they learned ait homet Things like responsibility. Detternimnation, Discipline, Teamwork, Ambition. These are the qualities that will prove invaluable in any ot thefr fliflure findeavors - at McDonald's or elsewhere. And wcre proud to, be able to provide them, with their first opportunity to put them into, practie-mfl the work place. SHIPPER/RECEIVER Brrrker Cartace la a amall amttary @dNae sdI a W"g inleina poup and la in- savlaud adI oe-W. suie id servic ot «uel mnnshiIn for Is by relsurci chenisu ard piremrise r Ca". Thre poason la as a juior ilevaiirai shoiléd ha Ideally sulabd to à higir sclic âl eÔéee Train- neut ira prorodai Meintasi slecronrc comrpoenif nveri10ry. risoirvbnq, thipping. generul aurehousti a builinrg fnainenusce volai drpms Mr< Thre ctanciife muaeth re wsi ogazed med ha uble Io omemucate effaesvsy bath in thé, verbe, and rîtti fore An interest in Wlac9nics. ire Ilbohy0 type und axpours Io corriputaru wouid bu regardai as detinite ast viv ofler a pleasan rloing" aoftsng eqwroirmni and à cornprellsnsive boatela paciraga Intersti candicales, are r. quessti Io arpiy inimnt;g ordy piesat. send ing comptit~ resuîd adi salary reqtuerents Senvicat Mafflur Bruker Spectrupn (Canada) Ltd. 555 SIfalasi AvenS East Moln, antrie LIT lys OPPORTUNITIES - are avait"~l for a tels -cial people ta serve aur valued orer. Itelb tite Wveetday hW$Jf . professioral, pla trairt, ituIorms. We are thre recognîzed leader in our fldustry. HlommaKp, fins may ha pefect for you, Cao I hie If yau quatlfy. 876-1672 ROAO CONTRACTING Posilorre avarlabe for Oulnrse Road Coîrtraci ing Company Thre successfal candudates musi os fiald wo.rling und bu able Io tranis penîodrcashy ftýrworOul tha Province lr ob Ile sori phyticul lubor and canid.dales orui enloy wokinq ouldoors O -ilcerseaa-, lisser For an mIrîwcal 842-6010 )~ W 50 Markiet Dnive, (DONUTS Mifhon PART-TIME MUFFIN BAKER Students, Homemakers and Retirees welcome. Competitive wages. 878-0497 ATTN. STUDENTS 14 eaidiu AaaseldeaisN &m"rra lErrrp1liewra atbi for erurille aid asparuin drodie Il enA ai er, Mt Letuu ?usUtI Brya. Gos Pai, fasble hla. MPeter si Fat. oil a oar sot taore Cu Merle 8764M4 1er tormg'On EARN up 10 575sveunmg *delrasrig h anr- velopes Wl jour car 878-2M6 aIe 5 P mi anlY I Fuil & Pent Timo Saba Holp " béa ha 1e10 arorl sMMt enunIng ari IM SaiPa saitr saeln.arme S 47 MaiSituaI lEMS. Nal HaRSrT--tST fecpaion 1er bus, UN.i S"bi 8781t976 MIII PETROLEUM CAMPSELLVILLE FULL & PA" IME OUS MU ATTIENOANT P IRECAOIER suMMER UTUSPit wELcOME Ca fer aupokeltbf