rivage yil Sa amdul Wed., June 20, IO et 7:00 p.M. NOT=C OF ANNUAL MEETING MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL CORPORATION 4. se fa th. Annuel Meeltg of fle ~lrDearci HospoO.l CorporaiorW. tOa held 1 uClin"a Claaaiomos 0*O Hospital oS Wedrnday usa 0 et 0f BOPm A corfiât intto a, S .St<ied Io al One ftai0 biarial of liu meesg Witl ba Io cosodan and apovre âmendients IoadOts Ad rnero0.oand0 uesai Staff by4aow ai Md %an Distict iaita Cotff0o5aoS C me 0f 0t1otNiittit aait v Iok la mbets o MA it DostIr' ospitol Corpor 1thOue eww50 Ovectors office IIIIII 131h day of Jus.. 4. fil ordefi of the Board of Or~o Judit Kaclut. W Unsffae etOM- -i -nl lilOg i lm60.03.0. Cllfai.r 337; MWi la loiaCl of Ile,. aed pleade. :#e kIlei * oilcbd odra l St he PrViec a 0 e.lê NOTICE 0F INENTION TO DESIGNATE Ta" "h 'tal the1 Coenl ot The Cypataf or W tri omStan Co amh.tars,1l a.. fna Pali IV CO Ta4 DOnato lietrug Act MO6. R S50 Otapet 33T MuIcpal Addre9: East helnlo Loi 21. Concession 5 stat« Toarnitç of Noaapae& nw ën ia Trte of Ui Rl lNo 2.Rodmcorru captmvr Oce JuI atek SoAl nuAScoUsrn1 FOR OS TH MSITMo:( Lds Ine¶6 Nm hete re.:7 , .. . l -a.oed* a rpsA foria Coe N sfacra Sai tumtra vn rt ai W" ela Il9 ha 0t Né dag Cole --aidma I Ne fo dattiers -Me6 L oe.ataunb Wc.waal wmdors le Ro"aus0-af Got<anit Pattiadaireial in ongl b.0 outs. a s a ntatt.ie .lyak le in Wrs e style The &.t pens on o -tt ,n1 flot deys lOe tes NI rb 'o Ile cCoie NO To ian n0vo toi ls ty hW W*,a 10 le poposaitdeveonaort la0evaI fiit su,.o.t le NW Masons Wfins ntracta ea li 'orvltacni I sait a Nosca of Obliaden s seoéd, 29e Couniai oThe Corportonof le Tor, t 11,Molo', sl4e feOti 2 » Iro ite2 Co"tffatot RvoE itat Oud i Mu, &M. dsIi Oh fier1 day ci y, fIWO WilO0 Roberts, Tows Clafrk The Corporation of due Town- fat Milles victoria Paril Square P.O. 8.oa 1105 Mition. Ontaio IJT 41M M0 Auctions AUCTIOPI SALE F'or ELISE NAVIOS tof Calnadon East) orfurinfrutte, anbspes cofieciabies £ houeold 4ilms. aie t are framrpton Lvaeo Exchanrge foc North ot Brampton on 010 Hwy aI Siteigroite On Tuait. ove., .Au f9, lmP si :30 p.M. .0000 -q-,fl IV*I00' 63 =4 00...4 C iao Sm - Or 5,. 00a11. ..v.0090. -, -4to à u nw s net pro m( 5.0 '*I0oS .ha, = 1.0...é Go. M S"o mivr Au '0'1 S 00000t09nt 0Il taxeo' S' -s * t ove ait wrW 00 00O *ieo-r. tramod -0 PO~* m 00.. cli of 500 C"oW C6on0 SO a sc.0 gavnetV W . MOUpr 416-844-107. I.' tor 0*01 .0 OOCOC O ~0,0 l CONGRATULATIONS 1990 GRADS wa AD TarAPPEAR IN CLASSIFIED SECTION HIGH SCHOOIJCOAMUNITY COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY TO PLACE A GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENT brirng or send Photo& Wordfng to 878-2341 875-3300 >OCTUI Co 60 Auctons AUCTION SALE Tburodsy Ju 14 ellti3O p.m. Consatrig of ant saltU 900 houseltoid lot, 2 chesterted sotsl dinng mom suite 4 pes bedroom suite afn 9009 1miaI ap.plraarces. glass anrd china aidaI smol tuririture trom a iefl eqorpped apormaent 0f extra nrce turrorsire A"c a filocaon of WWV Ilfimeor Ma inckoitig guru. pocuras bayroets tueyet, signaf pol anid muet, moto Tc Sa uéel al «itowa Aucune Faim" butait ai R ý"m Oatntroonne4hL Uaual Terme an-d condlgona. Lunch avahaaMa. Opan Scivilis aI 4:11pie. Sherwood Hurne, Auclir 87&.478 Munies AuciOOn FarM, M1lan AUCTION SALE oiMit@. marguarul Taylor AI her home. 30 33101. N.. On Aalon on Thuooy fratililg Jus. :1.aet î.fi AfflM0,05 000 p- - 4000 x, 'N..en. Dmy 00.d tons,v . ë,x- UvnUN9 VixvvmO FURNIIVOE Vo OSO 0* s00 - *- v. 0. d 'a.' .1 ~0 rOit I- Oi. 10 0,-0 40 A o siiiCto. r. ., riei . t.-...1 - e ei0*. 100.1- . e.-s. Nott- - Iii Cala i adoo .o S.. - rt c.. .0. ..'t0"5.. .ce 0 ".. rl. P_ St 0. q.e.500 F or lit.i t 9-053-2752o 8 03-055 'E. u C-t 000 off I 00 'i g.t 00 FI'VCOSao N«"o&r.ot.T St.ckufl.o wih r hrmeoo o tobl ive aoIdsts sei ba»W fre Rowoodfi apn ovnec Aulon . lot to fIbo Pgars phonre 5f9 856-4583 or 5f9 856-1170 80 For Sale BEERI trrdges $17900 fait inciodoc 30« vine slaves $96 0 Salx inckuded, soi $319 00 plus la. Casy and ce"r Halfos Furnire Rebirrshing 29 Armstrong Avie Gorgak.n 877 4792 FIRST quaily toc roorn cvIpet $5 95/sq yardt Fotdan Vut capet needs CalJehn877 6302 f7 years cd o.tiaiienoel FRIDGEStu O. 1i Commercial 2 0or e.cef lent condition $500 rasidanbaý Sf00 Phonel 876 1079a&hW 6 Pm KITCHEN setaiffWoodgtrn lamirnats table 4 chairil vinyl & chrome cn berge & bromen $f00 00 87866229 RESIZE OF PICTURE A KENT, Michelle .o - Daughter oi Hank andj IISusan Kent ai Mitton hast Igraduaied tramt York i Pv University tl a Bachelor ilo Fine Arts, specalizing in Idesign Congratulations on Iyour success and best wishes in your future TOTAL COST $25.00 AI ads pre-tLmd 80 For Sale CARPET WARIEHOUSE SALE 13,9 SO,0 YARD AND Up CaOU Joie 878-4280* Iturday, 10 arn. ta e p.rn. 264 Bront St., Unit 7, teuton MOVING SALE kï-loùti ït"msj 77ne 17 e p m A 39 Branta Sreetjoulh 876 1632 SA5oDE lor Engksh Rider Ganterai p.rpose f8 on $150. 849-4902 SALE OF 0005 a ENDS Solsrdoy à Sinday Jun9& 10 ront9 I apm 1299DomryRa (East of Tratfalgar) USEO Olfice Fumiturs good saliection in stock MaSair Fmarura RellrsoiwIg and Uaadl Fumtura. 29 Amstrong Ave. Gaorgatownt 877-4792 VACUUM cleaners train $3 At4so pats and rets Most mokas Compact Electrolu, Hover> Fitler Oueen, Krrby. Kenmore Suilt rots Commercil etc 877 9501 5 -Garage Sales COMBINED GARAGE SALE iRELOCATING SATUROAVO JUNE 16, 8.30 A.M. - NOON 708 ROBERTSONCRS GARAGE SALE 6567-CEDAR SPRINGS ROAD Heart of Kilbride 8 ar.. - p.m. Saturday June 16. GARAGE SALE 841i couison Avenue Saturday Juile 16 8am -noon Baftoaom iotutiti bris baby ciathes à Toyq; GARAGE SALE 528 Traflgar CrI. June 16, 8:30 - 2:30 Movlng - ever7thing Must go! Sofa Chair$ Iman KYe. gas battre boit hýo.s ld temsý iors &garrrS GARAGE SALE 504 Marcellus Avenue Saiuîdey Jung là à &.m.- 12 nion Ait conditboners 10OOO&OI200 BTU s dfr..mrdfoter il00 toys Chik*n s clotlfs & beau, appir3rce andt miidr mote S ? FANTASTIC GARÀGE PALE Satewd.y Ju.u 1e, 8 irn - 5 pin. SudyJm17.8 fins. - 2 pin. A = JI.alasN:a quakslai.. tapparat- M W M n v me . S i 6az e - s n d l d a t i s s wlae . failigoad..OUu , peasa. 6 and Muy malt books pbU fa amd 341 WUoo Drive, Ufne 61 I (by ft1 Qaka - To*lhouses) 7074 AMMWt LIN, just n»o of 0"OeI 9 ah. - 3 pm Saturday, June 16 RAIN OR SHINEI GARAGE SAL9 Hwy 25,A No. 5 Sideroad Saturday & Sunday June 16 & June 17 I9 a.m. - 4 p.M. GIANT GARAGE SALE ST.RAPIIUL A.M.C NEW STREET at Waliers LUne SURLINGTON HUGELYARD SALE Saturday June 16 10O&.m. - 4pin. 18 FirSt Lino à No e irly blircs, ples. 4.AWN SALE BONANZA Solurdey June le..0 a.m. P. Procoed. Io sndol ballr Nosaad by dufs Carrllnt Lits Chureh 2r4 Loo, C4owaife - fa..'0 a 1S sol ARaos, Large Munai Farndly Sale Nal doe & drink 26* MLTI-FAMILY GARAGE SALE Saturday June 16 Sometrfîng for everyone 3rd Lime & 5 SiderOad Look For balloginsi Flea Markcets SI~~o:FARMERS MARKET 010 IG0HWAY. NORTH OF SNELGROVE OPEN WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON& E VEN ING FAAM lrrtsf porki and oeuf Groein -l1t.2.I hormOnes an fibiotiCS Steroida and footd a.jdItIves Gonmnrt *rspeclid C.I wraprlo.d and label led to yor.r spec.ficatrais BB0 ejs r eav dfable 854 2697 F SALE 25 acres of Hay Aitalfa Telonr and Red CIo.otr Sian5cot or for tale Ba,to mr the fr. J 335 2253 -1 ViT WMH TUE OfifYMM TO Acl01< e RAS PSE RAS RHUBARB PIES BIG BEAUTIFUL RA SPB EI R ES 4160. [ MIXED VlGSI X Is PLAS, CORN. * CARROT CARROTS EANS * PINEAPPLE 10lbs MUFFIN MIX (519) 853-0311