Skrypek leads Halton Pool; Silcock scores 29 points', Mn elnth olue o , bird aý 10 Dau 'Ille Danma" hlcManit. laie'. con. tua ceonom d erdrPe otr aiI~.eitilwhsî nstaîmen 0Emy eter j-~~-------------= Irutn d the final Lait play kreclaown cevilletold their fourti ;ir-" r n Ornmcing inuuinp - an a uFlag . iitt "oube Fn îg fils Wtnt he vw" of f the sfhcn in Clus extreailu The surimerit cd ods and .ods &round the ~ inel Double Feibt d.te ekpuanl A bel; par on the uluoàdvr paed, t Ketn Fo t alYorkwod 3 z listaix M FFL. Pltdergas the kbagues *rernihief Fi ahJi cNGA Not to bc undeuno by îlkrypec and Skikr Hilton PMoI 42 - Brunie Ituod 13 wax abcle Iom run d n-,r dîsasteoos ( h J&M lMONAGSA Bdr" Tombai toâ fus hiturni n the t % Cham. t ai Ici.. on. èsa ym'ar o ma o tii. Che bo lee. n Clthe f tlg tu MIII up,.ighl b h seally stealing à s-isory Slsrypek ride In on hi. mme caý nlnr h the plient outhre ail Vam . ~ . asny Enurm lte prs'sioulýv undefe.tid Riltuons eau1 tot together uise oe turgi'saiit,E zat tw mme n ou i tvirisi t e %rhaps îo u'ý m'e ' imi,,g hi. ht iok il tsuchdown% woo'h WC ail jMeurt abwu And ruh1 iecIir~ A btgittîne Mrtîni ssuse c li Noi "sot. 'l~* ickea 35- Fa ~'~9a 7 normilly ranis oi in Ille big gaine catergrý.t iut the Bruace flood fans. 1-4reksi iai Whoti saniesi il kn-îon Chrat et wo h. and nu Deis wis psîo'(r'c u a Turnbaiis% laie tiiurth quarter pick i that ve'rsion ale hi% tour tbus hdclwn ps-riebn.anc R'CIG l aoreu'prieýtcs suor d siisn ithe ie làsiv pim 'Chy fu he tbdc bou'd the' Traviers fi, run fête'usimc f,e Yîk -,il, m lth, ril 4'4 k-s là, s. kî isrs d à'ks bld airýpk-1 Up fi)i pi nt itl ooktod a% if 'W'ndergas Insid tii -2. ,h.' D', k'nso iCi' in i tss sîîîi nnti ai [X, s-rtheng El satiaurateur Tom Ni- and Coîmpany srsuid coai liee hti t vx When iaioin pissa rioir Min ilium wa.n ti" oînfk titis mI,nîh iii.d-, huqI lesîa cm - oer'il meîndi againset the Faimern laslteeîrv The lfeun played mix and match un TL.) plavin(g piish and caltée with telleryp-k. he- A t,$Mi i s lueii fa rii elslidt asti'iinrlii- 29 pîrsand issss' iii S-mr.n. Warre Chunhitm and fiornd lime t0 lurette Dis-c Slneland ànd <nEf soniiiir'.î iiînk 'n ii tii iernef 15k ise to siriun i'Mli-IL Icoring ds'rr a. pairto me) jexkî winuatR) (uy Cirard (on ce n the Belrs lEfoud esdi tont, às wcl as im-rîle h, î SkIs kI mas a c- man Wresking rtew ICI bc Iimpsons Chier siinscrls a Franks lnnusff in- tonnet on ail sux mamur% Th,'iî iri sîsrn ie niv, corvs'nted fleur short losss frum %utsirte ti'rcsptiiiri and à Bnnko t Point conseruiin Drss'yCitris Stck et tiessid quarts, l*. aile-, a itrîor~mrs-ii siipiii Bryan MlIraîl ente) tour verte Isong iiuh- élit a iippo'd hall il lIe'mnd to împly îhaî Che' isrci'ptrin ne-turn te) Che Trasu-Ili r' il%, lard ti"iskss pîî rî', lii git d.w[imr Ils' ie as tite lI.g srreegilh te, put fise, Flrtirs Osgstiing the Argoltiiunlei bri, ks'iipn subat sa, aciii'gai, ei nit Ar iih' Ifit Ose -Il ii te sna invertu ihriugh the oprghti'attenwards F Bluetitiikuss Mettiirslaserd iheirmWan bâclk Mi'anssii' il Brous' IIio quarri'rbik 1ls.k Wi'ni' h1U l , ,bu aditi an anekîs irl,,rv irs no>n-Sissnk p)nis fier tite ierre bosami' al, i'irmir lnniergast dieipk, Rolb fInIg (iîingu Çîsuld mouse? 'mss an rarv pain 1,1 ih', lra, tie s 'hîppars is heu b il hi' on. àMIPhail1 scittr î i i, lfnag Itiupkuns su îî-l lýav a tt ssii urs, lu lamie l;( >iihn %ix pouinî-ces îoIin Fure andi mighy met.- hilsi iillsii ~ier., oa shi-lîs. h.' Fut. 'ii, CZ I I [larnet siolst unIs anJ T ia s' illengiiî r th to, complnt the tium Lilpre Qsiitng' P'AT was t.irI, uiths'r kvsps uaiitured ariiiued bithe boàhi' .It the plav soat' and ds'unv ton a siiiitary TD to- sensîiiinai sctîing settiks's tu Turnbali S^,ius hîghiighî ter the 11A Trass'im Sportse Wsdn.sday Jume 13, 19W0 And the winners are ... Jody Rowiay and Beltsy Marry won tae male and fami. attrista of1 thaIntr retatds et t.e Milton Dlstiicl, Hlgi Scitoot atiltic àwarc qutet ut . Otitar winnera Includ. <ftr foie, laIt> Amy Neweil <gynsnastlca>, hèui Astuby (mldgeî volleyball), Jason Peanani sitiing), Tracy Faulknrir junior saccar>, Chris Hi4apel <cross country), San Faulknoi <track/mldget valleybalf. Lias Bowler (sotbali<, Plicard (idgat baskeibll>. MIddle rosi, loft: Cary 4owttt (junIor bealaal). Juie Marty (tennis/badminton), Travor Brandt junior If ollarica> Petar Downs <junior valtaybll). Todd Doilo <mldget besktbll). Mallett Vin Cadet (junior vollaybaIktfaCk/roaêcl. auel.e ao Wendy Pot ico'praaldant atudant athlotica). Back Aaw. taft: Jeli Mceazia (tennis), DomniIc Wshhstf (soccrljunior football), Battit <Junior baslîsballi) Lancé Pasîma <senio balball), Julie Waodoll. Milton Service Clubs SlO-Pitch Standings i 1,iI T PCt (;Mt Finhire 4 2 2 il 5X 2 lîio 4 2 .1 h fui 2 5.,~iîTs .1 1 o 1(w) 2 1 0-efti h Z i if lit 3 I.ast sueerti 'udtres SirI.nic 2h i, Otc ilii n Ki e-in lis1, en, 4I -ii iiph-îîî and wc'II corne right to >rour front desor CAR AND TRUCK REN TAL S 45 ONTARIO STREET M., MILTON. ONT. TELEIPHONE 87"131 Milton Tennis Club vies for Reebok titie I he Mîlisir lI'nu Clo'us Il -mn ps'ts n ht S i îuk ( lut, Ts-a _ .nî ( hampieeirrsi pTite lutil, in.mi' o ntar,.tiuu leu tih.. t'ile Titi eigit plile, totm .,Il uquais' ofI agaînsIts'c îutbs'ru ile, rth. Souihis-i ll-glornal funin ie tr fête rigit to Mîîs'.în Tournameni play h.'gins lone' Y ai th Buctriril Cue loir Ai §4 tdlcY a h.'ribin the' prîssîisiai cita ntelushp, hs'ld un AuKîîsi lit- 12 ai L'Amor'aus Tennis (cr, en S;carb.nrsugr Thdcub tvamu cîumlleting 'n the- South*u's mein luiI-ds Ap- liii, Dundas Teni Cu. (rmuli Ts'nil Club, eMiiha.k (iillist Pîn- ni. Club andi t i1, his Ofaku, Tîýnîs (lob ldies doubles Faith gane ts' ens ciintiut' ln. * psiinti l, titi ia t ta I ri,. aud eacit set adue isu iuni Ail player inril. th, ils ', wcîre and thi, îIjn th sth, misi .pint, adsansî' iihi' ni- i m a. . Organî, elb, tht' Oirîw, lu-unis '-'t ssicaisu -d RNssk ( an tahi, 4Nt WfARRI5 N piuigram brîngu iîugi'rh.r riants PIr ,i.ob 41 a istiti puis in. aÉaNational ote u nder-16 champio nshjl- also at cli> Th,' looe 1 n w-,. Club un (lhd lesi o' ralie Lthoe sr s'i't >îlls hi-in ehoieV 0het Venues au "u 'e ioonitr secnd unere Che' upiný hip li I'hIîpu Lit îhng utnnsn Te une umîni s uho'- tii: Auitl',Ilq ii Il nt-naî,n uî star sanc~~~~~ICIiiîl h it-nsnl1- iii's r.lau l'ac aîs_ s n 1,- morteî Q i-lus , an afe ON HONDA OUALJTY IC Ina Illotienue Robinson moves on to Blue Jay Cu itîgit Schoel Basetail ls'ague'% ssi's,dis'usion, dis- ['l'irtiiid andi shîîntsîîîp Mrk Edmtnnsu manlisi ts' vauet dîsîsîîn uhantpiîn Loh(iiOak vCkille) lxth IIn basu ejriv in ihe iayola morth bt tl Hawksu9-2 Tueudav ai Nelsuin paaik in-ilulingion. mas kilissi oher Ilobinusun leftlîs'ldet- Grant Ma Lîiyila deloaied fihe Milion D)itrut iHîgh IShool itauls-d ir a hune drive by Cla-n Btyan lu, Cih.' Mutangs 4-3 in the cai champiîifstîp to mrach the oui t uI fra me. fliinl Thai mase a cuis as il seud gel. m'M Rt Tire min gies KI M Roiibnstr thie 194A) ilaiton pushîsi thrus' acts the dîsh in lthe fith n n bbahelile andlthe îghi toi nsos- un toi 'h. Blue >ay beur maîks a itut baisman and imo pIli bal Cop tii iues'kInd ait h,îsîv Plus nr Toirtntîi mh'n- sintýd te, prtuî a b,5 irnng Tir, liants tr hi-n ..Il plan fîîr tit- iaî higir ,shuusl ia-hail th,' 'o unli and diaen th'oîî.ut bvmIitriita hi ,hampiîinuhrp ' j Titi Riibirssn squiad saIttsi tl. gaie awa Robinlotn managisi four rnu in thty lîî tlhI sli oh hi-n a singî andi batki-liýak dîsolIeu ksvsd i a tiple' fuît Andy lI-arce and a homets non th, -'o te 2 (îîlîam Oas tire Rtiiîns'n ifinu lis linsi buscmin lin (ilam. lAiviîîa loogiri bat ke un dii, ifAno lý i tons -,îith a anmsr d a diuh a ts'moen housser hy pilshs'r Wayne l'îrtcerfus'd in tire wveî theve fti tliurîn the day