;Entertainment 'This 48 Hours was worth adding .1w *0 -mrh tbw *$ W ~ w d é m. ç0ometl of , à1 po.o O'nIUou Adil 1 uséwand ic.wevélimgt la Ib "m And<r~4 W- w.ik hrw-P.. Ow alp m" *t< .r1 u.. ~fki, urm %'du h. . d k..t pt @ .& F - ter ýWv Cr k. àw. un da ut parvmr J'"b %. ma" @Md fl t~-d £. ,u A..de M~ h- frWwer -u p«f". U-W t, ie Mu lad ho dmcuhq.. d m u fla .. dlUv ai W. re s t.g bor If.. % w ou mm§ , hb. aui# <fuar t- oot .1w r a.w a.HJ i '% ttrl a h e y t h - Mdhrw ,& ti -.E W , à "n et w lese u p . . . Wd h o fui rui mn, ailOt . oui tT, u i a,.d ,NM fkn e.ue ianw% îMupblrv tho Ibu Thm m ..hmp. STOP SMOKING LIGHT LASER .OMY U"faquL WNE lmET< msa um y ne@&. only si 0000 For en n.timm cati: The Liglht Laser Way 878-5029 Evenings or W»konds 6 p.m. ta 10 p.m. HoUp us Hoàp! Milton Dinti t a 0On Fr d aayj Jue 1ý5. Satu-a June 16 and Sunday June 17 Petro Caniada deale in Miltoni will donate ta the Milton District Hospîal ?efrever, litreo0f g~sln sold. Drop il tany Potr- Ca naa station In Milton or a fi-up Ente youf nvm in 0<1 drwfor 100 ktres of aoe tuca Hesd to the sequel parade fa"A" -" a- a. (US~ * - - mi,~i t .ý -iii dam =fààdýç ~doet Uwah *0 Mm IF se m ê PINU SCIOL day = 01,l.fo ch:In i aterqeg m aNi< atctiage abiliy expenescini Icarn tg difficultîi. 1, no* 1":c â;tn $ I.MITF) FNROI.NF.NT file the J aradtmic y1car ,«= = UN 0 m i l QW NO. e..- u@ a Lm.w v W .7 9#48~ au amwap OuBm"en. Ml-lU tmqOue a ils "M Oum Tu MW 7.T 7h'4Afj =t. NATIONAL ACCESS AWARENESS WEEK JUNE 10-16 *Chênet & Cmnain Food *Lunch and O«we Bufes *Saib Bar and Deuetts AU. YO<J CAM BAT 7 DAY! A WIUK lui PAIE y. B. vomi01 Chines.t Food Sb&c and S.afood Businffl Luncheons *Fti*ý Lioemi undr ,110. Tw-Out Serdice 450 MWn st, Moo Coed Dane Sow Hk g - , duti bu kom *i.. t. l, imi to o wimglit k, My mirant ciii -Vckls.,lt »met degtwul. a pfopoir dia ait e.cl.. proirau t- the Mo-tô elimIoB ky~13 r-'d1~ e du 1 d u aYte » tfrqu. study concluded tbal thte' A mtcemt ealuia ty of ( rot.'i'ogrt il an elrcw t, the Dffl Crnier Piogao thowi.d to ose "Srgit. bollmr Choht-lI .eo- ablt- t. louer tk.,r toia Duet Crater bas expanded mpifr dort to, iaclude a u'uder t'arieQi of food choicre. 876-2221- CCflk t' l1 Martin st, mlito Thl Diel w" n