Dra. REX WNITELY a nom BELL are pieased to announce their association in the practîce of General Dentisify as of JUNE 18 th,1990 SUITE 400-627 LYONS LANE OAKVILLE 842-2355 I OE INSURANCE Susan O'Connor 44 Main St. E. 878-176 Jus not easy finding the right coverage - at the right price - for vour home. The Co-operators can help. Whether vou have a house, condominium or apartiment we'l.1 sit down with vou, talk things over and recommend a plan that fils vour specific needs. Taik to The Co-operaton today. the ;ýV5c0-0Pciâtois- Conýervatory exam resuits Young aires muskclans rocentiy look their Ontanio Corciwvtory of Music deimeznt airas. A totli of 50 Mil- ton stets pce hs hieg in& tests. Th, eot r ctdbiw Guitar Pitasy Firsi ciass hanours; Cino Berardi. S1: Honoufs; PamFMeu.on. ât2 Finit ciass tionours. Geofi Ferguo, Scott Duimstra. Piano Primary Firsi rias, homours, lames MuItan. Graham Fergumon, Jodi Grade t. First ciam, honours, Gîi- ian juditins, Lind.ay Scott, Son Ei- ton. Louiqe Fergu.n. Grade 2: First clia, honour.. Syvia Yurncî Ionourm.Dwk HouWe Grade 3: First ciam. honour'. Ahîgon McCart Honours; Melindla Myers. Katicajur.c. Organ Grade 1. Firsi ciamu honour,. Katir "OUgi. Honours. Maria Sonsogno. Grade 2 Flirst ciass tionours. 348- tufer Wa.de.o Aison pa. Ho.or. Rya Lcai. Davd Franhîn Juie LeJPass, A tia Glnny Crade 1 Honours. Laura Burnett. Nadia Shcrmet. Coihec.n Crabibe, Ryan Murphy. Page; Mlm Franklin. Grade 4. Fir.t clia honour%, Alan Anderson, Claude Anderson, Darrn. Murphy Chrtophcr Noronha. Honours, Ginger Fcaver. iass; Eiliott Marshall. Kelly Durante. Grade 3: Finst clam, honour. Ai, Hil yaCaneton. Honu, - iavi îarunthaTonya Lister, Sarah Caughîii. Cny.tah Finley. Grade 6 Finit clam5 honoun,; Brian, DeWohf, Steven Stuckic, Lendit Lîpan. Stacy Dodds, Orlando Son- "ono, Kelly Douglas. Ced uoisac MorusuoMait iention feir Uàeual Commander Franki Preou dusing th. Na" y Laque's Annuel kaucion mi Seturda atamon. Kevin Callant named navy cadet of the year Eight Milton Cadet, walked away oith aivards ai hast Satuday's Navy teg a er n.prtion ai John Toncu1 Sports Centre. Tihe cadets, age 10-1 3are tau lit fundamentai, of .asli, power boalîng, ropewrork. finit aid and citîzesltip and arc a.,ested dcung inspecion a. ,weil as during ottier activitis and compeiionii* i.Dvi odil Reivîngaw &d were; Kevin Galiant. bs allendne ai odeiw lcoasti ahîevemcru; Bruce Morgaean, aanhîp;Tom Cuichrane, mosti r, q ved cadet. joy Smith, hesi female. William Cochrane, hest maie, Gary rIe n. estssntry and Kevin Galiani fun cadet oft he year. tcCompass Rose Corp was tounded in Aprit 1988 Commandiug Oticer 878 2022 110a :m ErakingBra S1 45 mn, Sy Shooi 7 DoPnmi Goswe service l cWss oh P. b- &-àg 1hsfG td ch51shusina u5 te, ib ii5u ,ide 1:î A LLAC E CHUR6H Rs il sda 878-5664 9 45 a M, Fanty Sdnday Suhool 11 00 a m IUming WcrsNp Selvv Murery Fscifflet &a sUk First I Community- Chur'chof Milton Sunday Servicesandr chu#dI Sehool 10 e.m. AugiodmsIhe [Ei. f-o Ci8I ire Everyonr Welcome A Caring Comm unity '0' Pcstor: Emrys Jenkins Church Office: 878-0354 581 Mcréachit Dr"v Uni 5 Malon. Ontario * B APTIST CHURCH h 900 Nissng Road 875-1626 'AIIDIAN BAPTIST FEDERATION Passer: Rn,. Tetry Lalng Sunday, June 17. 1990 Sunday Schoci: 9,45 a rn M Mloîrng Worship 1l 0011< Junior Chu, end NurýK- Whluar Accessile A warm "ilme seadB fr0ui S HOLY ROSARY ROMAN CATHOLIC PARISH 4e9 MartnI UND.Wi Mass Tmes, Sat 7lS5p ' Sun 9 00 amn 1O30am,12niroi OUR LADY 0F VICTOFlY liu. a 10 0 ar .Sýmsiu ST. PETE PS CHURCH fth LIa"ratUp umSalUi. &x155. As. lm %ami. OMRM 9815dsý ars DdRa1 & J PEPIPHANY P" LUTHE IN CHURCH hIvesY.Wl@M oni Uc'Scndays im- Sundcy Sc" à Io 030càm -WcrshpSasec AI Th. Rotiet Bal&an PutaC Sdool 160 W.Isci, Dive (ai W.0aciicr, GRACEWAY BAPTIST CHU RCH Paqut, Weiisi M. sac 11711-2294 li. RifSOme y- Io la l *115 as ai' 40? P"nsrosi NexCI cu Mdix ,aiy 11 00cam MîUSi.mV&I10 - 0p- 9 S i 1is..c --eG Fis, à 16 THE PRESBYTERIAN ?P" CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX, MILTON 1 70 Sai . 11111,0441 ilaT.,eLaes Heusici SiJNDAY âare, 17, 19M 9 30 àr Mied. B"d ssdy 9 45 , r,' £OsermiHg¶'bIiisI.y 100 àm -mcinhç wti5t Chorci Schio (hous 3 Grade 6) tur WhmwwhSl AOC*e" ____________ .1 ý$"qAVE ANruLIL;Jqul CHURCH DONT« GO TrQ CWURCH 317 Main1 Si., Miln, Ont. TM R2~ 878-1411 Donl bolher I a ite 8:00 &M.- Holy EcharrstDo at Gy as ont ies 0:30 arný - Holy Euciicnsi oy o hr Jus[ look oui for Niambe On. SALVATION ARMY No one aise courts ary". Ifs up Io yo ID av ansostif - MILTON gt Tuin s listte mesas Ail church services heid in L'tsi 1 Royal Canadian Legion Hall - MG Charles Street JCHU RCH 0F CHRIST (Millol) 1itiinsla Rd. (es tti uns) Services heid every Sunday 151eSd-345 ct 7:.O pm. worsh- lS00i ST. PAUL'S e&WUmaBbhaPencitif UNiIED CHURCH BHIFr- 123 Main Si. as James AN IT e~s~gP 0.) OX 13 Res iobe¶ H~ (~K~> MILTON, 191 2y3 Rev Ro Hyde878-3098 Rey Elace Longland -.&y Rapoin et a i.n.e> u SULNDAY, y@ posesR. Ismught ueRI, @i * - Onciri«ýme iuSsU suUu Sacremeitnt of Balsm 10acm. Worship Service Sermon TMlle: *Heaing the Brolsannass- Genesîs 25:19-34 Mailhew 9:35.- 10 8 P*K.Y sp Io 2 yeurs Ssntuan, *tdii Ou aoesssOd CHILDREWS CLASSES 'Virtues Devolopment» term compieted. Re-opens Fail 1990. 1