Campbell exploring rçfugeé status with Six Nations'Indians fDli NOMAN NAOW MUtant Kmt Campbelbu Thet udnmwapti sait- tali, ta be a cilu&~=n ctmtymia donmaut pmet lis lm ad au aib popls hsireameo ID dhamt - .mnsthieg lie deun'm tini l grna lethte bada&[ aber- Yet he taM 1be Chmsaat mlepiumn interview MadymIa utploy tai han gaMad meuci eta atéemalen - lsa mtutgme staima ai dur Six Nattins lne RKame hm Dentii aIlmi t*It Wh"ottinbh c P mgm il nami tab mtf by Va. Saa lu Ilettta lau. istam Campellr inItial w1apoe u t gumtllitl es- préoralan a ppraclo. Ht iittd ilb.caume il boltian w u penvanbting the amtlan for a cartaie pariel mt the pgney imestpaetitton of the btt' how- av. =qucly chna bis mid. clausie alwn apamuctb tandmne bc etar vrd i h a d 07epar tommea voqe bain& amurdaitip y~ cal tam omuid icludabat li t aib words. ha mi thtt~ calty lise lèveean tit atiion iil- h uehms you wat unie. hm eratél haleai an ade- a fr m iins bis canvic- adi actsn tréa1 hie ie- servist tith Tht Chowpeo% he dimi a mwdy tue-ouc stiat on a barimée radio tlk "mw Mr Campelal dans e aoneorécil the cltlzaaltp piay sème fur *publiclty. 1 mouldn't have base murpalimdif Ul b mulmi hava Imn IL Io (y th pa u).1sunt Up te~OdimWI dure genb. he ottonso ibat fleda tae lai- waltlenms passae Fil tmimi has eStmpy -talog a puai- onm1ratg 0.g-m deVa. ai inlutr ethe teot Citrietia ice Creeai SNrts Ojstom-Tiored fus Wd Oad i ml love siscing .1110 rus cake >n ice cteam Faihet s Day suiprose Ordet one in hts lavorite ilavof Weil acdd bis rnonogsami Onty ai Robietns mmI a SffAH3I ST. »LYON "PLACE YOUR ORDER EARLY' --- PHIONE 878-3121 -- 1 Sweét Savin* For Father's Day i-Coabvi wy all r mt iscpo SAVE --- ---- ------- i Sweet Saving For Fathers Day 990 SPECIAL je~ SAVE - resPras -rr.m s es _ Where has LukLen take-n? hi f. i cNa~g Svl ffl*l ?ea Cboa. tccs Lue., t ebamd of dmhWlme oiresily bain an addltimul blir illai te hW itres eks ea. adviseng lier ta ou theTOo sbite j pamraai li l imItawuudta peu laagaStatmpid mmpiy lut Luit. te bie ratumami aueinaita mta asali tiers. me bmtitt a marntb olbs ra ibrim budnu, 35, have basebae-ae ab iduaien.-t atnin an Plmlle uaê ba ivrng a 1979 twodocir. Z5ea F(OnC~tario Licence plèta ONR CA7). lW,, aclivedy i vsatt g M, .adng qvwy meure fid urkip"tsldDwSa eetPBi ils Emçfftt The oomunêt ès aie wo im ardI mtun Lueehsiemther Chlld Pied bas, dicata i &Htueaxpertise and sup. pu.Lut à@ the 43rd mlaègchld .giiaa wûb~ làm ferl titis Yser le Gao la Mibati tdm YMCA wtt., Lii. usedtagfe daycae bhm distributeil pamtmtailaia thnmghoM Ontario end is emrkîn& on ptgthem rma Cam".a A corer compény han "drlî, pies ta nummus Cammadman destination. A travel a cyhas plumimal te fly Imm i my ahere ta meri uie.thn hes 1eued, A local piMn caaipany me only ch&arglit coïts We pretng toumands of r mmr Xh conguln bur churcit has haped with bath emional anmd limandai support. And lisse, am thet buckers- A brei tnckng com- panytta drappeditposers offinl mmt thoan 50 raiadiant comnmunm Individumi trucitar, ap- pmacmm aiel iaAmtW a vebm bSe mmr titan wlngt iltrlbum tisai. Janet 0'gaflta ot ttlgea e or omnmeuetywoia l ith Itae Salvation Anny Thot r hum p - hm for hm te delv postan M. Zwilna ah a Janet thmtugit wam trmmrd the ditugMie ath n memgWr 1'4itan ~ 11 1e uaueli weuld lied à rmtr on my duitYl.1 = .,g aratlkieg 09 yems Wis My %on AJas inh suflaitx ra rd . Sh Alýl1 baing timoiam wabu 41a rend the Irons 4 mrtld e r CAime~m mom titan a mantit ago M. My Cedursai Luk.- H.r et thougt %as of how 9w ould bais hellp Sita camar up wtite buw atids Wo à pou"a tuamug. temn Cit.ld Fndsefl Sfemt fa r IIO have biain dsv- rlbuaed and 00 maire elmcuklde b. dy by. tday liais meydau litta i22 yesi ai .n acar ara- dmnt.- sise %aski. ethogthat was th mit deia- tatn tlg tha happi L ilga Janat. bIhmt titsb a t .mi tila :cEdnm mwaasnlthat yau had ta accaa it. 1 thinli lt taugiar net being ala Io fid Mut. le addition te the nmtou% donations of iervice, about M5 ha% alto brut raiud Doatiamons may b.e madie bc the Saltiti Army, but shem.ld ba cluity carmarbai for Luk. Fer mareinlermion. cail Bmy Zebntkry at S175-12 îk«ý,oe wtaltinformation rad'n tii aa@a rca ta [Co clv Sagmt U Srtt(7 511,exi. 415> Crm51)a l -4&ll or Cild Flmmd -On ÏN0-277961 "il can't believe 1 ate ail of the Nutri/System food and stili Iost 63 Ibs.! Nve neyer feit better Yabout myseif and ke*ng it off is easy!" 'Ne rsw been a IostaY'D" de WI # n6<wftks. M 1 LmuStaY lm a h td bmsaat havmn)g to ai dom on my AAAflSySi61 food, rv lWn. eveshoafthyaS idO nOw afte' IeMulg new salîng belIevtO 1.711 i mli CAL! TODAY fOR A EBU NOOGUGAflON CONSULTATiON 878-4117 «65 Main St.E., Mlton - Acros tramn Milton Mail aa cou ia Mr et clou tb*Ufmm baico bad a - M ées ca i a a *