Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Jun 1990, p. 39

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Housing crunch brings diversity to market. A Positive aide affec la etnoeing brui %i iu uliusrea ia tovtv souitn2 &Yluo :7 aaw aFfo tli ie by litballee building titlito wW0,ui racj e' nirnlai lit'huioHm int homes tiin ltae rinanciai nacit o fins- Bud.,' Aisu-Lat; tinte buyer. 'Wle you my te ItellT îpetue ib Lis revitn lt" have Ibught uca welcuna IDUwUUw dhsI.u cl-Oce - tac-- r ost dlltuci maiion, a" Malors Hosm alseo sought be lantiple G-dt Maisn, petcldant of Miaon Honma b>' building Oului'& of Melro Tuonua, buti liere il, a nsster divu-iry of produci ui wowun p ftstite tU 4 raices étau Ii- -to," ha Y u iki juaihve haut Mau maibs elion f adtna forcd t bc h a tviove to, mah te Ou- -ilote o >'ixe hi sclcino mwoal Gerantiun Humes reapontiel b>' building deptaL. subdivisionin âaiî cetres outside of Toron Bayera cln nie citoot frui ail brick 10, iluding Cooyg Lnd. u hunes, brick ent idaln1 hurnes or b"ic ai "lis hat lougtar aMid mu-e challenging tii "The sidng ta fuir as auittve as brick. juif pàt Y-a." -aYs Endl Rurm, presidenît -Bai as funcion bul cuits a halle leg," sayst tî's bon ver>' mreaaing. Maison. building Soulîgaie, Village in Banne "The Price 0! landi is lte key (0 building andi Bidkewood in Pecerboro. lIhe viai> of hunnes lita people can &fjord wo buy. AM lad styles altoe enitances lthe miemelp cf a cm.- prcie"ar mach mu-re reésoabin~ m ine5uut>'." amnalier centres.'" Mason &lto îook one of his bekalit homes,. OeQdm am M Swolp Hunes responrdeti to lit affonlability cols b>' tntroducing gardai horna si itii Maplevicew subdilvisionin Bar iseae are contiorniun hunes bufli in damiter cf cigla. Thffe are four homes on lte matit flou- andi four- homeabove. lie hunes on lthe lonver level have alk- ouis (0 a yard aRend liteupper level homes have balcutte. Ail homtes sitaue a park. "%i bit Word ta affortiabuit>'," said Michael Ilisl. entor vice presient for Sîoip Hunes. 'Titis ta te frni siep in lte ituitng laddet. hsesti of ntaking the firs bu> a terni -dciaclid hunne or toinhhoua, ve olfer lthe gardi hontie. ht liai leu ptivacy buti l more affu-dable. " andi arangeti a cheaper plie tag lotil for any buYcn willing tu finish due lWue level in ther 0OTI lame. But lte ina-tinte buyer ics ie nl>' amt facing the afforaliny crutch, iys Sue WeWbSntl, marketing directo rwth Geratuum Honies. She soaym nany pe"le ails aiready> own boivest want t0 mnore up Io jarger ones. bu& Cm', afjord lte prieo "Moving we Lindisay,. Carrtbridge, Cobourg Or Barrie ehere YOa clin gel a scîous house on a large loi ai a vory reasonable price il someating ihat a lot of peuple in Toronto ame sestoualy conidering."- For Morle informiaion. caii lte Toroist Hurne Builders'Assaciai.o Houstng lnfoim- lion Hotilne ai 391 -HOMIE. rFour key principles of in vesting ny BRIAN IUPPITON Amnte lte principleat of iovesting are the following: U 1. Dent results will carne fram ownersitip rallier than loanership over the long haul. That Is. in equity raîher than in fîxcd incarne ivestrnent. J 2. Thai bormowing t tri vesi when the itevest la tas deductible maltes setise whenti he înveslnicnt is one of quality' J 3. The investing systernatically benefits by wliat ta known as 'dollar cost averaging" and can lie dorie mothi> %!lt fixed arnounts of rny J 4. That lucre is dependlable expertise and rrporirig behîind the investment. A plan -Inch unîtes ail titese ila Qain andi Loîsn Plan" of- fered b>' a major oi connmny which owns a farnîl> mutul fuasis witlt morne excellent track records oiver tic past 10 or more peuln If yoa invs $254) a morah, for example, lte trust company wiuj Iend you lte %ane émount. so tai you wIll have $5W0 worih of uni la purchased for you accu-ding to the pice pet unit -itese are pubihita daiy in lte preas. $500 is lte arnount needt Io open the plan $S0 X)Lie rcasl rnonlitly amtouni for the joan. The interest rate is Royal Banik Prime plus 1.5 fier cent This is high ai te marnment - 16 pet cent b lxi kely Io faL Inter csl nl>' in ail dit ils requireti. and i ta ia deductible eniter on a monltly basts or i the end of te tas; Yeu, Mlic deducuion us donc b>' automatrcnuton.ly choques. If you acre 10 inlest a toinl or S5W0 a miontit, you would have over Oive Ofrs- h e tghe i plant - a total tovearnn Of $60.000, halE f aýhtit a t hajoi. Ile value of lte ftnd ltei muid lie arund S90.000 b>' uhing a 15 pet cent averagr annuai growih raie. Tii, il basà on plat records andilo used for illustration nil>' Atter rive yemz, thte lInm il paili off, or renewed for anotiter temn. lIn our illustrations, lte avenage annual reducion of tan il arotnd $3,000 a Yeu ai a 40 pet cent brackei. The saine trust companyr offents a "Match your RRSP loin Plan.. Thisa shows a dollar-for-dolar loint dependtng on lim tamoai 0 i lte mutuaI funids. TIse loin coeur are lit sainete abo , ait astriia over -10 yesrs If you atish w makle >yr Sp rt; for you l,, &Iil am mt ielitot where Thons ud a anotut « $2,",0 but no, masiamun. 0 rI a i aivaimet piquri atùh Ai JC. la- veinaient P&uaaimg LUd.. Oaa Corpoelle Coeur,. 849-4700. BIS'HOP i GALA OPENINGe You are invited to an OPEN HOUSE Feel rthe warnth, antd atreas rthe ekpgnce, The uniqlue cauntry' setting aI vaut new executive ciamchome in EDEN PARKESTATES pampers pas] wlth diry rvpecaeiveniincen. Minutestacity muiviries, yet lacaird in secluded, trgd privacy for pear raund peacefuiness, 1 V"4 % -2 yrs. sune condieaus apl EnjoY'refreàhnelsugsas the cerof, aroaatd vcradah For more informatica li: Cheryl at (519) 824-18 l1, or Lena and John et (519) 767-2 100 MiItowne\ ,Realty Corp. 22 Ontario St. South 878-2365 WAYNE 878-236 LINA WARNER 188261 WARNER Sales step Bu.Sales Rep 30 mInutie sêest tif Missiasaugm * -.'--- os i ; --' I I a ~ * ..C r 1~,. a j ~ -'i * 'e- I 'rosi ..'-.. a'- MAURICE MILJOUR office 878-2365 T«e. Lino '- 826-1030 .%isociala Brouir CUTE & Ci4ARfdlNG - HILTON TN. a haro . esalhd manonu isl wm S. o th. b"i 00<16 Mme C"t ai miua %i s- hm .W feléI -nntmaad le aimia aà bVea so4 sun omitapi Th. kueslami . - ni0ih P.s- ..i.ge in.ald ai p-o ail f..r mistigi ptos Cansci L»aii OMr. h1-@n itip 876,4577 C-1 FUTUI COMMERCIAL. - MILTON Magodicaru lis-e stolav lico. o Mai Street roth orimittO potentiel. Approxirmateii 3000 si) fi 01 ieegat éving spae rotin main .tiQ, tenturs. contact haisg brou,., Mauae M,1iiuî 876-4577 ras $699000 IKOOMU o- MTON MAUL TIhis c.s Cr.am and Vagint Parler il an amaisin o~>Rltu*y t0 oen à sacsu "n fuy -pabn y9iw racis*ile busaniss& $ 145.000 Contact listing broket Maurice Map,. 878-2366 Lý_ý . e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 wüî

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