It's a week for senior awareness &rt2a% Ni boum dadfsl to momiam sdiim omm@"M ~.av eu lmd ua lniin , Milton lbwml ris, a 25-vont bruad d &cM SUlan' Awraaft. %Yn hum ji 14-16 anmd bmdmduac idlvitlea MUs. l mma um du- barpim tntalmaluaana IMada ae" u o.~~in Za l afi bBdu a iN heban lll dhoin tan .m mm. Id. i at i. pamon Threiim mgr utr at hurmday h ii mmi'o ya, fiode ir Ny 6p&hmama wrý owSeum Io ruttmibot. Tim &m ahuady eme tita 1AD uu eaXc dt viel dmumgs dut wa an bis tour. flmuna t Will Ne akimgdu anomitaSptumrg Fom i r huumh. A "tr in WadaaWm C.VuItlod Woue actl bmutti. bsm vice from due muumi to ou-e p mm rwbo a.m hw let. o wl rIUat be seailâl Haha mmidumalMnerwuillh opedn açsm omme mm dma.dy mmu 2-4 meom for tu iad oui Ontario ita «=ana th pmmam ta brlng commummtty iwmmbor Im due ficlliy amd titis impoct of dlIc bi e amorîg tas. picuta Infrto n util a&ho Ne avalabl. ai a Noohin th du al aIl week rmdate ta auvmo 1crmanlme mmd dir familles. CAR CAREI Tisai Vour Car Lce A KIng GIVE DAD THE ROYAL TREATMENT- "ME WOhEU Includes Interlor Chean A Complote, Intérior Vacumi & Ssanmpoo of Siaa, Carpeta, ailVinyle à Wm. Extarior DufI, Wax & Walm & Engéna Utampo SPECIAL PRICE $9900 1/2 the price oai any other dotaifing slmop in toun wilh botler wrumianship. 50 STEELES AVL, UNIT 8, MILTON 875'-2889 The Vacatio.n of a Uifetime -ON BOARD THE FESTIVALE - Corne See Us OUR 5th ANNUAL GROUP CRUISE Caivalc Crulse Limes -FESTIVALE - Fleg- $1 ,39510 U.S. Specuai ttis GMup$99500 Cai NowI ~_Bruce Hood Wuirave 875-1010 -suwei -m ea 878-2886 Election soon? Th'ey're ready paiam t= a=ul are uaku ne imù." aen tMvumdyd L I ispadMuMIWL uhan ~ ~ ..b dMxi "kt Mr.WtmgiZadm mi w-MtMr.Mfui.57. m d -mgi lakmNmilnmnmtWi la aIpwua adn. M. WmltluJe la 14.?.. H"I icas ~ ~ M, "Wiaumt fod brl uiaer tidu rMdng ia nt agai Nmd imup. M. b«a ta. à u @nom N the hm lo. Tailoay negh Pmmrul Cnera miol mualtiid rive Deve WlmItn af Hahot Hi]:= = nmiln o Ini Hahai Cmntm the nid'g 11"d 1.i mm md hia bld ta carry due Tory banne. momahmm ponom of rural Mîlta.imbemt limai Mr. Elit » mi es rmly Premier Pftemon boMia ile ra Sîulivan was acdimed Monday nimim. governmmt. 1 icamt to b. ibl. to cail an dersmon for iny Thie guen speker at the evm an s Sa" Comway the motcio.I1 don't icant to rot Ne ablete mc al one if mcme of Minier of Edutsom. He demibed Mns Sullivai, *as ym ysm an mdy. "omt of due bardant wcrkung oýmmof ci d Legisai- Ai cian't conte mcmi enougli for Mr. Elha. Her tWm. LMLDER (CENTRBE -J uud.vtpe &M Prin m Cash a Cany ad in uMe mil lé«. Oulmnmy ta amatast nwmsemu dmug. SCHULERHOME CENTRE 385.STEELES AVENUE -EAST, MILTON 878-9222 or 878-4139 Mtk-FL 8 a.-. p... Sade» S &A.umm Pm. Fzý mi m, M1