~F~i REUEF A'Canada Tliust Friendly Mortgage can help qf ou're faced with an unfriendly e I mortgage payments. Renewîng uour mortgageMovang a ne home9 Current hagh rates can signaIicantIy ancrease gour mortga 9e paymets. cratang a temporary b41gel squeeze. Waih a Canada Trust Fraendly Mortliage jyou can use the equaty an gour home to borrow a tatie more on your morigage. Ybu can then use tis money ta pay down your rate. reducing yotir paymrents.* For example. by addang $1.282 Io a $ 100. 000 mon gage, the nterest rate can be oeduced Io 11144 % from 14 % for sci months wath the monfhly payment dropprag to $992 from $1,1 73. a payment reductaon of $181 a monîh . Rate reductions are possible for terms of six mon fhs to fi _e yeaas. For many. the benefit af maantainang or redmicing payments outweaghs the added interest coufs anvolved. If your mortgage as uip for renewal wath anotiaer major friancal institution. see our up ta $500 transfer bonus'offer bel ow. Dunrdg these tames af hagh rates, a Canada Trust Fniendtu Mortgage van heip you ride out a temprarr budget squeeze. Up to $500 for Transfers - . If yoaJr montgges coring ap ID fraiencsam AtthsPr k0 trust accripanf. noa sateî mun teraashaie n te a Trusa Fraerdly Moctgage * There afe no leal lcs. anal rm n arge a rawasrred mort~ag amoant is ater $20.000). yoll tI mcm a boanus of $3 fr achl S tWo niaigagc balance you tasi, up tn $500 For examçale arma-da a $75.000 mctgagc and acte $225, Best mort~g Pm"u Canada Trust Fricradly Mongagcs iclude ewryllsrsg pou wacit an a mceigage A -imm~c~ an 25 ý- %*"ld. la-aucdy Warmn1ly anid rn-atlty pap-ne The option of poN,,ng your pmvcly la- euh ýsa rnantgagc Monqgag Iade îisranoe lot pennucs a day Pmeappaumal. Spcat pcceaayncaat Jeatures an hclp pou pay dowi, your mn~a faler, Raithy (posa con lait it vt po. alieni pou mcrc' *Saaapn t rnni Casai 1-8a Wonr mnsno Paq uW la. dk.sn.sw a ~ ar-e .Siam mac M«dl Mo4fftpge h Each mnah wa bu.m a Canad Trust mctgag ta say tham Ma an osai cscatrag mort~ag cuslcmcas -lf s ~ley greain sec a family tan ahcar frecdomn fibn mongage papMits' Frlendiy Wo Natue A Canada Trust momil e n frmcadly an nature! %W* re makîng a donation anth Vlb alrl Wildtar Fawid (WWFn for ecd aw miongabg appnsmedl an hcp pnslct cndwged aîli! Ille an Carmaith ebpos help we hope tn mach a donation goàI of S100.00D in 19M. Frbndly Hep 8 to S You cisn expect knmAedgmaWl. fracadly hclpg wath pour moigage et Cara" Trust Give us aml Or drop by fer a lire nip nueý Fncaaly Meingagc Guidc Mola batrici are openu 8 ta8 Mcmaaly ta Fnday and 9 te5Saulad If pou hune a molgage w$ay net haie a fracaI' oma. ai the Fona of friendly service - Canad Taxant Canada Trust E M81AM TO 8 PM MONDY TO FRIDY; SAJRYS 9 AM O5P Main ai Chades 878-2834 fil Healthy- lawns without pesticides Hcalmly lawau wmm petoicillci cam beac adieil by oblierniln" uuu pcnctpo-. saya Hanwy Kock. a lier- amcmlunsi a <ae Uiversiay af Gaclpla's Aztaoetaam %fa noua ng raria aspect of anawkmsng imacus positcica. especaally faongacades ual msectcimu i anal anid plant bala." saya Kocik "la's imper- tant fur peoaple tn no aLacy have a chnace mn athe aypco ni unicnurae. Mr. KncIk. aho lctines Ln Oeano ada Qamcbec orn peaaacide-fie garden- aflt. ballcs thic unapawlansce of holamamaeil mta sa wel1 a pnoper caaamrag anal waauaing of tawas. He an<e.o hnwciaa. alaaa homc latai durs fnet necaaaay necalh n aciatimve mnaanlcaaaace of a golf course. flac fins acp i tn pnwade hacaaky loit. Pmraapca'tala.oa - asans a healllay ratao of moaanag . phosphoaras andl po"al cacantws aia plants amc hcaaer cqwppcd an walhsaand discale. .wc .a>î The masa poputE fraatacr 1Ini f leur piau rnlennt i pari pN.aphoaas anad awo paris poaa - at an catled -naarogen faàx" - -att gavc plaai lasa, tuila powa. But aù-a8 la aa a biologacAl expeaise. plta ith donaala cett wa1ts, anakang aim suaacpaabIc ao "as pcncraaoa lay fami anad anacas. Mr. Kacb rccmnmaa an ca'n ratao fiale 7-7-7 for a Match famii aal a t 2-2 ratio le 5-10-10 or 6-24-24 (dcpcislng on asailibmlaay) fer an Oc- anoe feedang -higl ian planapao'ms andl pu"sl - 0 te enrti e1 ntm ptlant. eapcmally alac rci sysema il nsohebd. Grass ted by lima mcalad an aouglacr, tacatlaan anal pnadmcca a dSen roi ayant. Mic seconad sicp as an coa <lac Lasa bige.a, lmial ai0 ive cianqanctres annem ci the asual goli ouema IcaigIa of 2 5 oetmaicc. flua exta lciga prosidea <lac plwmn4alanas «cm ly iactory for dac plant," allW"n du gru mn cieuie disepccrSs mcie sa ays. This pne proicon du-q Pm"iormi draagl. ýA taie. dackcer auef alan diacomura weeds becausc ,," daa'a gcaini aiml in dhc iadc," lie says. Bailan a deep tani rfayau in du lam ales a fée, yii. bc mays. I Woodm spcaying il noeaumy, lic reacail nainda a contbolleil 2-40 say Spvayasm slimuld bac donc -hmn mcgetaaac grotili asGcaix - laNfIOe danlamm flor in <lac "Sa or in Sectacr. when anwý "L ge t a an- aaaaied. Thaüs alacuila tac domnc tl tlan ainantini "fwemil die lain off ma.'* li says. I gitan i kep faa m. tan. eve. spiayang uisa tac repeaied bie Cam s o abIctSan Causes aeal an tac- coite caposel anal allots nc. enla te geriamiale. H4e aise oecaaima&d pcraastc, adeep walcnng of lawns asii of troet. thoni watemng. wWih wcaay wcu alan surface cf thec anal anal cfcamia a aba lowmostn law. flan besi aaunc go m i maddjay o ni ie b. ml of <ae tiai. Wamng caly an <lac imm- oa or lait afiicom caimih t det pwiod "na anc ise fillicid of hmga "pe g -nsamn anal C-- quna ned cf fonicidc qacyans Cpiamm ras v ethcailam aclaacved by tui a"s la"aimowner Mles. Ian laya. Sbre&lcd points cmi graus aaàuc ai mmc anuscpible tn luttaa. Or-a mbnamd mni tac cut darim peviomb ai maoumlia or wheai met, bac maya. If alne npaa e kn. a asily. gaue la.a cam tc mnaaaind am si tile coul. hae taya. l aieald b sac ientm- bonsil. taomew. <ui dutan esitin fi=a. a mes. abalw-a<u l411% te a taaby lama mab a kW yua. au b am oaui le gise op». baM e anb n tu r lU axaive an amm 'ce pcuaciples nid cce." la MaY& lma pay dilancae if me mut