I I I j . - 4 MmJmr This could be your weekend hideaway or a full woeking farm. The buildings are flot visible from the road. The two storey stone home is set among huge hardwood trees over lookirIg the creek -and pond. The barn is newer 73x5l two siorey set up for feed lot. Approx. 80-100 acres workable-rolling land. A great spot for horses, sheep, beef. CAMBÀID)GË OPEWM HOUSES- SUNDAYJUNEIOt 2-4 R.M. 389 COOPER ST. Eyhoe îsu here Thed iaof hoeyn you hie.vTe reaeof te country size kitchen, 3 washrooms. Just a beautifyI decor and layout. 1800 sq. ft. Cls oh-ha 0 57 CHIPMAU AVE. Oiver 2600 sq. ft. of home -decorated with class and flans. Full 4 bedroorns with whirlpool tub in the ensuite. The Iitchen elng areais windowed on thoee siasfnoed yard. FARfM 145 ACRES - $595,000 11k*r . CpI ALX o iT:fUi:t IER (519 740-3690c: MAILYN ANDREWS 842-8690 or 878-4380 A FREEMAU REAL ES TA TE COMANY INC., MEALTOR SALE RES RFMAXGOLDN TIANGE RAL a Royal City Realty'extends its thanks to ail those who visited us at Milton Showcase The Winners of Royal City's Lucky Draw werc: 1) Mike Gyergyai Lited Edition Albert Casson Pnint "FAMILYr 2) Roxanne Mayes Royal City Track Suit 3) Mike Broaks Royal City Windbreaker 4> Dela Mayes Professional Home Inspection 5) Mark Rudder Si10.00 Gift Certificatse - Garnic Express q.Cooke $10.00 Gift Certif icate - Comic Express Boudreau $10.00 Gift Certificate, - Garnic Express, ..,.Bowhay $10.00 Gift Certificate - Garnie Express Jan"c Shepherd $10-00 Gift Certificats - Comic Express 6) Gertie Moiuntain Pattern Master Sprinkler - Giknour Group 7) Marg Hamilton $50.00 Gift Certificats - As We Grow 8) Vicki McClatchie $25.00 Gift Certificate - St. Clair Mrs. M. Jones $25.00 Gift Certificats,- St. Clair 9) Chrisitne DiPe *siol1 Change, Lube & Fifter - Sheila Gofry Auto Tune Urn.ted & Joo's Galrage 10> Harold Coulson 11) P. Hughes 12)>Vrne King 13> Myah MncDerrnott 14> Amanda French Karen Webster Stephanie Lebret Jackie Hariliga Colin Best Charlene Cressrnan ~Faye Bell Becky Webb E. Stevens Brad, Murray Callectors Photo Frarne - Miron Photo $50.00 in Printing & Copying - Milton Graphies Gift'Basket - Country Cupboard $25.00 Gift Certificats - Red Anchor Restaurant Giant White Lion Giant White Lion Giant White Lion Giant White Lion Giant White Lion Giant White Lion Giant White Lion Giant White Lion Giant White Lien Giant White Lion We would furtiier like to tliauk tiiose participating spons ors w/w made Pur luickydraw possible... 'une Urnlted "tlon photo D.B. MacMillan Consutlng lnc:. St. Clair Paint à 3a-mge Gilmour Group Coun<ry Cupboard Bulk Fodd & As we Grow Grapaic Coi Exposile . Badwy Ud. . Red Anchor Ras INDUTRIA COMERCAL IVESMENTSI IMVSTUi~r INVESTMENT INWSTMNT 50.1. nl ppax W.th' 124.146* appçon vmr 3774 132.66l appfo. w.Ih ems$Uw hOrnil. 100 frontap e q li oeleu block truilbng e.isting rosiden.al home on, B on. ,Sm set COlos.t CIO o Main S t1/e ont. Supertb odevolOorrent site Main Street Intersoction Street intersection Asing next la pose offce Asking AèmI2lm'M<xo Sow ~~ ~LAMS AVAILAULE FOR AL 38.6 ACRES Ad1acerit to *ndust, ai s.ý 01-s'on Fe.,tasl,c fttre deaS opr"eý oppof ur'ts A$Kn S60 000 De, acl Ch 0 C5.Fm LEMS__ VY B .U .. ftbMW Mc pler .9 *1 - No" ACRES M"w 25 soute, of B"twe 2 Oe jliNOUSTRIAL SITES F,o1, $265 O0O pe, ace. nws Io il"w 401~ 100 tAIT MOTEL SITE Soutrffee. el'! rarop Q s~.o.~ iriar ba imHy n 154 m, asavUb Aph s o ~s. s NOU FANU WTII OIWLOIIIIIIENT POTIPITLAL UI8SFOR B11AILE 0os acres th nA srh 'poe',ents .11 «0n - Mpw¶w thelaN Nioti dis-rain Wy10s Ril TIIESE ANID OTHER INDUSTRIAL, COMMIERCIAL' AutoT Jes WaUpaper