p. il r f COUt<MYCONMINC *112 acre minutes front Milton *lInground pool and chalet chante hou». *New eunroom. srooi, baclryard 'New barzolikice writh cyeliancea %Double dirlveway and.r Tire ideal country h oe1 sttnr comlort and city closeriess Bert Davis 876-1156. MO-7T. CO6JMTY ~HA~ NO? T BOAS?.. M 0000 But eho cuid recitl When you Exoeptionat 3 bedrm home on oer Mt bue home. Fou, #pecec 112. eobu CIme %0 COte MWd hedroome. bright, alry kitichen, dor- Milon. O ou ba lmly tout. mage loyer cUIr circult oak c$aW- ceta aï -l m uutme rreonnmm cse, ozy îsnily moont, wih firir- and eate"rlely lurdcca plaue. corrienient main hloauen- grouetds ar t son. of #W e dry roua ne".wch mudi more.for lures. Ros Runetalls 878-4437. $309,000. Fd a pecni iwn MO.119. Cao sen J. poti MO-1 W 1VOlAI SEAACH 1S OVER i Looklng ltr location? 4 minult trom 401 afid 20 minutes trou Airpoit Loolrlng lor couentry? Il$ scre lot juat emiof Milon. Loow% 1wt 4uMlty?'Ore 2,200 sq.h t f ei 876-1961 MO-53. hoe dre clusiee E OF DISTINCTION 'tdby lir graious sun mmt, COtUdselganhiie sidence. A location tirai r'tir# chocs Who ln tous. tes tabietou$ futures tiis fine. hlestyleý For your ex- nîewing calI Steven J 159.900 MO-89 COUNTRY IANG IN ARTHUR Nice 2 srorcy 4 bedrocin home on 99 acres Just waîlîng for you Barri on prope'ry $369,000 Cci Yvonne Gawlig rigi novis 876-1156. Mo- 122. LOVELY SPUT LEVEL HOME 3 minutes Io 401 and Trafalgar, Tis 4 bedroom home iras 2 en- suite balirrocins, osersized double gre. ron 1.25Sactes ofgorgeous reOroperly. Very attractive as- sumnable Morigage -ccii or rirnîl us. Michael J Maregoticir 973-4729 K0- 76. 1 ACRE + BUNGALOW, $369.000 - Builder wii jette back $250.000 et 9 7/8% Pleaso ask for Stewart Haddort. M-9257. PRIVATE PEACEFUL AND PERFECT $3611,900 Youl b. proud 10 gie onre adO' cs sfren you Mtn Ur10 lovely ait brick 2 FOR THE EXEOUTWE storey homo tha1 leratures oser 1 FMW g.800 sq ft of bseelg aMca MwIyWup 'custior bejil clU nMOnrien lot eV. grades hàvo been add.d such as erIrone Gorgeous 112 acre loi and cerntral air, a beautrfui addition Mhai sturdy bungalow crUr numerroes up- teatures a main flocr tamily toom, grades, Matie lire rigiri move anrd lainr and a lobulorus main hm,< have a look Listed aI S369,900 4 piece bath wltir îscuzze tub- Foi CaIlEva Goodrçg MEG * urtireg details cat Sheryl Gray Io- day. MO-8.a lYJO STOREY ON ONE ACRE Mottgage $250.000 at 9 7/8% please ask for Stewart Haddon. M8-246. ALSO AALAIBLE r) 3 s edros lowMees. - upfroffl ktcftwe - 1149 M rIM&q 814110. 4 104,0e. lecaleaue - uicir peeuce ai - Brss 3) Nase and becevee - Ir a 143'loi 4) Ranch saaplec- hralt eW@ - na 5)lTm Fam.U pou - 10 u or. am rir heMd -uroe. 6) R"i RulUr - , na w., M Pi ne. lat. GALL BLL CIRMFOR APRTHER LUMIý SPLBENDCOUNTRY 10 ACRES - POSSIBLE HO!B Situated on 25 ere a thie S BY FARM! bedroom home ofere supenior -Tell youi lamily ab hoi on' 3. qually througlout. A.parat berosbungalow surh rec rocm Lt. msteri ad rgos a woodstove, main floor lannely room. san mm and s wahoul krm té very pretly iandscaped ci bardf 2ndrlave#. An exceptional home. Alsc iras morigege dotai" yoee May Prlced as 8890.900 to view eill b. rnlerested i 8389000 Michae John (JP) Ponts 876-1158 24 hr J. Mangoecir 873-4729. pager MO-99 TRY THIS F0 "blGIS" Ninelyý eirit acres. 1,800 Il frorttage, large brick home, triple car garage bantik barn, and close Io lbwn Otiered ai $1.390.000 Osser w/il corrolder holding mort. g age, For lurîher details contact iii Currie MO-66. Yom ESI UT. YOU SURI LOOKC Fo A r THIE Delacirod, soWl brick. erée berd- lUeield 'For "a*e ai $1789M.00 FUTURIE mma hae an a l"uge 10 ke flole oftubie bemgle lae kwlln plan eleeci u yau 0110 of fel ord si79,90005 NadO al bellev u e aokinaidhmaba unique praperly bcateln on@eof sur te M. - %t" Ci~o e Nil dm O s bot home eona- te rm Not kmc rei 0f Miln comote mdiles à énam o.k ,aeiaed bei duo a Véry coeuollng ste cOMMe àfNg rom,10 ppunm m W do-1airacUve. asaum gal Morti VeaiIsible brook ce 10 Vt mhlbmn O@mM.Lobdo&Wp.& patl-34%utdol.14 hopingLU.Cd ayn Casecanto tfloCoW =eu olrC 1w " CaIeeC.e la toi dele- on ti n@~e pr 10r « eo i' et OPPORTUNIT'Y ABOUNDS Tis 23 dae parcel iras 2 attractive homes, as sell'as 2 vacant lois cîth urlls Remaindercd M - posai: bic lIevelopmenl potentiaL Bactis on1 to ficourse - 5minutes la401 -cali r delails Mike Mairgolech 876,1156 MO-128 mmV TO"*THE DOW TOWN MILTON AREA Lisled 'tu W aile 119,900.00. Vos b.o coin eirjoitUeb tour bed- toomt brick home eUlh loode of 4e-Mu- an ai Urne l moideci- coie ehleebl lkt teen. CatI Wayne C IV. 1dmk MO." uxrAI MIT XI DAE £VA' CR1NORW DAVW RE" ADIDNe OOOoelIC an-UN on-os 50.508 mt 415 1 15"mmvmum