Ho qou are.a ingt nm YOM tisa ae O-t luff gravir The frtsh Belu te loto gondi Repairing-your own plumbing can save m,'oney But make sure you know what you're doing or it could cost you a-lot .mont hommucainer, acoier oar laser belons dhons j a problemn. Il shomld b.e -oi wuIb ut hsey lave nisdew nâber rngs Temniçi pa Cu en mnadét wiii probaly nie mie, a probium wmsh dis ua. houier or lisatir mater. dut waamoui and cm cause SCRaks. flMm améiof a rambbor hums clamp.S homme'. plonbang. A coer pmpble a a leaky fauaie k Cloged fral coiln "cais hadachaa hardware lassomm e l -portal cli wever. many people knou em linle mosi liky ta dis retait of a isolmoui for die.4on, ouner. dusigned 10 mgop "main pipe. I heir homns plwniting ayuem &Wd - waohe. To rech ýdis wuser, yeti have ta Minor clag cÀm Mully bu raovd iLhd caii a plurmber w1haever probm rnoa dis hardie of dhe fautit. a plonge or cernical dfrain Wmer. How- FN W*Mb » Talle omit the Sensue ha Idu h haidile cm à chomica dramn flm Sa very bord k il, of corse, beneer ta Preo lu ils muimy plomi-oeu& ý n m-s mn Poue"o nad pry i off with a on yaur pipes ad lIhe *iion a aoa ng prolm titanit ie gao fi="d dis expertise of a pWoeasional.coltera acrewderiver. Tape or. a bandage wrappod sood subutute cmin ha madle <mdi a mixtures h bt ay ta, prevent èmi clogo rapls uiomih lofa ounwsef. Repaie- around dis up of thes aoewdniver wili of baki. odat, siii. white vinegau and boil- cl, sùj setsg and aIl plumbmig yo owu plumbiog cun ave yome prvesistrichea la du fii Pi7 ail Lng wâffe. y - provimesd you know wbie you ame amrid he base of dm hamidis. Woe*imn A plaobers make cari "I be vomi. Puoli <uitly. omly om place coulil bond dis hmoing. dis mnaire diroog dis pipe isuils coaM siy Alon. iasct m>y %lisible pluoabing - ~~ Looam am remaive dms cap diii lialdas he urning it in fuil cirUeîcin1 cut lhrogl dis &mvmi cf usr iweSmof ip aesnt mn place i Stem shouhd wun is wt clog. If dieu simple repaire fail or you are rplombing sysis. is conipoied cf out. Koep ifriling aven ishen the isoler stat "vre about Wh&[ you ame doing. malle cea cf pipes. Thf ie u im in dis cap am on te [0 flow. ycii rail àplomeesr. as cwienawuae enamai truc, aewer emi cf dis sm. Replie dis is dut &p- If titis dosnt isorit rov, and dean Doig simple replirt yciurseff clin or spic lynma Tis o peuates by pea ro MOUL. The waalur on hedi ofe~ m cmrved piste of pipe omier LWis ink yoa money, but workmng blindly can cm Y. dis Slen ma hoh mon by à tioy acrem. J moua callsd dis trap. evel molue expaive danage iD yoor cwuisez as, ii. prssurs in drive bc rrnxved tlbangs mishers. Onacs die dfrain bas boes openid, nm n m m 5~ watereoa your unit, badiiub or tomlet. Before maumtly. dean cmotuionm off boUm lapas toi flushit ilout ami pour amm U Thig aflick is provded by the Ont nsmaakmg rspairs. always rememner witdi wi iol or a souna pad. cleansi in the drain. Real Estie Asoaton (PkEA) jor off dis miame ai dis main valve, f'à a - paucma wmi haot and rid wager on dis L«4k pips akimm bc repléced as qoici- beaerfit of coa.smvr ini Met rai iea 10 locale dis main valve nais - sains handie do ot have vuudtioeal lv.a posxibk e.e anis Ire- for 5Ur, Save o3se Aze M e "z olx -4 ý