Ev:rything you. wanted to know, about your home *w-" o a " biiin ahlebb u U '1.0 moe ttait -* * Ia evuage %& Am.iem ççpi ta - itanauialytot.camai e n . m " teqafred WeolM ciiesion an li "wd WW camuWe me M90. st awag of tarte hm plat dary m &a hufrom 4~~~ ~~ àis Caé, oauaiin éy b wallà. calauigs taxi lames ai î a amdod 215.32otaus. ooeîp.e ant 10 mias..st in public placet * geevsaue million peon-yemflnspey. faaairo<na.. ba. hIn 198& pipd on aras uud a dis pain- liliadufoyeu. ment uauualy. *Aua se-questeus of<Canadien buiand. cai Isewmn EU 0 45 Par cm of latini I .Toronto Homte Bierta' AIaota an ad mor thas 75 par cmm of dieu hanmes an claek in 28.3 par cmt and oU sa 20.1 par hbu ild mmr titan 80 per tient of &Il ne.. a peésele bas - ovarr ana-quim bote! ex- cnt. Ou. predomissais éeing tha 1970t.wa homTes in thse Creater Toronto Area. ciaaîvely presold dumuiing. surpeswaad by gasin 19M and0 m e.qaei wu I Thfle avenage cout of land in the Meiro ars - HNosiortsan ame -n intporant ecanosmc electricuty in 1985. nase comprises mone Lhan 40 per cet of tise indicator ansd conbouiction expenditures, play a - A hsnonang lbWorescnt ligisl often a!- touilpoce of à ne.. single family hone major mie on ie ecanoy. flic suait tota of cates a problein with tic bellast (the pautisam, * InI 9M8, major chatrtensd hooks beld ap- !.fsn aa ho«Lng-relaied expendiouvxerti- regulastea elocrncal carrent not Uic tuba). Auk pt-oxiontely 40) pev cent of the residental cvally àmoants o close <o 20 per cent M GNP. youw dealar for a highcr grade balas- ingage markt. Trust comaaoes belli &bout - I 1981, thare wer 8.7 million doelting - Fifty-five gallonis of paint. 302 pouards of 31 pet cent of tic nmnrgage markeî unàtç in Canada., of sticis 46 pet cent iccre nauls. 750 feet of cappc? wiring nid 9,726 . (n and anc-quarter million Canadiam s bogie-faxnly detacheli. 18 pet cent allicheli board fcet of iumbur go onto a ypocal ne.. 352 WILSON DR. $229,900 .-move amnually, ncarly liste- quarners of ibis or rose housing and 36 pet cent apultmenus 1.7010 iquav foot, songle-fanuùly hom. -Y a- m.. ...o.vç 3. graoup move wilson the saine pravince. Nearly 65 pet cent of iho isiog ses but -Norts Amncans balie or shaseer an ave- 4O*...iOo. Smo* 04%' 4.%4 M * Neavly 40 per ornt of imotopants to &fir World War IL Annual additions to rage of 6.2 limes per weeis (coospered soihd = Ïc1 V; 1- -7 %i1% - 4 Canada locate on Toronto. . Canadian housing stock mveraged 77.000 anits Europcans' four), and à faovsly affir flse RALPII F. McCONMOCK * There ave muare <han 1,(W) R2001) builderl on Uhc 1950s, 155(010 on lise 1960% and the toolet an avetage of 19.4 tintas a day. à ASSOC. LTD. REALTOR acrnno Canada. 229. 100 os tise 1970s . I 1988 lu.ne éaa' Buyoog à ne.. home os anc ai lihe blggest. inclut omportam purchascs niant af us make on a lifesoine. Choosong thc bulder for thi homte os tis key in ensurna Use qualîly anld produco you sant. Her ame a fe. tonts la, isep you choos duc bem buder for yaoa onvesomnent. .Stan by calling the Toronto Hom Basiders' Associont wh.îch vepresenLs Use aleas Icadong professional budets Qieck lise newspapem ta ri oui whi s active in yoaiv anes. Then pettle on io mansegemas hbomne"- worm. Asis qaesooons ai erite Uaon Uic amwsers. Spend as mach uine shoppong for your buolder ai you seul bc chooSong tise design ami layant of your hae. Tais seoti 015er purclsaser,. Vosol buildrs' previus d thopeo Zu aiS ,hanseosnmi or they airc -Wnîe aIl notes innisaine nolehook and you*li have it aIl in cse plAce shen i s lie tc, make à dneoscon. Cave and attention up rXI ROSERUSO CRUS. OPEN 4 bedroo<n. 3 beahmon. Sécn. feçiee. mn fo llS r=n n l cor IRe88kt on Bico resile.2c aq 1-à 3V4 tot. Patio doack. aat1-l it~l andi <ig roon sei Ilçh . tiwl beg es We ecuto.n"enoidt2nd- ç'he na~ tast clabeoocosa e. toe La bedinoo, Issu cOWOwaieOGe".878-205. front ili pay divtdends; when you choofe vaut ne.. hainte. -CIII thse Housong Information Honte Une ai 391 -HOMIE t0 roccivc basic infomiatimon Toronto Hom Budldcm Association mnembrirs and to obaan a set of Imigistà, Il informative brochures designcd tohbelpi take the guess..ork out of huyusg a ne.. home. WANTED for investor kx*j<ng immecdatoIy for 50 - 100acre Parce1 oflUnd or frm. ifyou are tinking of selling please cal Yvonne Chnsti. R.E. BROKER CHRSTI & eOOD Prisaitous bylldera.Thia trù< tant kitchen wih etis koul la large dock. 811111110elench xms don aIlh e maiw. Baust melir and frnçae in the barou rain. Corvu jecuzzi I nue man i le ". .Central air & vfiuch more. Ftour persoru iiqecllon cm flvrv or Mi 878-2095. raumuLuj MAUNTIUE V«b Wte b« On là hont. Cam MnargChisie. BILD THE NOME OF YOUR DREAUS On t Iscardc 44 more, .«N acctai Io Vie 401 end ~c. Tis W mmï b the PMU§Y y- h-u b- bM tol*g YvonneuChristie Ur4ker Owner 878-2-95 im Noed eodbn 87 -16 Caeo Gal 86- -~~ Sae JL4,... Bus? aE!nus Miltonls MOST Complote Real é4 Estate OeGuide Fo4,Advertising. rates and information CALL ANDREA AT 878-23441 or 821-3837 JSR JOYCE SCOTT REAL ESTAg INC ths drslcay re&d 1%M CJOYCE SCOTT t FUR[ONG COLINS & GUNDINC BARRIRS& SOLICTORS Officein Milton,88823~ ," and aà l 8 78 -8 1 2 3 SO- MOUlU -iis via eamsa ni ca î4st ir 1-% 1- 1-' Y 4 7 ________ 14 c- - ~ : ~ 0* 7 1 M - - 14. iC 4'll 10.o*'lis.4 '4' '44q 04 14Nl cas,.a 04 1. 04. 14% 0 4 ____ ___ 4% -fl -g 7aw Tir 14.... 4%. 14% 14 PA 4. ob .off blal !4% 14'1 14,4 4 if04t _______1__v»__il_ 1% 04 0% 14% - 1 16%0 14. 14 t' D-U . tnals 'A 4 14,lb 01" l% 4 04 0 14 44 01 _ > ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A 7N4. lm4 0 4 0% Take care in choosing a builder ZONE CO super location dm, ocofealnm affina l Milton. for 7JWrHHIR"IS'nE & WOOID" REAL ESTATE LTD. 89 main Main Street, Milton 878-2095