sur -0 I I - 1%Fm MITO N Ao ciranMtneivReotO ownt ew Ir1uba~~g 11-tir t1THE BEST IS YET TO COME" Pur First Market Downtown was a resoundmng success. Larger crowds and more vendors plus Our Own Merchants, helps make do'wntown the place to be each Saturday Morning. HARRISSTATIONERY ~1LIJ.~Thtnk of Father os I WE ARE! Everything from Cards to /1 ~ ' Calculators. Comt in and scu during lise prmers market <J., M j aMd .è Seniors Week June 11th - 6th DENTURE THERAPISTS (Denturists) SERVE YOLJ DIRECýLY F., nuaey years Deture Therapisis have bee licened te dirtie offr yoîî a full range cf deeture servicin ai a coýi that puis deetuares mîtio the rmach, of more people. They ame tis only proies- sien sp.ediisg 10% cf iheir day ste- cializieS in the fabrication of dentures ,and courintelhing of destue patients. VISITATION SERVICES Titere ame limes sthen you carnet leave yeur hom oreaus QI isAinuty or disabilttyý Tfey will visit vot in your home, t0 etake, repair. or adjst~ yeur dentures They wiii '.îsîl you in the hospital r nurmfl hine Zo. li s the Deuis t uf ,mc etario commtitent te Dnnfl service with intety t the pmclesice of dentuare fgbncàmase FEOBLEMS ANI) SOLUTIONS If you are à denture tearer, and expeei eeag feiuet mom %lpoes. don't tait for the next onte! Freue* suie irritation cold be a warniig aigi of ote problis. Your mouih is con- stantly chisging as you grote aider What Seniors Should Know About Denture TheraPlst unyieldiiig. A vit t0 vour local Denture Therapist ai lirait once a ver is recommended. Thev mili help vou examine youT options; tsisuls withosil charge. PERSONAL ATTENTION Denture Therapts provide a full range cf deetal servitces direully te the patient. Thiry ame the oely profesical legislated "specifically" t0 make dee- tures, For service and onte on oite cont- tact wiîh the pesnal Who actually nuakas your deitisa, fnote suait te fin- liti ett yw loca Denture Timapist DENTuRE THERAPY CLINsO 153 Main StE. 876-2000 G.T Trenton DOWNTOWN'S 8th ANNUAL "1MOONLIGHT MAGIO" màru FRIDAY, JUNE l5t 1990 #70 U '~SIDWALK ALE" Brin g Brochui BLUE WATEA COUKTRY JAMAICAN ANCERS CLASS F '50 AUDREY MEREDITH DANCERS n D. J. PETER BELL ROTARY CLUB 0F MILTON - F00D TH4E HOI.LYS IAMCAN F000 DOMIJ METROTONES 81111. BAND FACE PAINTN GTE à MUCN1 M"c MOREII L Before or Aftsr ySu vief 1h MarIW G.T. TRB4TC ~~~ ~Corne & En*y Bredt with us JILNI' 153 MAN1 ST. fl rnWa.t <iuw. t. tCo te eV 1 pu7-20 b,-ý.