PART TIME SECRETARY W. a loolt fr eonplad.mne mivda Apbail lie ssa Nue soeav nobe graimr aid j M llc MMd aid bu capél of mcdngqSmjt namvuan Dsod tléphone mariter, rquired and somai cic iaeu aguaulw iy ouhd Ill ai essaI PoiIN« aveu"li liaI 2. Appy uatir résumé b: COUNTRY GWOE/CATLIEN 300 MainIII SOMa Est Milon UIIT 1 Po PERSON FRIDAY .For fflo«fos Ail generai "utes. Teophons, basic typing or comptiter sk90115 ApIy te: 8blIx 106 41h Une, Ulmn (416) 567-5306 165 Hos..Moicl Dntal etc. RECEPTIONIST Mth chearful and ploissant persionatltry Wo Benai Modlcal Office. lnbleonocrgwat«W Iéal tensad excel font lephorte muarer amn ricessary, Con, pinter expotne ea requved This s a riua position requiring iitiative as won as à decistitel eninr of haidmng retier Iagslation changes mn te Mnd"i PaS Box 1760, eo The Canadian Champion, 191 Main Street, Millon, Ont. L9T 4NO If yo am Hçghty Motvated Entol relatrng maith seniors. Have tror edGcateon ceililiea.» Wie mot trou te M ur n ain. Phase lorteard your raconte bi BaeaeE Hauran Cona Contre Neteemeal Nome 1 Palacellae Anas Drive Geergetost, Otio LTG M9 HALTON WOMuN PLACE FULTE COntE Q Dasuom en n som $o honolsR ambl meut s .pU. WAond naeure,t n iel n hoe momn F dm Iumifyo. bllde i ûceaadlsn au5.le Ne vo » no cI~ale P êmto for chldo undo tu mon«s ta OhRo àt - Fddq. laffle yr in dc Paheencea Phone t5 in u Inan p. Foridales mm, e lm FM r onivu o aetsepmmeii M ius litev Ja aOHre a . of1cad i l 7 - 2 i des laaa Alie -m 8 o % Piegmai Wb Mu sis - e ' apr s eao Lf~vEd awnu.i abttoir w@ Croi BABV9ITTING avacd Ci"l0" erve mua FuN aMW part 6. for tie souinte Mndu. Agité 5 aid up. Cl 875-33o 0AYCAI1O AVAN-.MLE for Ste sonmer mnee My top. Acie"s. VUl aid chis, nuillo Mail. Cao 9Psati 07-4306 EXPERIENCED tuSib, dalionse sasiabe tva flotill aid eclvtaa. estii i4 Im ai-p daanbe dlime Cdo$7&-1064. E C E aid N.N.E.g Teaiethig positons, avatabl for riem gaiea and etçelrioncold lacher Stan. Mg it» Or SDplenbar. 19M 075 1906 or 878. 0537 210 Peïrsonal' l A8UIJED aid ~id For hafo ca87n 55 or 1400-387-4027, e 24-houe chns lies teied somnia Nallon Womaen's Place ma rencyWm sholler axallabée or ahuind vonten aind Sthear chîldren Iin Hlion Region Ail catis are conlIdansei PREGNANT Il need a frted' Feu pregriancy %lost and couldmile service, oud Birtright 875- 1245 SAY THIS PRAYER 9 femes a day Bp tea eighi daY prour peeper winllo ariswered Il huas er Ma he sacred figant of Jésus Il adoaed. glorifiai lovaid and presseievedi tlroughoeut die World Oh sacred fiauet of Jssus. pray flot us St. Juda, 'corker ut Mirales pray for ut st Juifs, htepe 0f tho helpies pray for ut Thank prou St Jude for lavours rscSfed D.N. 230 Vehicle& for Sale 1907 PO4TIAC .6000o Wagon. air. oreile 59.000 km immacudale onditon Oeille $6,900 878. 96t3 1965 PLYMOUTH VOYAGEUR SO 42.000 ongsral miles. 4 cylendar aubmasbc, 5 pusengee, cue, tc Lina nec, Certod 053-2696 or (41f6) 7à)-7692 1964 D00E' 6W0, autlomaic, ar cndoorung. cortiteed 876-1745 toal 5p ne I964 NISSAN MleC At en mpg -mediMAnay excellant, standard transmîsslcn corlîfred 6250 878-7129. 1902 CHEV S10 PICK UP. Durango ami/tre, 2 bo Point Coll recfodd lermacuiete Certifiedt 853-2696 or (416) 720692 a 1962 GRAND PRIX U. fuInoladid. $1,200 sa e. 654-065 or 404300 ip Ursdary 1981 CAPRI. I lndrstda. sunrool. S$1.500 o.b te 476.27114, 1981 CHEV MALIBU 6cyl .4, p. p b. $9540 878-3319. 1900 FORD FAIRMONIT 4 cAnedar. standard l'aunemi Gond condto But offer Ase 878-629g. 1980 HONbA $1,100 Days 8 - 5, 878-8424 Afier 6, 878-3145 1979 IMPA Goed coibc kwie, ou aid macétaisc Aslèrq $6M. For deuil ai u53- 1008HONDAVOS (1100C.c.) mobrephe, nt fille, &M9 lmt. Mut bu »ea. 3,00, edd 0701433. 17 FT. TRAVEL UNER e6 sème. mll~e, lui à aIla Affaie$.0 874-2M &buer0. FAMILY et SulieS, wM is flte req*mrtitulemi h d 0 m fr3Imm ln Oain ROMM FIWN. Cd' 4aeet 4.m.A 8 p.m. 1 ' 'Ille Fey. Seadq a Soidiff. 12 pm. 59.M. 06147. FUmIOED me.i al ib for imtii l aie worig Pension. Finit à lut. Relleeencoa <eqised. Ns pt foue. I»gom am ue aid bumé, *UMMs. S33SOAuortii cal Vi 076-lUt a~ se 5 a aeAin 2 MoFfflm - issigic àe telU ie reaoeced APPIf V LMi. 073200 3 BEDROOSi BUINGALO, mmi 110. Fu*$ av. dm"Al Cu gaug. $1200"i tUmes in meiale ponena. Cd*ohel OeaY. Royal Cil Asiy Lanàetre 1150. 3 BEDROCUA dsladd homte Frochly passas aie hasadoon, 2 b5uoonu, garge id le norea AvàWdhy Jtiy lot. $1,150 pa nmnll 71 3 BEDROOSé IOWNMOUSE. aPPMaice. foné bacldwet, . b aIlle tign Avalable JIAdy 1 90ý $9DW!mr* plualseM 074-1084 aie 4 3 p.M 3 BEDADOM Sent ceachaed Noinie 2-1: beteoeni.'oren. potages. e, - yard. Axai 3 BIEOOMI. 2 ilrellte oins on3ar i toiltt. garage. cuille& daih tiantaitic on Aniatée July lit SI.lg5hiinonth, irsI &lut plua nubises 878-95ill 4 BIEDROm hadisoiel flaiy moorn, fheepl Sorea Parbon R E Liiod. M787470, 4 9EDROOM.TOWNHOUSE tor rant. 4 appliance Avatlable Jup t 1.100/ofmih Fera .1 faist ferenices requared CUl 870411 4 BEOROOM. 2 stionti hainel in OMS« Park 1 shnotes, centra) au, on couti, drapes lndnila $1.225 870 5629. 78-030 COUNTRlY HOME -2 sb"e. 3 hadroorne m moeste Possession S9251,T-Onth Cal[ 845. 1739 OOWNTOWN MILTON. 3 biedroot hote, 00 sioel don. worksholp, gaoage Avit"b Auquel 1 si 100 ber mont,", Plus uldan To veue Cao Graham.Ol878O5M eateo.- - tla-.. HORSE STABLE close b Mton, 15 bou oNu. tacliaoom, paddocksa Idéal for Brood mareês Phono 878-9385 NOLiSE bu rent en country. S1,200nonth pus ulébès Phono for datails 854-066 or 486-630 Raipli Beacley LARGE 3 baedrooma tovenhouse wfi central Mi and 4 appliances Close to shopping and adicoos S1.Ohinoni 75-1028 THREE - FOUR Bedroore Bungalow close bl idinoob. shopping and Go. alyclable Jtip 1 ai No poo Ferst and lust Aslung $1.100 par mont, plut ulkles. Phonie 078-760 o, 878-3559. THREE BEOROOM BUNGALOW. daoai lion. cenalI mr. drapés. appliarices soparaiel garage. Judlle i. SI.150 76-16W. TOWNHOIJSE flor tent. aw-condboned avalabée m*medaly. 0631emos, plles Cad Lor- raine Kterr. Century 21 Golden Rel Estaele Linild, 870-4495 TOWVNIOUBE 3 b r il, do. aîhout béicony. garage, -n Vdavemap. tr., .ai unir, au condÎbSn . Revaille World 876- 1133 TOWNNOUSE - Biedroin 1 B iron tounent on Seal* $Q6/mnnt Plus lm.ce Aveilable July I1M. Chuel b 8& 81Lfl4 p, 4I4406-. et 250 à ter 6pm. 416-52. 4 BEDFR00M sensi debdchd ewmii &reW" aid =a5. Eascln obon. Avitebl July, lt P8n 77-2429 afler 5 2 BEDROM APARItWNT for mit lie for eltà couple. Non-eeoeir. Outr ledIlld. ileui -"UW paeh mm- oneple4 hase tolte ba Boxt I754.cilThecanaien Chiaion, 191 &loin Se E.. OOnCt LgT ACTON t Baea apeaent, $M5 per No peu.meO. 53-076 LARGE Déaîner >msuet 8376. alM Judy 5.21 Blx,. $570. -Ile J44Y lnt Retetu- lox 1750. cris Th0e Cmaeda Chiampli, 191 ~i0tMlleOiLT 4NO. 41W BUJILIDING 20 oat di"e.aibide m,-,. paling. 1 Milo. S50hoTQteu,1 » -ouph dom. $OOBftnonS cm 41645 320 « 5104»84016. ROCWO0. senbalctin. tm« 1 11111d Ou&s uop ore»as leusen 4--9 PDMii uneres.i. Main fer pcrch efles. and emag- bilamen lInclui Ileiis à c . flice ad lan sparfomeat. Avaitable Jutie 15. $745 luh aies aparbiet on M"i 115cir cet rWme Ala Augitia 1. Chs bit --iim vol MM. Luge liai Wedui esisM«Ai bl dad. .1116111illyli ais ',-.u« .g doits micaLU Pnu. OF LM 416-1-764-M0 RU CUTUL FlI*L1 MI JUS MVER 40 ail il, of agace. Ffftl 90» lNu os an d lugles fii es , Nu lopion anad bulles. AmassaI.. Phas cd 875 1145 &Mier Jeut à laine manauge WPACE fur tant .Uce or lio weehouneaie- 002 or (416)822-2104, STORE FOR OiENT 1.2W or 2400saq ft conmen WANTED - WO-nuii80nd honte will, -nop-as on loraly prsel in or ou*0 of n, fot sigle ceon wot0moerate à $36000. av"alencomie Progar vender fnanc. Mg9 or Invot Illet parbe Osaient mlerenc and am Phase cal! 632-1799 WANTED IMMEDIATELY For idwitsoi Laaking immietetely for 50-100 acre parcs) 0f land or lârms. oeil1 YvonneI Chrisie. RLr roker, Chlei WooCs R.E. Ltd. - 878-205 325 Real Estatte CUSTOM buaté 4 bedroon hnck/Cmndge Orve a counitry lot 4 bedrooms. 2 follculite, double garage,, centrat vac/i. hardewocd bon5. os h.nshod baiement we* luthrien Mué( sol UIn deroncel tir $140,000. 10% mongage 5Syléon 45 minutes, b Toronio 1 51-621 8685 HAVN troobe purdiaug you, suai honte Veilecahbd en Camigeg W. have lmof ut S flottile ahomen <stoang as lowexs $ 100.000) Teka advantage of, this markot. conl Dehh.o Hot*ing TODAV for ai the datai 519-74o- 3690 or 510-740-7591. reproantng Remaer SAT. &ll SUN. 1-4 .M. 8831-LUIRMAVENUE BEAUTIFUL à ROOMY, 2-starey senti dalâchoduni dasirable neiorfbs Large aga fllchiant. huge mauât hedrooni et e suite privilége;, complelel deacoraIedý iteutrail decor, Manp more teatures ton tiuct4ie o bmnon 8734314 sm111111sft as » 4'1 n J SUNDAY 1-4 PMS. 603 LAURIER AVENUE OWNEU TIA5SSFEUIED ... MUST 8ELLII MWI AN OffEN TMN WEKUD $mit DESIRABLE. fsbeoey semi-détached il nauar daom SeUMWou. large est-lai-e NIch- ealet vOieili 3 bedrooni. 2-112 bie. ilup"s rond much more 111111LM - CASLV EuwUO