8EER lites $17900 lag indid 3 tai Armsteong ADXMe.d, 077-4702 §LSUE &"uE k&ilc TANK RJIG Ovar 20 Yom -,geouîe VACUUM M Ile IrMn $M0 Aib paits, d ispenfl Mail moase Compact Etecitolui, Mooffl Fasn Ouse , K lanmoe Bu41-.ns Comnenî et,077- euAlI eauE GARAGE SALE 570 EnIott CresSont SwISdtdy Jumg SOMETHIIIG FOR EVERVONE GARAGE SALE 8 aI. - 130 p.m GREAT VARETYI COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF! GAR AGE SALE SatUrday June 9 8:30 arn.. 12 noon 389 McNMb Cres. BWy arttcteand toye, etc GARAGE SALE Tort (Fias Pme ris Lois) nmis 10 sites & étos 3 $MW doI W b s tas on4 wamîi (AMsI 2@1 u'sol*". MIsmiof Wmd s nom DMsi A iu m le. GARAGE SALE 875 & 877 Maxted Cr. Saturdmy Jure Mt 8 a.m. to 12 moon GARAGE SALE Mb anpeIs. am Onu foie7 , Su pol- ab'$em. Ou fivc- M". eoe Sgrdy em i ý 74 Mile SM omiry ào.dd au S0 oad a&.- 4 .0 SMm.da jm N.9 p -Um- GARAGE SALE K&AI.Mu- ,JWiE 0 àe% 10A.01 -P. MOVINe *Oood items antique&. kttiaitwai. bis. lupo. masses et GIGANTI CLEARANCE Antique doits.e, 1S ttjed toys, antiques. etro Saturday 11h04 June Io ait. .4 PJ.M 6007 Trafatar ad at Britannia. RAIN OR SHINE "Trash & Tmasur" Sais Saftwdey àm 9e, lm9 8.00am. - 31DOp.mn PLACE: E.C Orury School lkadwug dock area) - toilas the Signe Nuiiuroia hauseaiiuitami. lai. & 6 dss mçit kffgag. carre msode %psu& boao and muci mont 1uce CUSTOM ROUND BAUING, JoMi Oser. 4 X5 biiies Marrybioak Fais 878-4237 fAMtexil pork and beef tn M AIdiut hormones antib#Otici steroîds and teed sa6ves Goverrininu slsed Cut wmççe and 4ab~l Io your PPacton 8 .> embu aýa-letis 064-2887 STANDING MIXEO 140V Wa sate Phiait 87- 93 10 Grden& ad m fC SALE maisons garieon soi. viel mttaed rSosPMdup or eead 854e2479 «Tff SOCh C"M af~gpi MWi LAMG me UM11ALL oUAffiES (418) M431« Pam (414) 5042271 WATERI UUii -u Fhb*, 1 lyks - c4mtNNAm S SL. Feîmn ed soif es"e. BbEbeo. Grli 0 d 079-UIC0 HRSE MW3 zwU2a DOC ta,ï -*23. L m sToou Mblm %Wuw SinU~ sttai M pauise: e rabtdlafllln 0 Paio (o.) Puel Us mgu CailBo LiaitusI or 10 287634 PLUMINOI coompételis oe rmoavetIeo IIIIIIIIIIII. sed Ne jo %s -~ Cs SoM DsOseso 874-153. -Nd=c Tro *uus - iTa he » a lè e N"Mé - #m îs-- ton bae ai a. m. saise u m M. oie cmiés u oen osim at i tNl iis iUmeeai daUnoi à«u Sctiabank is a leader aithin the financtal services se0tor and we are currently seeking a Temporary Part lime Consumer Credit Interview Céerk for aur Laurier Centre Milton Branch. Duration of the assiglément is six months with possible exlension of a fûrther six months to caver a maternity Ieive' Candidate will be responsible for a full range of duties, including marketing, processing .and 6Iook loans. Relevant experience would be an asset but flot mandatary. Scotiabank aff ers a campetitive salary coupled with a pIeasant work enviranment. Scotiabank is an equat apportunsity employer. For further information please contact Mr. Jack Lance at 876-1126. MScotlabank »Mbuabre luei «ui mmiM 9-e- FIFTH WHEEL TRUCK STOP i pu aie mene NI eMWe-a uns le M& lo yu. We hmv poiNtonti ravei for'. FULL TM CA111UNSR PART TIM CASHMR PULL TME FME ATTENDANT PART TM FUEL ATENANTS AMW la passe.t s. 40 @Uis me GENERAL LADOUREJI .mwuâ"fu Wé olesa M- 44W 10ORw-epd tq «ss bosselai pdmi 1011111011 m el mioiuihotqMes f otran¶çn to suport tis coniîrm Oumt of the n» LauMe Centre Th. is tionai votuitteer cmue rn ~ Conwnm"i Th.on.e m d la M- Pagner rvep OCIte senvidis ofai s Th. suoeeaèîi vis~ *0^ uans ewth se Cuapag Dosuer "M" psds sn ama, semmni and Mwpol the scliis.. af à bep m-n~ of eemam Cominum and OMM ' nsi expMna me Mil a PMI exonona aih wsoifue agaiszasar ai be aNimadors adU A"lyoulo s fsocuue Irmnseaidrue no laler Wta Fniey. jlu 15. t901 Wesây sa-a-y up 10 S40 Assai appiy la uttdg Io. campnn OoNto Tom of Wn Loéur eice Dffor- r WAAEHOUSE LABOURER- for %mil parte, hiusse» Kn&odgs of mschanocal part on assai Transpoion Ossetia- 878-05 LAWUREARS wenésO toi hous coitiibo siain owedablp Na sipsiicea isosaeay haut i stan 878-1072 LOCAL LUMER MANUFACTURINO PLANT Nbim uotits aputimes W No suponns.oussy soaon uiaur ApOy inpaOum d Afin Wood SPeclUde m7Hi Gtt. m, wUn 878-846 MAI4AGERSALESPEASON tua bM1 & Fasseu caimsty cadi Pm amis or ta die Flnends SMs 50usd 0404100 NO SNITI WEEKENDS Lisai -vtmi oew mv d e@* der dm W" noy.. Nma état m-5 a e W" mo pi Fa sif "M âmis pommoi m. ava a am. CU bWiu 731 mu aid 4M0 lut. STUDENT. 5 Si i oot Nngd kms hm immedicta openirga ln iur marketing depaimient Ma eplsi 1 1esei5 GM utaimme ma-mum - . Pm"e -Y onis, pua-ai WA Ie opouhin be illn Odmb ard hn. Cd frWSvn 1-410473- 4W TRE CEMTRE ASSISTAN GOUMP LEADER To 0"ta m nawdii à simulas poiquai d Ia-es ed i-18 oeos*s mi loma on the development af social titille à Pesr mhU ..n .Te aussiii Il*t MM buIN 1 go*M 2Mi YOd 0os1a smoi soua %uu on hisi taie, diom puapas aiW clses Ck» & vaisti coa * loi MskSasmms »«4 omis UIT lot 1 - THE DCMEN M * 1111U0~ ln=b~