1' LSSIFIED HOtRS: C la sA Mon.-Fni 8:30mn-5»m CL*SMa D Wuobw M.AnN 30Da s I5Nde TeCndien Chaemoun C&ee.fle LEE, Brnm- WWi grai soniw du fola an- l*Md Ohiocy: Mon 5w pm Dsrc optlo brca.Jn 90 CONGRATULATIONS 1990 GRADS <3 Clasfiait word ade & GurflIge s: Bruce Lm of Mitorn in hot 75th Yenueoe Trae.dy Il amn husbend of Frencea Lau Lovirg Initer of Mmfr ~Damna for the Firan edin Polar (C"ra) MCGdlVra of Bulei0ri Bruce cbaeltl o lpley: WMd. Pmi and hmu ado Aie "r, Fltert and hic vole Sherrywt Tliuredley Il arn of 0Min Janéce Loe cg kfacacuga. f/rs M1 Ml auMuai e prnpaaa (Dine) Rliob 09 Harnbli aid Bevrley Leu Errors ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c anMmsios 0 iltoni Doew brot<e of Mabel Kosmra Loved I ErosadOisos by g Grandildron midi 4 Great GraLdcldrNkkI ACTUAL The puolicier assume fainIdhl o Pmdonaaed by 4 Sabracntd 3 IvodiaraReot tlpÔreptocu ar6-1-1or11111 oropyaden y<h t et du MicKu emi HourrMne, 114 Main Si. J PICTUR SIE0 neaspaper atlier <fie the cosi of spice Milrn Fun"ra Servic Fncry (Tuor)y Jw<o 881SZEO occupied by tfhe error Claims for errors in 1900 i 1l»pm -Crenton. If dnewed dons- i PICUI adverttteents must b.e mado prior Io tho bons thedi Canain Camcer Society or ft Mi- nexi publication data tan Distinct Hospital Foundalion Fund -eii bu ____________ eciatidby the faiid AD TO APPEAR IN JUNE 22 OlBlrths .37 In Mem -insi CLASSIFIED SECTION---------- FAITHFUU. - In Iovitg maiio< oi0 on1 d HIGH SCHOOLJCOMMUNITY [,F - R GIUSON, inS--------- \ / rodardWfo , 5wr JungaNVE , John &Sadie Ferguson of \ ~ r ro Tforlraea OufMermas n, CameliviJo, annourico the TENDER TOUCH ButfS alhdu vacaitchiar TO PLACE Agrdaonf otsna: Recau llve. int cin du civile GRADUATIONfrmVnUhvrtynfi Dýiaper Serice -4 0f? miaan ta crng sai dur à Chistine. ANNOUNCEMENT COPY Masters Progran, of Business: Carat Gave f %dmnnstration maloring in fi- tn orv ni « dbin k nilFAITIIFULL -v i ien aroy of my don huan bting Or Seýid Photo n ance, Congratulaixins' lan ts: 197 M an or Iue a graduas o f MItoni District; Pttih dtck aii lai andacl dfa dsoduayBirJn Wording b t As lie un" Mois, lsteHigh Scicol. No langer in my î~ li ne mï -- -- ---- ------ 847-7017 But n my heut.Yuam ralays thre DALN OA OT$5 1 HAVE A BAIY SISTERI ReNNIK A Bi"". bvrq ig mmoy, 0* a an J NE TOTAiL adsT $25.00 Maria, CrOIbutr. Mater for Caralyn lENInh, or- inse awy uoy of &gg 878u34 875-300CD Fafler aid Mutier. Rob ind juho Crouthar (nu Cusane.do who pari awa fOne .M 7-34ar d rePi Walker) Bornc 8 50 a <s at Milton District Go e issr smîdlifns ____________875-3300______ Hoo pl. <Min %0tar Bacson Darli Chun But a trulhsla remniber SAFE à SOUND Chil4Ori Contre aid Primary andsD Spostelk and te Dr adn. ri Nome an eart can laise jour plane Colaurs Pre-school Walation for Sick idas Pal 7 r 1u Uîs andDrKoioalu cd<hafataec staff of OES A haoppy lianer we Snm uripyed fine icha ainneri ne TruIe RofvPniai -~FIN AIOCl elwd aslPr Proud pai4>nuntsa eurs " jaui Wather, FUD-CLC Adcae.Dr af CunPlellnBe, a" Hart and Jairie Crow- Hou aient due marcory sol. Irena Biiu BicYcle- hiduel W.ten Tta. Panoel8621 gm-c Oakille Ontrio.But doath hue fatIt a fanelicuee SK id hieiad, YouAIa- l »cti8 -21 dia 0* OlcviiIu OriIbo olend cai neyer lr SPENCE- Lent& Si<edof Wodoc (fohlerff Lovfngty reobérud EW TOWN? -- Milton) nre pleaaed Io aicoocce <ha arriai. af NEWle GIN.ur sPT ur Bhin an. Michdael Thoaue 7 tc2 a lune RENNICK A Ban n1110 ladas mer LET USe T PUMT FORT p m A bother or jelat- ha mIaP-s away kine 8,lit THEMATFO ________________ Cd cailed nom liane, il au Mis m. O É But Coiegrdg in aur huerai me love himn std.4 Hat mamy la m dus ons taIAL As en <ha four ho paod aea mal, F eoar" v W. afi9n sit d IhiIiof han f SP ECA lFor rneniry je "u al dihng UNTLJJNE t That gril ef cal u .4 UNLUE 15JPCS auditi rnliscaby OR mloci,. SPtin.. LSprc daughcer Donna, ao-W.a Aoitd Mid SUE MURRAY M6YOUNG IIMBER oiBPis pue grcc0ltdren Stacy and nean AM@p. 8l78-3406 875-3642 Codar _____________RED_ EINE f- AU1M r@42e prboadfIL 31 Fmnemi Diroctors 45Xnieuis -(429 por sel. fi. -Reg 70c) 45Anvosro HEMLC - ZI«4,,.2,4 Edith aid Ho"ryODat 01 l4amptar invite amilpelyoa I lits. LindeKennedy is lensed tô enounce ondt aid relativue ta holp tien claris, dhi, @U e na dm Lî1nde enine f e plocet acaunc 6OM Waddlng Anravraa et Mion UJnited Chuc<(eg7 ter Paule Elizabeth Acn la Shrawn Fractk HU mice BComien on OUndzy, J.410. Hdsan, Son of Evelyn Daise. The mamge n4PMBs tatu I OumER POT tate Place on Jufy 14. lBoo aI 2 o-clock i e%5 LAYI.TL KnocPrec~iirfaiCliscliSENIORI C111ZENS CLUB @$ Annuel Dimer« onl _______q_____ J Scott Early Funeral Home Jiate tat 1f,2=w Ci en HaM' Chuates ~ KING. Gardon George - Suddevly at St. Persional and Carinl; Sece Jae.phc1 Hospital, Hamilon. an Wednasday *Crief Counsellhng 65 Lost or Stavd Jwe6.M8. Gordon George KWI of Fi R 9i1 Pre-arrangcd and Pre-paid FuneraIs LOST - aJIwita moit Set grari pea Antivret, FIRST qoitpt tme ranocpe 9la yd ~.in lia MlId Iner. Belaved hebaid cf *Cremalion 10 *Normai" Lbai an Andean Avenue. CailFrdpu aeneaCdJ74327 "don latner of Debotuli Ann K<inig- Fo Mo4mn troeuro 878467 neud Docatel.ccd lier liuaband Grog DovIlt ofMnmnaeeto 7847.y"c Iwl1 Kitche r aid Kevin King of Hamiltoc. Dser87269KNAE15<icIfrde ntoedlta îrandtettar of Kaylee. der brother of Mfary 21 jarnes St. Milton 878266 KeMOFEioub t ahrf ru.a ot Voongeiomn. NY. Don KMg ci înI.Mppoa. in alid =dnDu0r W" & ai w Wl64 lid aid Mom6rd King p*wre-Weuo AFanera J,,SPl TN UWN serf" ai lu hefeld at Knox 1s Presbyteaa McK rsi TANKt RoOS a Church OJvdlu an Fnldoy ai 1:30 p, Intarment -100si I- B" li"e fo corglaa ai« KM -6 Canodoataion y ad di Funera Home -3 radao duodd trucksa ta sve trou. tha Multiple sclqnt Society lor c frend. Peai Iode Mra &m"tla W ua rd eii yuedhvlceK0*na.t ,d5i W h itt lo n g fa ired Bp a y o dj o mna lte lSo ta i ll nn h e Ir 0tur a ___________________LaSt May 20 Can-psbelMile àffla Lat (S%"puit oel< ort @aM 3l Mm)pp sen in cUofli.A Lft Mlal (519) UMM Aflhn Granditaiea, a Gruelt Graidadir a4 ia Who~J STO BUSldiet0* penaud awa Jne 7. failli 1- Mu8ti=aninV rttdb Deephi o hurta ou e alepa hur 87445 ck noi b ar Av.. Ous 4M8. Vb i. BC VA-6T4 mvéerSdAl.aya ~~: be.a ruWO ar -mopnraulaie $16 USED Ofce Fiaaleoedaldehite Joye IOit Ona Reue~Une aflael 114 Malin Street, Milton fer 150 ltsc. Pleuee plan 5i8-111 or ffl. Makoi Fwckwo Lis*ft ait ce Fuitte. i Fue.Uue.856-1170.29 NMiaUng Av. gti w 877-4792.