iRemax reps win opener after solid tourney showing ai Thie Mîltn Ru/max undet 13 sccer rallia ly int ii. gan bth tuiabdpn -direct kirk. Dioe, alertly rofled dui bell blutn a mua athed 1.11 c otief thetnes ta tounsmenat shodule in Whhb I !iec bu itrcWitybtlt Ieai thzaugh ta Mallette seho raoed mn unaatmdid ta e Mki land n ti es lSmnute mark. whdseue they dmdn't advanoe &seet finit converting on à conter "ir n thKenI18 de the scm Mfi nucia eod W the 23 -. competition. robin Fableuhinewintha sut cei pa ete h ndr1 sqed tI op.o e MiW wna oir ul in OIIakw ms rc .le, aantEsYok belote meonigfrà2- àfedd n fine faslica with a 4-1 wma. h hdby owa zone regilled in Mlinauganrrwn tagainst hauontm y htysifie nascn ealykc neclet asnaddj Whmtby.~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wmbyitfieana enly creipamg ddspuned controi. the gap -e the 10 minut. mark aI thtsecon In late tourney opener, Miltonm contrulled the the seconsd hall wluch seemed ta change the Froua tii M~edn e imq lton wu ready hialt. Havas for a complute comelaïci we pa. fron the onset and held à wmde margin, momentmn ofithe gamne. as tiiyce tty but miup ta the qwckly ul.nh as Muhan scored seconds later imn territorial play but did net capitallze on Milten ralliait and mountel a norong offert- bail and ps «Mingnu$ou s oplai pmoan à heeds-up play by Mallette. same exmcelent scormng chances. Miton coach %ive attack whmch paid ofl on te bst scoring tunitint. àosnkih' penalty kick watt Hm quirk pais sant David Ro it on goal Steve Grilmn atibutedl the problera ta ithe lack ply of ttamerles. p Sumineuit thse wide Peta used hic aire te outhmnl &Missis- ccd hamcd.namistake reuorlng thetîogoal of exhibition gamnes played priertomthemtourna- Whltby mm ,hul me af on a seuga delasder.ait the 25 yard matk belote Mit ie.d. Hans completted the sonlng ona ment. »The players didait have enougi timme to Rep lacrosse learn mo play together ai a unim," Cnffin scmd. The two teami baitltd io a U- haltime drain but Milton couid tcsiy have had four or five mites Re/om all ok te e ofesivme byte tr Novices pick.up a pair of exciting wins ol Rt/asecoo hal ht ofensried cmth son great saves by theGltnsi.d harper. The Mll*n novice Lacussst squad pickedimp teste trading goals, the extra palt lit Mlion P w e Persistence pamd dt when rsght wingtr Rab- mwc brins ia their lasm titre gaines, laalag ta countd la te third permid made te dm1- lcv.~ hie Han, interctpted the keepee's goal kick Kitchener 11-3 beforedownngOragvle Il- fere nfthetfastpclafair. Alter seinnmng their fonst îwo gaines the Mil- &nd blasteil a 35 yarder high dito the n pant 9 cnd Brantford 6-S. Milton courtud goals by Lamith wmth tfgiit ton Realty World peewet lacrossatfaim wsec the stariled keeper. The goal came wiih kms la the gaine against Kitcchessr, Milton Krf s Kovacs. Ghis Ankfi cd D5aniel Lâmnnoxm Ituen 8-2 by a strong Kltciiastr-W*erla titan a minute te play. nianagei ta keep the score tied ns one unitil the Amists seent ta Ltmigh Leanox and Adam, Mc- usam at Tonelli Amena latit Mondasr Agant Eat York. Mmiltoa battiail gamtely ta end of the fi permod. Kitchener taok ad- lssac. Kitchener outscored Milton 3-i mn the opta- kee the contest close and irailad East York 2-fl vaatage of aay chance Milton gave thtmn altie An excellent effort by ail players char- îag peancd mrcreased their leadc ta 7-1 fi' ai th hall. An the Zaris wore on the mont the locals were won out frm checkimg the su- ienszed the 6-5 wma over Bratford. Foliowing the end of the second. Each tesm srored once seasontd premier ditision club psle wyperior Kitchener tuan. coach Randy Nowak's directiorts Milton hung in the tird perimi. Both Militon martes sere for the five goal margin. ilton =ae nop Stonggoatandiag by Mit', StuartCGibert oa for a sein theats to the sterling efforts of by Pat Laiteox Tht lin.a goal stas unassite Laaasna hiadt as outstanding gaine Umiimg the kapt the Ktchener score (rom, being mucitGilbert mn the Milton n. and the second aidei by Trevur Petherick. higit scoring Easi York squcd. ta oniy Oive igier. Milton's titre. goals seat scoted by Cory Leigit sored aIl six goals for the local, Strong go-ltnding by Matthtew Dose and goals. Coty Ltmgh. wmth an assisi goîag ta Wily Mc- seitit assists by Anki. Mclsar, Blair Beaulmet. Willte Nonkept th score dloua despime a On Sunday, Milton camae back stroagiy and Gmnams. lamniesemrland and Glbert. higit aumber aI shots. Thetammm faces another p layed tteir liu game ofthetournarneni wit In the 119 thriller agamasi Orangevmlle emther The novices play thisai ment game mammor- tougitsquad titis week wen travels toOran- a 2-2 drain seith Whitby. nid. couId have ernerged the vmctor. ffith the rose llhursday) nt 7 p.m. ai tonll Armna. geville. 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