Fat Freddy's wins four in a- tow to maintain its Iead ; pithrs da8fleceocavjcn U.? wer tt.send býrlie top aitflnf" th ats1adr10diie -1A= 1c v> e hdeesv vitoi, imf iîsice(outl i r I Slo-Pitch Paul Cih",10 Mlh11 Paul Leamait and gemino eil mmmn Wally Mayas se 1.m >eeUtimou lhiu laie ttspme l DAME AD S telenrwdhiyn nd ad bettoir Io eltr nsdmreormstntas iia le du W vaie li " 1a utheV ai eedn2t h buZ t pucntnihe m s. Wltess duLthe csce<ut> ruasle the final tan lniegi. Etat that Nula camrait. Cma Acariesced B.rr alihrdbre tseo4 diriger, Pas rutc re>leformd~ TaM Dodd etubiada douc imita but only aid due A à W cacab ai Adams endÎ bock ployer of lime inier bymra kec i =tA mule course on roi Freddy's menu. A Le 'y«mdhome onu. aWdw comuibuls i ugm hi tant j Tlgdetnd n* hm iru7s ngwr Mpaln Md i n l edubiaea lim ell isea a nIl tmre gante byea 12-11 acote, = d- d-le lo e= ýý chi n hiant& timeDckens 15-14 wba lied litsito Coaq ced tohs.ca nesil Th.1heha taat eeli akbale I PueFoseler toass arc doite hie ed acore àacmeh ilsI atpo MSU' V u eizhl Cuta 1 b>7cl Si Clair Pan d Paper j aix pack ai rues. Wete WlU CarI patddaMlu.Atr i oi e reCeea hesbHhnPa.l ePatiPul= Lemo 12. Km USfoe wue Du perfect Aive for liser pa>- ai ploe twmte tsnle. rappait 10 bics and recordued ais rues. end Jîca Warrn reaclici bae tdse limait fo and lias desmLg diue oi Maral Hornotaed PhlU C olie w snerKen Bankett fleally gai the Foe tht dusondet Diceana aquad. bill Zeni- the TV victore. . 1ý McGowan actresi Ave rues. gorsIlaf his bock ie rscin5 buse on five oc. mitmm zed four singles end ztpptd emund ta Ray Carry aed Bob Cietrucci tuerethe poslent Peintiera' 156w Huait and bob ftabitrne ach cactions and scoring Iliro timtes. Mark Colinan. score t tes times. Ien Ilirnie blanim th-o bits poolmeh se timeir Aive bits resulord le four rotas. stsomed ttis imita e ami ai àpMr. te the Mike Barbeta and )&y Dule swuiu oity white Croîaeig up tontiectot on a pair o5f Bauafiet Autoa continues ta lois pace wlth waek's fimal match op. Key Centre dehuea wiîh thoir sweet sticks na.,.nyaidIu for singlacdadouble. thetietof thepckwith ancmy 214 in over Boupfsl Auto. And nuomy typewtittr dldn't - v ighîa aI thtpicte. Milton Cotour andl Soundl iqutakai by timel Rtmas Ronlty.Ptaylng e seldote noue version auddenly rua ui of ribbor, I jina dldel glet the Don yIvaî hum the Dicenass seru the two opportents by sim oe rue maigins. liof W&Iallbt, tt autobodim italli on both LWt fax. We want your business "MILTON... _______________________S44 and weIi corne right to your front door FE Pý -0o mm ON HONDA OUALITY CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS __________________ 45 ONTARIO STREET MI., MILTON, ONT. 1 TELEPHONE.878-4131 Frlday, Juna 8, 1990 W A U M girls plick up ic Il track golds T ho Wi 1 [,k M'ddh ,oI ýnk and fildtes r-t ght sc-cnd' -Jd r, thd'J imth th, otttand.ng ., tr1', Iment, l the boYr' tiai rnak mm, the N,r div oth, Sb,, tri VirE ar', in in va, rn the May l -,-r ko is rr, led the lunior dis ', rmn r ng mthi twr t t-hmir i 4,11 r mt-irc race and the ther rn the F#E * w tShe finsihed the 4,5) rn i n- mmil record ofI 1.10A, and thi, 55X) rm site fininshed in 2,47. LeIl Doilgla3 aiso managrd à third in 'UT. .the triple jumrp Ieaping , 47 rï The triple lump coropeinon e. mti'dmaîey pn ed by the E moieel ie wan à fll metre ihori N .f ha- pertonal bhem in the ennent. Teemimate Chnnîty Hasnnnietdt placed firntleîhcth 15(X) mie. in 5.56 and qecond in the PÀ*) mintn, with à 5 *tlme of 226 rlht hrhnd Douslas. N Retsrca MTchwat also a double rtbbon wihener wîîh a third in hrgh iulmp clearing l.125 mettes andi a econd in the 1001 mette dih finrh- ing In 1461 .4tond. -J Laites Siphei; bmke the whool W anted: Dead tired but i1ive Pnon.5DfflWAR5(EN reýCtrdnntriplealump-wfitima mnsoed Steve 'I Koketi andi Charif 111k or@e 1118l116P Redlng Catholic Uscondsry Scitoot M"a nd fimais "Athletes of the Yer.- They Rtte g n addod a third ln the IW stere preented tallht th"i sasarde et lait s ashop Rsding Athletlc Banques. Btuck W«a à moembie 01 the'unlor girls bea*eIbsI teansi motte, race with à lime ti 14.7 volîsybail tum, temd à0cmu 1011M, and she campoted In badmton. Kokoli lait the snior boys bachetbal faim eaie às member of thse .ectids and Connre jclfrey earnmrd volleybalt squed. a seond In hOi,!put. -Wildcats boys teapi captures 38 ribbons across 31 events ToWl. Dmck Witdcaî track and tramn was led by Rob'Hans wlio lifd r8Wd set in 1982 of 2.20.06 in a sein- ment of tht day. Inaà photo finish in k fliedtamr Màd à mnt lmpes-in'r àn 1mre ve day bm lcnsinl niait lime of 2:18.16. fI wa enildeet lime inte¶medîift boys 15W mete outlng on May 31 ai lime North HI- fi1 Lum wth a les of f.7s rn t the report of lime startes pistol race the Mlluc twinqniryl &cd tnTr cd Field competition. Thetrfipltetlumvtpet4Se~cd Umtfeigsc gurm1ng fur the Nolan pièced aeo ned timird Wmldcats look oveaîl hamours by trpelm her a = :elliei e . sei Rucs and Fleming lai renpctively wllh lima cf S 162 and wnnlettoîtoune sealolecra9 i ss *Ir hndlmbyaateping out of the 5 5. le lut. second evfnt of the gedrdvisions. Jim Leworthy weon the 400 motte 150M me rao so ferb in the dey mee Dempa ud thuid in lime mli Comleg off e wy successaful eus' rac e fin e 1 inl 106.M. He Fleming cssuld marnhanl ail hi, effotsa mines raceslhtse a 2ý39.31. ning ai the Biarlingion Relisys thtae I scn le hc 2wL wrevet on the MU and 4M0 mire events. Jit Foy ws à double ribboe usen- previous Frida>i WlI. Dlkkuthletis with&e29.61 clockieganded w lnlahed Fho 4M mtte. split of I d4 let nf seit a e cond p lace 4M amiets. ~ naai iter csepeitbn l dufoutin lehie 100 mette daumnith a enitayone knose that à sub 2:20 race long junap and a hlgh lump of 1.40 cemd 143mdal i-slt. l second lmm. wsem psIble Hasnoresret compati, meares, plea hmm third. =In oisît atotal of Justin Lynchtrai i mîa ires in lionwsO behud hlmos, l Malt Macintoshl umped 9.46 38 ribon ntesm i31 usent, e44i6 to place second. Andes Mer- entered thme final atreight. Evert afier motres ta place second Le du triple utaii.Mike Ami" i rurned tholi BKWWha third Intme junior boiys aettlin nuch a fat ati for the Aie u aidl Daryl LoSde's tasn of wfth ae md, blUer4 site rlbbon igli Jumpwth aloupaf-Jaies, lep, Fleming seait ll able to os12.93 mtras, ine s imit put aile plécieg fint le hli jump et 1.25 Divin Rihrdson ied an imipreslv (a Anlahleng ick whl isc al hlmo." pWWcadi.lsueteid.te caaia~ aed l hug e et dulsut ln the imiputeve miishe5 utael ecr ie Thini place eIbbains amie - lis uta sd led 100 third selit a m i 9m m asesele La ia e escller ho i b w» àayHruxcil 13.4 in liu Mire opuintin hi 15 n du seouise Demt Les won duhe n duo ua nt le 1 0.24 a 1Wmtae aà 2U1 aconds a thed b@nMMr u~apF. *junior baoa aleut put nnlth à Liron, of cmor thym tenth o a s econd off due M metrie race. Browning picksd UP clnot wm 101 cages. exsigeod third plaer le the «0D mises sea "Cab d o ppcd firme du sthe WJ. Dld' abonifias baya divisons Tucaua i ls SIoningI 1,03J miunesm s a R M qeeuth. avfait Colin miait due W. seu the jsaiudla Z gsaup Ia tribué ea nts Ants by wlni du dum aMW *0. uatr lapcu aan IS la, record by ortly oie cona- duthseve enêrs dum mm pick- 200 mes raes le s dme ai 271 1%a amblir divias nu edby ffl ff M 0at1~ 0boww65 lmasby Jumping &«s maa dU wAsnheaad i rowal s" woan due triple lump Devld lam seimw sean eiga N"5 iks N WIM a fd lllis ase Cegay thebon- saenthsais. Onl on f te~ 12 th wth àicipaof9M mncrt. le 1.7 and pisued 1le th@ g=êplvaM si hamsen'a Ua eoesadWh W lia v enae ri a s niba. sebie«. R a Mis ld c 10118lvece §M aube la 2.29.6 itti mauif Ihuti MM W 9 ph"u in imgh jump RuaseilFleming tnspirait hlaat f aim p :1&4H cate rseh l d nsth e uM maitrs sbim i7It ah ofI 2e7,0s The perinent welnleng junior boys weun h. nhaftereli the MO mute ta piae Amrn 4a i. lelbay ascandé Mr*~5ldd 10,htp