The Canadian Champ lmou -P*umr -s l'- NStmw ne sIal %osqp ab.¶U< unas i lom 'c Muagrevusgai lsap u of i M.â cauee Pa erntivso mSmSsnlaala.n th ton n 07Hiâs.uoê~Us S Il was api tideS No1403? muc wases Und biuat ihl t their municipl untpu aiB utfcsIoSens Lumt wkito Notin MP gtlo rou ig oie arryfu polsd eid shn tii mseets wh ofth mios and a e ton Hill sinbt .ws lt As a ri d uncial Noltcln tecd was rle d ut' Ptatk forn asvey rn thepsvnca alanimua c hane t ut theire h municipal eted ôffs nid put facpoit t te fneru biMrlotr ahe hproe sawy aoit a couple i anf ars arr ter tkmae, mst f tos riens roup opslng morn arryas plaa dheld in fmoernal meeticngae with the ayrs n fe gesl a iplo.muciald itcanpsted towr laed ageenasr for aimaito eveproeng, Therc ae and morne mta t rusly bforet tha mnpa cthe rov as fenpinte fo v tht inger Sthgh taxg brotereti rvie, The dot. oa ouciada cloue n fayr mord diloantzic inu a ghnte 'prevnnc Patrk esetives auhy Par peson in a aeut foeustierd ipoby ndm tac n puss toward sharedr aendtas fotraey mo prbls. here ren fe ttm to art-prevncia fola hon thee roince conlor Colytin leo higre- tampe, toul atve t r ratesson.r et ostnl foms therovncidl fomTorntol therelton coffril ae rebut hu aely. So hderam weming 1 to the rvnc ialhe knew how often ha ia criticai in his commenta, they muglit have had a hard tmme warming to him. K*W, KVM SMM Ne601 1-- l - lMlio OW..u unadw U5M Jay Oiln Chaula: Shoan >lna Owna. Kom Wma ilMa .*saa mebsisP OUas 06wat~ 1 inft twim~1 00"Yua sais,ma~AOaas lr èomigw "* uu~~~~~~Um ouam Ili.tS l --ab Outvf order A uers@ CÇouncillor Mary Long has mnade much improveient in lier performance since wlnning li er Ward 2 seul in the. lWs municipal election, but lier nowiedge of, or appreclatiort for, pl , prorper procedure ut meetings stilh leaves a great deai to 1b. ge Mrs. Long ignored correct procedures onsaverai occgilons- when site acted as charperson of the general comnmlttee%%ee- One ar ingheld May 28. It was einbsrrassing. F.M1 Clhout getting too technlcal about it. Mrs. Long did as she p mn aumg pleased twice when in bdc she needed the consent of 1.110w .rg .laa -a cllor to do those thlngs, anid.once dld something com- aiKfhlOt ple% v-u as order and more seriously wrong. a prounthe pu The two Wtnoir offences related to havlng people coineU s. n uwa froin the crowd out of turn or aiter they had aiready presented taisamedmag p their cases, which ta not allowed unless lier feliow couniciliors à1.7. la for dbs*O cornsent. 5h. wept aliSd and did il anyway. Counciiors uAq UBrUg Stayed quiet because tIi.7 were oniy minor sins of precudure. 0 ài as stimale But "h also told councillor Les Lauiren. pnior to a vote, e.H&bsi vMwe that a plan ha supportedl "wlU be defçated " This is, quite 526-3 mIllIon. bril siply, pre-emptlng desnocracy. Councillor Laugliren laughed mehid la ptutinl à itoffwltha à arcastic coneback. 1.ahtm .et f But this type of botched protocol is deplorabie In a council- O=Ir'e lm lot approximately halfway through a three-year mandate. Mrs. Cii Mma SU Ais Longshoud knw bete. y nhldWb main Moue Long~~~aidt sloudknwbeteb nw Pud mam lhi Baaas Opps l rablt bu*s In Jai. 1M0. lime raa resse ust uima of lim 0m4" au" ut = Nuh lsan Talas Rosi. of the Past Ago tie Joue 7. lm isus insac raldd etge wmliel I 1 m hpupy for public transit mSIoI- dea-pl ffiele nitr et aiý Wuaaias ile Sioe.7w Mic tMnal cill. A pwdS o f ci hat. d -nal but oely la ian amisa. w ut pro~mtu a Md r lWneu- -y la wsL Thse sa6.0l jz Ia $394 million. lime ;kital o Pollutioe Coino PlantI le OàkviIe la fieuse on mlmlldvlme. be. lima $1.3 mllio epaskmn ëa 'a«naW &W ad alope Mr dsa 1990& The -r. Wlh wu bv Steve Nease =ui zi e teli S cairlilt. 20 Vears Ago Prou. thea Jaise 10 1910 tasnus U MilIce hmi two population tials this >ur. Take ymimr coe - kl or ?,W4. Thme7,547 figure includes thme reaidmnts ofOntario Scliool for lthe ceaI and Hialmon Cen- lenais Maeom, but you woi'l imtat lotli posled ce iok' m-ttue Mniay.l Tihe stie bepn Sundiy eve- nleg at 8 p.m. aimd ended Monday smaghlt1h. simeli lime. About 2,500 wcrketi weau out &udy, &roundi t et as esay ait ai aey une bime pmevtody le lihe pat- f r otatlng iluke. U Thme ira o tu ia ld, a fu-admool eamd mailt melid i Clmtarlc Scheel 66r die. K"I le MilIce Satmrdsy mas rawa à bigi mmcn. by ls tasm Thse ineranoal eroit = WO I-ll in Canada. mhile litme 5 Muas cdl wue TisaMichipe ScIso for thse Deé a litorne. and lthe NeweYi Smas Scheeol Il s d u iN hi Fna lm Canadiaenms . po lmiems at5umuhaing 606 points, whmaimasleAnednsony seMial49 ponts 50 Vears Ago Ui Whsll atimrpting te repair a two-mvms polate planter ce tsi. hase'. tomi nie Eue. 14-yuar.old Alfrei Johnmmo dotis lmamd meas tarrbly whla ee Ir wu e in le mi me Plut of his = wu,1 Anems oue , 9A fine of $50 aimd coil aes Werla by "_aiumeW.F. - a Mimhuuy-Islai a bu %m ae lics le lthe km se Um deS au M of abtw iuem dua b .a ealyIlhia tISsa tiena of lm est