,Housing crunch brings' diversity to market A poutie dai oReff ia suin ft. mmi.1% nsum 68 lb pwis i huÉ WeIUhy n cu s cmil p rne dun- heun uscdu,"nSm Ius " b myt. "Ida b ie ha-i Ow"im Hamms bsp.s y haidUn .abdiVWiam n unt Cares oids of Ton.- go. -dudno Cd--&rg Lhily endA "his tuée umdaio &M more chaleaging thia pune y.."» saya lIM Rivent, pmMmda. -Sui il.. hien veay - .wdn "The Mm eami idtl key w 10 la limte mii pqUacm afod hy. zAn2 pins am rm"d mme reammbih n glum »Miller co.. saolp HomIs tgd dul aiiedshilky cruùs by ùn,éacV.g bondulms ai h mqmlvbew mbdlvuaio in Dodow lbm.aie condanninium homes huilt it chistera of aie&u Ther. ve four honto on the ma n" Mdo n fuu homes above. The homus on du louer lovai bave walk- maw ard the l upper lm oelhnus have bociia i oucs. sbire à petk. "The, bis word in affordallby." nid MicaW" lm VR uer1 v01110 VMpresdu for SWap Herne, "This au htrm ulp in lbe hmu Wader. bossnt o aiking lbe rres ay 4 u.u-dsliactud humu or gownhoue, we off. lb gais homne. la hm lm prwacy but La Four keyprind of investin Aro&tepuicpof 0<haudng mve lbuf Du. et reuits woUt mm froo owne taaoalp ayu h las l log ut CLe, à= 2. .le rwlgw vent uhan doductibleal m mus tohon tehw quality. D 3. The investin8 sysbtemofy ber lino»o. as "doliWai avermging ar moiduy wli 1usd amounts of man.y. Ci4. Th-at thor. la depondlable suporti bslultte inventacmont. A pian whidi "Mu. aIl Lba. in a "w femd boy a mjor em oefupy whicli o <manda with smne sumill ti*c recorilso mm. yu. if yoo mnven $250 a niontb for example. wili lmid yma the -ace wnotuu - duti y wtoni mts puvcliaaed for ye aCcamn s, - dame @reeblalu daily in lbe pr S nosdDd wc opeui lb pisn. $100 the lemt Imm flic as rien ia Royal Dank Prim plu is bigli et du mnmmi - 16 per ccnt - bui aut o0yj bail l mcià Ieqjrs amd la taul donc by s~îouit nimihy cuaque. If you:,L-. <mewaa MW of MW aumm ove rive theks *.oi<lpWo-a kG.Mo. boit ai utéc wo uidh liai. Thic du ... bu wowds SO90» by muq ai. wmdsipoui Ti i.. s honpua -m W,inimioely.i AIW 1h. yens, I"n pein - off. or wMn h Car inslmns, die -ma senue geuta $3,0X a yeu a a 40 par co rn ackst lb -cc WMo smonyM offl a aîc Tha allo yS a ddfordMIw Iom - um g hi , uin fu l& .I s.a itbou bu unulnud cuw 1 lyu nit. yw RRSP uela for yS. miuý d l in hoMesdns lb w Gndm u mati rs- fimb"«&GALA( Umm Hochaitn u~ Yot* ffe tiued to hy builin quis if ut brue w« M " Ic WN -m dado wSO~6uB5IO mw i ofde"M" loa yI cm am oe hua ade Day. @W d- ms or WU sec! M home, suci uinuu hom or jd n àfai""u bui cona a 11W. len." aym Md &ewod inMbi -he vint of Feel the wumodi-d witno te. styles alto he lb = o f ài oMn- ç<yourneuexecutiveclambom fltiy.". you withcity type conveniences. e Muti ais "oe ofaiN bcepl hon. ued ted prlvacy for peur r: -à aeRnpd a chmaper prie magwhferan buyeu ihn orhilblulvlu b own tint. Dut lb fust-.inse htyer in mot glu only am iacing lbe afferdahliiy crui, ay Sue Webbg-Smiil%. msakeingvecte thb Smy -aY peoe Who aineadyan limn wango wne up to aw ce ies, but can't afford du prices. EniWs refteshanent oni "Mavlng to Lndssy. Cs-r;4e Cdnhmg tiewqjirsi ridh or Barnde oh..e yon cati au a apacous homu th O run ea& on a lauge loi ain a vu7 reasonab pfeS la amtnuJuhtg uàalot ai poeue mn Toroto, aie Fo mor inomtoial: For mm or ntatle ciii lbe Teoro clioiylut (519)>824. 18l1,or um Duildu, Amaaoldr Hutengijsua- LemU sd Jhn ut 19) 767-214i tao Houilor g 391-HOME. 1RFIMI>Xý N ~Miltowne Realty Corps, ratp rdeam 22 Ontario St. SoUth 876-2»65 Ma nat la o 281xM thfl by tohat la icm be doit. r.lbsu 1 or WA878-F1 asand rsporting Hm mi Loin Plan" or- t fml IMUW' WAYNE 478-2365 UNA lb mmi Snopany s RispA MPP agiihmv $50ô th lb -e per MMa 500 ta lb animai ly «»ooM for lbe Llcely sa fait. lnger- isiU hacllhicther ona Thlb deduciion la lu. m weild ham u u u a ou s. valua of lb fand %n ne o 0l ai i- to ce fa niomo O4« 3per MMi avnge need fi. ni ve reduimof <5 tai youw MRP Ion bà tyot ediew ye ubelul A 60 iea w 0» oo*W imuf" M bt-aWWbL*"f* M0 auf *ftA@"^ cw ,2 1< v I I I i r