Ontario's new 'Health 65' crds wil Sreplace OHIP and seniors' rivi1ege cards mmi kWia~. 0& mIU » Mvu nh ,U urai WM M6 U96bIPbU " ffmI bu 61OHIPmi "1 a vu baodq à WMa of'A eaïaI ài 161 bo« 9 Mpi a.6 >o Mn ffloow%0 " efla "I*lc" u&.1 , wmm l pwva. %'h wàoii "mmi. l Mn Ma usu Wi O àffl .lapv D. Mmobain & a%"I. e Embil*ei of On"ut. m a fmi mfl m 10t ffcis m9 0' î Mh Jb.yW 0 FIf haM et. M mmcadlvhaom IAmI miai minmih o. ffl ne and 11»ht balc a V&& kdany VU 61 81110 10 rn â w ypu M Éd M 'Idi »Mw aima muaim do i M M, la lgsf0al mm a. il FS smjis ihe Sw Hie" 65 ioples lb" midi mil bc Iguf ay revuillas Wal uIMm in la a &Halé i ftoniosuw a" Ze Seniors' 65-cent days at museum June 11-15 oaIy mcmi mil b. cuay o Fa aly 63 S aim 6ria pou. Ca"a Pk* Quât oa61ia. iW Si Sa c Lma @W t obIci bau. baillis àwhdaq q-an d caamiN naiu , Io lehn àig *Malaaa. MSac Mu a u MW puc~ pa-vai prcea , e~ -d dary et *, OuMMl Apiulad amii ulsuimasmd MM WaSI OM& *1 00mbré Dm flME pmom.. IMmais **.1.,' 00ys IWO"~. mm. lb .i. Apic"Iai k6 lbe »u $Yom M aqim lm 1i1imI-15. A bu u fviis1 mmn, I ishlocailmakm peant Mbulybmo symn ubd Io aidila m @1l01 etade .'s Spugnoa F.. lm à uoy of Mitas, dM=1 61 un et h. icor m. cluy iowàm ai m.rguluy ucheded avants. 8emm' hact. follom by a Iilbay aml pmvuo'sapm Mdl lia aimmd dis. mdr *a Sw Dapi 1990 mii' beodumy a h *M.1 ba imt My aupuaS Mym. $150 sdlu wid be avit ims of àt 32-bieuc Me »c and m babuY. *form mai l isip mi wéq oaa *8 ma 10 pous. aa4am« acomi a dupley of lbe pick.yaow.ma bwey brut b- r"u batm. w 's va a' ha b m a a- ai ha h. 's' p mas MInimy Of How to do Business with the Ontario Government A business opportunity for companies in southern Ontario Las: year the O)ntario Goverumeni psrchased over S2 billion worth of goMds anîd services. And you cari gain asacess t1ihai marketplace. 11we Ministi> of (3overnment Services ha% de- sigried a fiee one day seminar Io give you %omne pointers on how Io do business with the provin- cial govemment. Purchasing representatives froin several minis- tries wilI discuss thse business opponunities avoulable for both large and small comparues. These seminars will give you an understanding of thse govemment's purchasing practices and information on specific local initiatives. It will ahso introduce you to0 sime of tIse people who do tIse buying. As well. you cari arrange for individual interviews in thse aflernoon to discuss specific business opportunities with govemment huyers. Sellang to thse Ontario Govemment - it makes gond business sense. To pre-register or1 ro fnd out more, pIease contact one of tIse foliowang Chambers of CommerceîBsrs of Trade: Brantford. Hamilton. Burlingion, Milton. Georgetown. Oakville. Bramnpton. Business Opportunlty Seminars 8:30 a.m. - 9:() arn. Registration qo) a.m. - 12:30 p.m Seminat Presentation 12:30 >.m. -4:30 p.m. Individual supplier! Buyer meetings Business Opportunity Seminair Location Brashford June 19. 1990 Besi Western Brant Park Inn 19 Holiday Drive Humihon lune 19. 1990 Royal Conmaught Hosel 112 King Strect East BulilatoS lune 20. 1990 Holiday Inn 3063 South Service Road Brampton June 21,1990 Pegasus Banquet Hall 40B Hansen Road South Orgm.med by the Ministry of Govemment Services an coaerainon widlh yosg local Chamber of Comnw-ce Bond of *rât - r~1 L~i VMinouAINUM Bank services subject té GST "Mca Tua" for la by 1991W mi av a*M idbu. -wtfob - a - MW~ 0" b mu aa w UM M qu mai b, c.PMiai Md mU M A sai * 0 R TM I f. M M - flua Ou -9 A s d s & @@ M o n "- bAs ",in àea tu «.. unand me Wil psymf aià cil. -cM Ca-.a OMM eMoicu c *u 1. FWVb h o il h. elth S a ms mai hav a M"*l aspaekm cui If10S in1 Mcin bah.g. bus<ce -in ai Si lsu emoma bmiM ambPn 19la*a con Imm6.1sus wia ibmS ca& mm meas M àboumai *81- cMMM 9h. le CM&o oe6zsis aig lidyen &P -cco Ah.@M @M Us M -*I aium -" m-i est I101 bbino ,wsi oM o...11.49% SiO.OO4lCOiilO ... .12.49% sîom ......... 1165% lm. Mm. uos -â Omc- an" bivaimaim l a S ny Whl mnd (cu My -f 16w r Ws ropo dil MNau -. relo -W du insM MW, not b. av§"s at 8 Mm ers-' i' duslq ft fluib DMd Sw. Nr. Ontrj